Request for a VIRTUAL INTERVENTION with my wife Moopy



  • tatooedinpink
    tatooedinpink Member Posts: 95
    OMG!! Buy the shoes or I am going to request he send me the $$
    Hey, a husband who begs his wife to buy new shoes??? ONLY in my dreams!!!!
    Hey Moopy girl, buy those tennies!!!! Your feet will thank you!

    Kudos to hubby for the post....too funny!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    It's a Shoe-In
    I used to be a lover of shoes...loved them ,loved them, loved them! Used to be being the operative words. I now hate them, hate them, hate them!

    I don't know if any of your feet got hot and retain heat following cancer, but that is absolutely my experience. I don't care if its 25 degrees with 10 feet of snow, my feet HAVE to be outside the sheets/covers at night or I feel actually claustrophobic. I used to have soft, baby-butt feet, and I still am vanity personified when it comes to pedicures, etc. But, because of my feet staying so warm all the time, I wear flip-flops all the time, and I don't even own a pair of socks anymore! So, of course, my formerly soft feet are now not so soft.... :-(

    You know I do 5K's and Jazzercise and walk 3X a week. Of course I don't wear flip flops to do that~ but I would if I could! What I do wear are Nike-ID 5.0. They are pricey, $100.00 pricey, but I just threw out my first pair after my latest 5K...they had served me well for 5 years! So, doing the math, it was $100 well spent! They are called ID's because you can design them yourself~ mine are black/yellow to reflect my admiration and support of Lance Armstrong ( or is that Legstrong?)

    Crocks now makes open toed Mary Jane sandals, so yes, I got some of those too! In 2 different colors. Nice! some shoes!!!

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    Shoes, shoes, shoes
    Hi Moopy,
    I agree with Joe,go out and buy yourself some new shoes. I know how hard it can be to find just the right kind. I have very wide feet, I live in New Balance sneakers. Mine even have a little pink ribbon on the tongue. I bought them long before I was diagnosed kind of wierd huh. You can even buy them online if you choose. New Balance and Easy Spirit are the only brand I can slip right into and wear without weeks of trying to break them in. Good Luck.
    Love, Nancy

    Hi Nancy
    It is nice to see you. How are rads going? It is weird about the little pink ribbon bought long before. I got in my closet the other day and found a scrub top for work I hadn't worn in years and low and behold it had little pink ribbons between the flowers. weird again.
    Let us know how your doing.
    Love ya
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member

    Moopy - RETAIL THERAPY must commence!
    Starting with new shoes!

    As other posters here have already stated, during and after chemo - and to this day - I cannot cheap out on shoes. Comfort and support are essential! And cheap shoes simply do not provide either feature. Thank goodness nowadays really good supportive shoes can be cute & fashionable, too.

    I also totally understand the exhaustion aspect of shopping for shoes, specifically. A couple of tops & a hoodie - simple! You know your size, pick a style & color off the rack, pay - outta there! Easy! Joe, you gotta help her. Moopy - you must get to a real shoe store/shoe department where there's STAFF to assist you. Don't go to the "self serve" places - too tiring right now. Pick a WHOLE BUNCH of styles, then sit down in a chair, and have the staff bring the shoes to you! Might be good to start with a good pair of walking shoes...

    Moopy, dear - you really DO NEED a new and GOOD pair of shoes! Especially if you're gonna start walking with Joe & the dogs again - you know, getting out & about a little more.

    Best of luck to you, as you take this first step (lame pun?) towards RETAIL THERAPY! Then, on to the sofa shopping!!! Hey, you had BETTER get new shoes before you even attempt sofa shopping - furniture stores can be huge! And if your feet are hurting - how will you be able to tell if the NEW SOFA is comfortable?

    Kind regards, Susan

    I Got Shoes!
    How could I resist my retail therapy group, under the leadership of Ms. Susan out of Chicago????

    In fact, I went all out and bought 2 pairs, Sketchers and Easy Spirit (thanks Marcia). Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I will check New Balance and Nike for shoes as soon as I start exercising. Mimi, thanks for the link. I am afraid I am a dull shoe-person, though. The shoes that hurt are Bjorn and Clarks brands, very plain.

    Have to share this: before I started chemo, a neighbor who previously had treatment warned me of side effects. One of them was your feet growing 2 or 3 sizes. So, I was afraid I was going to look like Bozo. Bald head and huge feet. Am happy that I got only the bald part.

    Anyway, my husband will thank you because he was tired of my complaining about foot problems. I only wish we could have gone shopping together, my friends. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a gathering somewhere? A CSN convention. Retail Therapy would definitely be one of our activities.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    I Got Shoes!
    How could I resist my retail therapy group, under the leadership of Ms. Susan out of Chicago????

    In fact, I went all out and bought 2 pairs, Sketchers and Easy Spirit (thanks Marcia). Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I will check New Balance and Nike for shoes as soon as I start exercising. Mimi, thanks for the link. I am afraid I am a dull shoe-person, though. The shoes that hurt are Bjorn and Clarks brands, very plain.

    Have to share this: before I started chemo, a neighbor who previously had treatment warned me of side effects. One of them was your feet growing 2 or 3 sizes. So, I was afraid I was going to look like Bozo. Bald head and huge feet. Am happy that I got only the bald part.

    Anyway, my husband will thank you because he was tired of my complaining about foot problems. I only wish we could have gone shopping together, my friends. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a gathering somewhere? A CSN convention. Retail Therapy would definitely be one of our activities.

    CSN Convention
    Moopy! that is a great idea! we should find a spot in the middle of the country (or you could all come to my house!) and have a family reunion.
    so glad you got your shoes, I was very worried about a woman who didn't have shoes. I have shelves of them, even if they don't stay on long. I get to work at kick them under my desk, and there they stay til I leave again. My boss would occasionally hide them from me so I had to go on a scavenger hunt through the office to find them.

    You really need to buy more and soon. We wouldn't want Aortus to be upset right now, he has waaay too many godguppies to take care of!

    Have fun shopping!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    I Got Shoes!
    How could I resist my retail therapy group, under the leadership of Ms. Susan out of Chicago????

    In fact, I went all out and bought 2 pairs, Sketchers and Easy Spirit (thanks Marcia). Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I will check New Balance and Nike for shoes as soon as I start exercising. Mimi, thanks for the link. I am afraid I am a dull shoe-person, though. The shoes that hurt are Bjorn and Clarks brands, very plain.

    Have to share this: before I started chemo, a neighbor who previously had treatment warned me of side effects. One of them was your feet growing 2 or 3 sizes. So, I was afraid I was going to look like Bozo. Bald head and huge feet. Am happy that I got only the bald part.

    Anyway, my husband will thank you because he was tired of my complaining about foot problems. I only wish we could have gone shopping together, my friends. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a gathering somewhere? A CSN convention. Retail Therapy would definitely be one of our activities.

    HURRAY!!! Moopy, dear, you get an A+ for buying TWO pairs, not just one! Skechers are awesome - cute, stylish AND comfortable, supportive. One of my favorite brands. A day well spent! Your feet will thank you, and Aortus will thank us!

    What's up with that neighbor? HULLO? Sounds like an old wives tale to me... Geez... Bozo you are most certainly NOT! And never could be, either!

    Awesome idea, Moopy! A CSN Breast Cancer Group convention - including RETAIL THERAPY every day! We could set a precedent for BC recovery!

    Hey, I'm just so darned happy about the darned shoes, and happy for you! Soon, you'll be walking the dogs with Joe! YAY!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Moopy23 said:

    I Got Shoes!
    How could I resist my retail therapy group, under the leadership of Ms. Susan out of Chicago????

    In fact, I went all out and bought 2 pairs, Sketchers and Easy Spirit (thanks Marcia). Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I will check New Balance and Nike for shoes as soon as I start exercising. Mimi, thanks for the link. I am afraid I am a dull shoe-person, though. The shoes that hurt are Bjorn and Clarks brands, very plain.

    Have to share this: before I started chemo, a neighbor who previously had treatment warned me of side effects. One of them was your feet growing 2 or 3 sizes. So, I was afraid I was going to look like Bozo. Bald head and huge feet. Am happy that I got only the bald part.

    Anyway, my husband will thank you because he was tired of my complaining about foot problems. I only wish we could have gone shopping together, my friends. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a gathering somewhere? A CSN convention. Retail Therapy would definitely be one of our activities.

    Good. Glad you found some
    Good. Glad you found some shoes you like. I was just going to give your cyber butt a cyber kick if you hadn't by now. Hope you enjoy.