microcalcifications what are they



  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    fachem said:

    hi all...hope all is well and getting there.....sunny...wow.....great news bilateral and not bc...great news and very happy for you......well have my biopsy scheduled for may 1, 2009...may day so i am all prepared or so i think.......i have a sense of freedom so called.....i believe i have made it past that i can't believe it is happening to me state and have transitioned to the yes it is happening and get with the program state.....this site and others have helped me in self education concerning bc, mamos and by new best friend my linear grouped microcalcifications....lol......i am feeling more confident about my decision to go ahead with the biopsy and have prepared myself for both a good and not so good outcome.
    my dear friend and i have been communicating the past few weeks more so than before...she is great and said to me tonight....." trish.....you sat thru 2hrs of three sessions for a root canal...6 hrs of discomfort and anxiety to save ONE TOOTH.....I think you can deal with an hr to an hr and 1/2 of a boob biopsy to save your life..make sense and you even get th eday off from work".....I had to laugh but true words.....if I can save a tooth and tolerate all the pain that goes with a root canal I think I can do this biopsy........she is right..forget the tooth save the life....!!!!!! just wanted to thank all for their time and encouragement. I truly believe it is not the waiting for the biopsy and the reults that are getting to me , it is the delay I allowed in gettign the biopsy...well better late than never..pray for me and I will do the same for you all......hugs and lots of love....trish......will keep you posted....

    Good Luck to You, Trish
    Hi, Trish. I will be hoping & praying that your results mimic Sunny's. We absolutely love GOOD NEWS within this group; so, again, hoping we'll get some from YOU, next. Am so glad you've got the wonderful support from your dear friend - she sounds like a truly caring & wise woman. Folks like that in our lives, and groups like this, get us through - no matter what.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    christmas girl (susan) thank you so much for all the thoughts and spiritual energies going out..........yes my friend is very caring and wise and i love her dearly.....hoping my results will be ok, however, if not....will deal with it and yes...it is so great to have the support from within this group.......it is so comforting to know that this exists.......there are so many feelings, support written in words in the posted comments is is almost as if we are all next to each other and have been brought together for clearly distinct reasons......i can post here an dknow that i will be understood and excepted.....very comforting....will keep everyone posted and will connect next friday after the biopsy........my friend always ends our conversations by never saying goodbye...she says..."dream of the angels with little pink ribbons and wings".....you do the same...nite all...trish
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    hi all...it is trish.....had my biopsy at 9 am today..was home by 10:30 am.....so glad i did it..thank you all so much for your support and encouragement needed it...was not bad at all..no pain..real quick and comfortable...a great doctor and staff...he said he got all the micros out and sent to lab....said if it is not benign it is at a very early stage and treatment will be easier,,, he will call me with results on monday 5/4/09.....i am not nervous or scared of the outcome he was encouraging so even if ca in early stage which is positive and i will have to decide what treatment is the best for me....will be tapping your brains and experience with help if it turns out not benign.....he did metion fibrocystic breat disease is very common with this type of calcs..i am not banking on anything till results come back.....not nervous if ca just want to make the right decision in treatment.....had a sense of peace laying on the table prayed alot before and truly believe my higher power was holding my hand.......all the way thru it........will keep you poated on results and will be reaching out once again for help if necessary..........my best friend was right......biopsy was so much easier than a root canal....have a great weekend...prayers of thanks to all and hugs to all.........trish......
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    fachem said:

    hi all...it is trish.....had my biopsy at 9 am today..was home by 10:30 am.....so glad i did it..thank you all so much for your support and encouragement needed it...was not bad at all..no pain..real quick and comfortable...a great doctor and staff...he said he got all the micros out and sent to lab....said if it is not benign it is at a very early stage and treatment will be easier,,, he will call me with results on monday 5/4/09.....i am not nervous or scared of the outcome he was encouraging so even if ca in early stage which is positive and i will have to decide what treatment is the best for me....will be tapping your brains and experience with help if it turns out not benign.....he did metion fibrocystic breat disease is very common with this type of calcs..i am not banking on anything till results come back.....not nervous if ca just want to make the right decision in treatment.....had a sense of peace laying on the table prayed alot before and truly believe my higher power was holding my hand.......all the way thru it........will keep you poated on results and will be reaching out once again for help if necessary..........my best friend was right......biopsy was so much easier than a root canal....have a great weekend...prayers of thanks to all and hugs to all.........trish......

    Hi, Trish
    Glad your biopsy is now done, and was not so bad for you. Please do keep us informed. I'll be hoping for the best possible outcome. Keep up your great attitude! One step at a time, that's all any of us can ever take. Not another darned thing can be done until results are in hand.

    Kindest regards, Susan
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    susan (christmas girl)...thank you for response.......yes ..will keep everyone posted.......
    now the waiting game but pretty much prepared for the good and the worst possible scenario.....biopsy was no problem great staff.........have a great weekend...hugs and more hugs to all........trish
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    fachem said:

    susan (christmas girl)...thank you for response.......yes ..will keep everyone posted.......
    now the waiting game but pretty much prepared for the good and the worst possible scenario.....biopsy was no problem great staff.........have a great weekend...hugs and more hugs to all........trish

    I will be praying for you as others on the site. Please let us know as soon as you can what the results are. We are all here for you...24/7...as lots have trouble sleeping. LOL
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    noel..thanks for the thoughts and prayers.....not as fearful of the results...the past week i have had a clearer head and more of a peace of mind.....i can sleep thanks for that......i was raised catholic and not as religious as a catholic should be these last few decades......i do believe in my higher power and the power of prayer....i believe that all of this recent garbage with the microcals has deepened my faith though so maybe that is why i can sleep....i hope.......two things happened this past week that floored me...one christmas my parents gave me a infant of prague statue it is a infant of jesus statue hand raised and one holding the world.....a catholic thing.......well the hand broke one year and as time went on i cannot recall what happened to the statue.....to keep my mind off of the biopsy results i went through my old books and gave them to the good will store..well..would you know..there was this 3 inch statue of prague on the shelf with the hand off.....i had chills all over...well for 40 cents i took it home///strange but true.....the other incident on tuesday got thru the mail a prayer book from a catholic monastery asking for donation and my special intentions well.......sent money back and started praying for me and others like us going thru the same issues......one thing i know all this microcal experience has renewed my faith in the power of prayer////will keep u posted...hugs and get some sleep ya all!!! trish
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    hi all.....well results of stero biopsy are in and they are benign (B9)......have no follow up until next 2/2010......i am very fortunate to have this result and want to express my sincerest gratitude and best wishes to all who were there for me on this issue...prayers and hugs to all......it is true what they say..."roller coaster"......definitely........i was torn between getting the biopsy or not.....my inner self said no and my medical self said yes....i am glad i did because we do not know what the future holds......i do not consider myself a ststistic for uncessary biospy regardless of the fact my first thought on this was no...with the help of others like you i opt to have it and it worked out well for now and future.....i am blessed......the power of prayer truly does work.......thank you for all the support.......hugs, kisses and prayers to all for a safe journey thru life...remember...dream of the angels...i did and she was right beside me all the way...take care ...trish
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    fachem said:

    hi all.....well results of stero biopsy are in and they are benign (B9)......have no follow up until next 2/2010......i am very fortunate to have this result and want to express my sincerest gratitude and best wishes to all who were there for me on this issue...prayers and hugs to all......it is true what they say..."roller coaster"......definitely........i was torn between getting the biopsy or not.....my inner self said no and my medical self said yes....i am glad i did because we do not know what the future holds......i do not consider myself a ststistic for uncessary biospy regardless of the fact my first thought on this was no...with the help of others like you i opt to have it and it worked out well for now and future.....i am blessed......the power of prayer truly does work.......thank you for all the support.......hugs, kisses and prayers to all for a safe journey thru life...remember...dream of the angels...i did and she was right beside me all the way...take care ...trish

    I am so happy for you Fachem. Thank God and I mean that! I had been worrying about you, wondering what you were going to do. But, I thought, no news is good news, and, I was right! I am just so pleased with your results. It is so nice to get good news on this site. You have made my night Fachem! Best of luck to you always!
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    fachem said:

    hi all.....well results of stero biopsy are in and they are benign (B9)......have no follow up until next 2/2010......i am very fortunate to have this result and want to express my sincerest gratitude and best wishes to all who were there for me on this issue...prayers and hugs to all......it is true what they say..."roller coaster"......definitely........i was torn between getting the biopsy or not.....my inner self said no and my medical self said yes....i am glad i did because we do not know what the future holds......i do not consider myself a ststistic for uncessary biospy regardless of the fact my first thought on this was no...with the help of others like you i opt to have it and it worked out well for now and future.....i am blessed......the power of prayer truly does work.......thank you for all the support.......hugs, kisses and prayers to all for a safe journey thru life...remember...dream of the angels...i did and she was right beside me all the way...take care ...trish

    Heartfelt happiness! :-)
    YAY! for you, trish! Fabulous news! Thanks for sharing!

    Absolutely not - you most certainly are NOT merely a "statistic for unnecessary biopsy"!!! And I'd bet each & every member of THIS group agrees with me.

    Much better SAFE, than sorry!

    Best wishes to you, for continued good health!

    Kind regards, Susan
  • fachem
    fachem Member Posts: 16
    susan/noel.....thank you so much for the best wishes.......thru my experience of doubt, uncertainty, confusion with my decision some clarity was born...........literally........hopefully i will one day be able to encourage others to have a more positive view and outlook on biopsies.......

    i can say this much....this experience has made me appreciate my life. family, friends and coworkers more and tap into my spiritual self which i have been lacking in...........a relationship with my higher power......

    best wishes to all..thank you all......hugs and more hugs trish.....
  • faithnhope
    faithnhope Member Posts: 5

    Heartfelt happiness! :-)
    YAY! for you, trish! Fabulous news! Thanks for sharing!

    Absolutely not - you most certainly are NOT merely a "statistic for unnecessary biopsy"!!! And I'd bet each & every member of THIS group agrees with me.

    Much better SAFE, than sorry!

    Best wishes to you, for continued good health!

    Kind regards, Susan

    should i get second opinion?
    The radiologist said that i should get a stero core biopsy. Should I get a second opinion from a surgeon or just go do the biopsy? Is there a high % that the califications will be cancerous? If it is cancerous, what happens next? Is there a high rate of usccess for life if caught at this stage? I am in my late 50's .Sorry for all the questions just very nervous now.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867

    should i get second opinion?
    The radiologist said that i should get a stero core biopsy. Should I get a second opinion from a surgeon or just go do the biopsy? Is there a high % that the califications will be cancerous? If it is cancerous, what happens next? Is there a high rate of usccess for life if caught at this stage? I am in my late 50's .Sorry for all the questions just very nervous now.

    Hi faithnhope!
    My mammogram showed up microcalcifications, which is a sign that something is going on. So, I then had an ultrasound guided core biopsy to see if it was cancer, which it was. I don't know the percentages for it, if it is cancer or if it isn't. I just know it is wise to have it done, to make sure, either way. When I found it was cancerous, I was immediately setup with my oncologist to discuss my treatment, my plastic surgeon to discuss the surgery and the radiation oncologist.

    I understand you are nervous..we all were. So, ask all the questions you want! Hugs, Jeanne
  • faithnhope
    faithnhope Member Posts: 5
    what happens after biopsy?
    If the answer after biopsy is cancer , how do they get the califications out? Does one always then get radiation? Thanks
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380

    what happens after biopsy?
    If the answer after biopsy is cancer , how do they get the califications out? Does one always then get radiation? Thanks

    Take a deep breath...
    There are a lot of possible answers to your question. First of all, get the biopsy done. It's not a horrible procedure. One of the most important things I've found, through my experience and I think most other posters here will back me up, is that it's VERY important to take one step at a time. No matter what happens, we're all here to tell you, "You can do this!"

    If the biopsy results show cancer, there are still many possibilities. From what you have shared about the microcalcifications, if they are malignant it could be what's called Stage 0 DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). That basically means that 1)it was caught very early and 2)it is probably confined to the duct system of your breast(s)-- the parts that produced milk. [I am not a doctor, so don't make assumptions here...I'm just trying to give you some more information that might help).

    BTW, I had DCIS with a lump and a multitude of clustered microcalcifications. I was told that DCIS rarely produces a lump. Normally it shows up as yours has.

    I ended up having a double mastectomy with reconstruction at the same time (6 weeks ago; I turned 54 in the meantime). Because no lymph nodes were involved, I do not need either radiation or chemo, so although the surgery was aggressive, with the removal of all breast tissue I am now breast cancer free. I consider that a good deal in the grand scheme of things!!

    In any case, again I would caution you to take all this one step at a time, do a lot of deep breathing, and spend a lot of time here -- it's the best place for good information (there are a lot of scary, non-factual sites out there...stick with ACS or Susan G. Komen and you can get the best information). This discussion board is THE BEST PLACE. You'll get all the support you need, lots of virtual hugs and love, and no judgement.

    So get that biopsy done and let us know what's happening!!!!

    Hang in there!
  • faithnhope
    faithnhope Member Posts: 5
    bfbear said:

    Take a deep breath...
    There are a lot of possible answers to your question. First of all, get the biopsy done. It's not a horrible procedure. One of the most important things I've found, through my experience and I think most other posters here will back me up, is that it's VERY important to take one step at a time. No matter what happens, we're all here to tell you, "You can do this!"

    If the biopsy results show cancer, there are still many possibilities. From what you have shared about the microcalcifications, if they are malignant it could be what's called Stage 0 DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). That basically means that 1)it was caught very early and 2)it is probably confined to the duct system of your breast(s)-- the parts that produced milk. [I am not a doctor, so don't make assumptions here...I'm just trying to give you some more information that might help).

    BTW, I had DCIS with a lump and a multitude of clustered microcalcifications. I was told that DCIS rarely produces a lump. Normally it shows up as yours has.

    I ended up having a double mastectomy with reconstruction at the same time (6 weeks ago; I turned 54 in the meantime). Because no lymph nodes were involved, I do not need either radiation or chemo, so although the surgery was aggressive, with the removal of all breast tissue I am now breast cancer free. I consider that a good deal in the grand scheme of things!!

    In any case, again I would caution you to take all this one step at a time, do a lot of deep breathing, and spend a lot of time here -- it's the best place for good information (there are a lot of scary, non-factual sites out there...stick with ACS or Susan G. Komen and you can get the best information). This discussion board is THE BEST PLACE. You'll get all the support you need, lots of virtual hugs and love, and no judgement.

    So get that biopsy done and let us know what's happening!!!!

    Hang in there!

    feel more at peace
    thanks for encouraging words of taking each step as it comes. It make me calmer than thinking of every step. I applaud you for the decision you made.It is one less thing to constantly worry about for the rest of your life. If this is cancer, I know I will be wondering if all the radiation will bring new problems later on so a decision will be made. oh well one step at a time ..
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380

    feel more at peace
    thanks for encouraging words of taking each step as it comes. It make me calmer than thinking of every step. I applaud you for the decision you made.It is one less thing to constantly worry about for the rest of your life. If this is cancer, I know I will be wondering if all the radiation will bring new problems later on so a decision will be made. oh well one step at a time ..

    one step at a time (use that as a mantra!).

    Don't worry about radiation or chemo right now. You might not even need it!!

    When's your biopsy?
  • faithnhope
    faithnhope Member Posts: 5
    bfbear said:

    one step at a time (use that as a mantra!).

    Don't worry about radiation or chemo right now. You might not even need it!!

    When's your biopsy?

    so soon
    I am just so surprised that I can get it tomorrow. I don't know if I should of gotten a second opinion about it. I am surprised he is comparing it to a pic from 2004 and said it wasn't there then. Wondering if someone else would say to wait and see if the cluster disappears on own.(can that happen?)
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380

    so soon
    I am just so surprised that I can get it tomorrow. I don't know if I should of gotten a second opinion about it. I am surprised he is comparing it to a pic from 2004 and said it wasn't there then. Wondering if someone else would say to wait and see if the cluster disappears on own.(can that happen?)

    Do it now
    My advice: You don't need a second opinion for a biopsy. When you have the results, then you go for a second opinion if you're not comfortable with your doctor. Microcalcs, as far as I know, do not disappear. They may be benign, but they will not disappear.

    Get the biopsy. That is step #1. Then worry about the next step

    Remember...the biopsy is not a big deal. They give you a local anesthetic, if you want some anti-anxiety stuff before hand, ask for it. The radiologist should tell you everything he/she will do before they do it. You'll go home with an ice pack, and that will be that.

    Just do it!!!

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    bfbear said:

    Do it now
    My advice: You don't need a second opinion for a biopsy. When you have the results, then you go for a second opinion if you're not comfortable with your doctor. Microcalcs, as far as I know, do not disappear. They may be benign, but they will not disappear.

    Get the biopsy. That is step #1. Then worry about the next step

    Remember...the biopsy is not a big deal. They give you a local anesthetic, if you want some anti-anxiety stuff before hand, ask for it. The radiologist should tell you everything he/she will do before they do it. You'll go home with an ice pack, and that will be that.

    Just do it!!!


    Debi gave you the best
    Debi gave you the best advice. Just get the biopsy first, then deal with the results. Everything could be just fine! My cancer showed up as microcalcifications on my mammo too. It wasn't there in the mammo the year before. Just take it one step at a time!