Sorry it's taken me so long to get this out to you. We didn't get home from Champaign until late and I've been ((well, WE'VE been)) busy doing some beforehand Christmas dinner things.
We met w/ the surgeon this morning at 11:00. We really like him. He's very down to earth...doesn't use the High dollar words too much. Is honest and very straight forward when he speaks. Here's what took place today....
Dr. Tender (yes, TENDER) said it would be in Hop's best interest to remove the whole colon and rectum to diminish the chances of the cancer coming back. He said there is a slight chance the 2nd tumor ISN'T malignant, but wasn't real encouraging on that part.
They drew blood today for a CEA test and next Tuesday, they'll do both a CT scan and a PET scan to see if THE BEAST has matastisized. If it has, then we'll be doing Chemo before surgery to try and kill some of the cells and make the places somewhat smaller. He said the hospital stay would be about a week............There will be good pain management and they're also going to use an epideral (sp)..........you would think after working for a doctor for a while I'd know how to spell some of these words.
Then we go back to the surgeon Jan. 08 for more information.-------Of course, Hop is really depressed this evening. Told me he guessed he would have to handle this in his own way and that he hadn't made up his mind yet to have the surgery done....I told him he doesn't have a choice and he WILL have it done as that's the one thing that will keep him alive.
Dr answered all the questions I had in my notebook and more........so now there will be new sets of questions, as one of you suggested there would be.
All in all, we didn't hear any more bad news that we didn't already know. Guess we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop............Here we go again on another waiting game, which makes us crazy. I really thought we'd learn more today than we did, but the consult seems to be more of a Dr. getting to know patient and visa versa....which is good.
Thanks to one and all for the support and prayers. I just love you all to pieces.
Hi, Marygale.
I'm glad the
Hi, Marygale.
I'm glad the visit went well, and that you liked the doctor. Love his name! I know the waiting is hard, but it's good to have all the information before proceeding. I'm sure it's scary for both of you, but I hope your husband will be at peace about the operation when it does happen.
Gail0 -
Now you know your path, I have a buddy that doesn't have a large colon or a rectum and he is NED (No evidence of disease) and doing fine today. One word of caution, you have to have an eye on that light at the end of the tunnel at all times in which of course is complete recovery and NED. It seems insurmountable to most everyone but in order to heal you have to want to be healed, there is but one other option, and we're not ready for that one just yet. It is a lot different when it is actually told to you to your face isn't it. I can remember when I was first told that yes it was cancer. I never heard anything else after that. But, now here I sit with a 5fu bag on my shoulder dripping into my port and tomorrow I go to the 2nd day of my 7th of 12 post op systemic non reoccurence treatments and besides the occasionally scans I will be done with this monster for I will have beat his butt into submission and he will never, ever come to my house again, I won't allow it......In a year you will be done with this altogether. I have faith in that. Tell Hop to do what I had to do, go through this for the ones you love, don't do it for yourself. I lost my father to stomach cancer and even though his days we're on the couch sometimes he also had a lot of great days and I loved everyone I got.....He was terminal but had the survival instinct to stay alive...and he out lived them another 1 1/2 years more than he was supposed to...mostly because he wanted to........God Bless ya both and I will check in on ya'll again soon......Merry Christmas....enjoy it and forget the problems you can't do anything about......celebrate Christs Birthday and smile...God Bless you both.....and Miracles are coming........... :-)0 -
GAIL:tootsie1 said:Hi, Marygale.
I'm glad the
Hi, Marygale.
I'm glad the visit went well, and that you liked the doctor. Love his name! I know the waiting is hard, but it's good to have all the information before proceeding. I'm sure it's scary for both of you, but I hope your husband will be at peace about the operation when it does happen.
Thanks so much and I truly hope you're right. It's just hard to see that far ahead right now
Marygale0 -
The meet and greets are so important.
You get to know each other. And confidence builds.
As far as Hop not wanting surgery...this is such a normal reaction...we are in disbelief as to our condition, and want it just to go away. Especially with such a big plan as was laid out today.
I am sending my biggest prayers for you both. Please keep us posted.
Hugs, Kathi0 -
PATHBuzzard said:Path
Now you know your path, I have a buddy that doesn't have a large colon or a rectum and he is NED (No evidence of disease) and doing fine today. One word of caution, you have to have an eye on that light at the end of the tunnel at all times in which of course is complete recovery and NED. It seems insurmountable to most everyone but in order to heal you have to want to be healed, there is but one other option, and we're not ready for that one just yet. It is a lot different when it is actually told to you to your face isn't it. I can remember when I was first told that yes it was cancer. I never heard anything else after that. But, now here I sit with a 5fu bag on my shoulder dripping into my port and tomorrow I go to the 2nd day of my 7th of 12 post op systemic non reoccurence treatments and besides the occasionally scans I will be done with this monster for I will have beat his butt into submission and he will never, ever come to my house again, I won't allow it......In a year you will be done with this altogether. I have faith in that. Tell Hop to do what I had to do, go through this for the ones you love, don't do it for yourself. I lost my father to stomach cancer and even though his days we're on the couch sometimes he also had a lot of great days and I loved everyone I got.....He was terminal but had the survival instinct to stay alive...and he out lived them another 1 1/2 years more than he was supposed to...mostly because he wanted to........God Bless ya both and I will check in on ya'll again soon......Merry Christmas....enjoy it and forget the problems you can't do anything about......celebrate Christs Birthday and smile...God Bless you both.....and Miracles are coming........... :-)
Thank you so much for the encouraging words and thoughts. Yes, we're waiting for a miracle. And remembering the quote about the "Faith of a mustard seed". And, the song, "Lord, you Gave Me A Mountain". Boy, HE really gave us a tall mountain this time, but with all you good people responding the way you do, it's easier to climb. We're just SO still at the bottom right now.
Marygale0 -
KATHIKathiM said:The meet and greets are so important.
You get to know each other. And confidence builds.
As far as Hop not wanting surgery...this is such a normal reaction...we are in disbelief as to our condition, and want it just to go away. Especially with such a big plan as was laid out today.
I am sending my biggest prayers for you both. Please keep us posted.
Hugs, Kathi
Another thank you for jolting me back into reality. I guess Hop's feelings are pretty normal and maybe we're still in disbelief somehow. I wake up hearing the doctor telling me "This man...........has cancer"...........and I just want it to go away.
Somehow, I'm feeling a calming effect and I know it's from all the prayers and concerns we've received. God is making me stronger so I can help Hop better.
Thanks, Kathi.
Hugs and blessings,
Marygale0 -
Hang in there Marygale
Hop's reaction is normal. I know when I was DX'd in October, my first reaction was "radiation will get it and I won't need the surgery." How wrong I was. I have accepted it now, and even the fact that there's a good chance I will have a permanent colostomy. You take it one day at a time. Hop has so much to process right now. You are a good partner. Keep challenging him and pushing him.
BTW - hubby & I moved to CO 10 years ago from west central Illinois (between Galesburg & Peoria.) Where are you?
Vicki0 -
VICKIVickiCO said:Hang in there Marygale
Hop's reaction is normal. I know when I was DX'd in October, my first reaction was "radiation will get it and I won't need the surgery." How wrong I was. I have accepted it now, and even the fact that there's a good chance I will have a permanent colostomy. You take it one day at a time. Hop has so much to process right now. You are a good partner. Keep challenging him and pushing him.
BTW - hubby & I moved to CO 10 years ago from west central Illinois (between Galesburg & Peoria.) Where are you?
More words of encouragement...THANKS ! ! ! I'm so proud of you for accepting what must be and it sounds as tho you're doing all that gracefully. It IS One Day At A Time, isn't it.
You have my prayers and best wishes for a beautiful life.
Small world, huh? We live in E Central Illinois. About 45 miles S. of Champaign and a wee bit west. Arthur is a small rural community in the heart of Amish country. Small town where it seems everybody knows everyone's elses business if you know what I mean,...but the town still pulls together. Very friendly place t live
I had 3 pies in the oven by 6:00 a.m. today and have 3 more to fix. ""Big Family"". Speaking of which, all 4 sons and their familys are giving us so much support and love, and we're drawing on that. G.kids (8) all want to spend Christmas w/ their g.pa (they all know what's going on.....youngest is a sophmore in hi school. What a compliment. I know it'll help Hop.
Thans again for sharing your words of wisdom and experience. You guys are keeping us going right now. Such a wonderful group. I call ya'll "My Special Angels"
have a Blessed, Merry Christmas
Marygale0 -
God's peace
I have to echo what everyone else here is saying. It IS scary, it DOES suck, and it isn't going to get any easier. The hard decisions have to be made by Hop and he just needs a little time to absorb and conquer. We can all remember the fear and disbelief when we were first told we had cancer, then when we heard what was going to be our battle against the beast. But you DO get to that point one day where you just realize that it IS a battle, and that you aren't about to let the beast win! Your loved ones depend on your giving it your everything and God gives you the strength you need. I think His best gift is that while we are in the midst of the battle, we can't see very far ahead. He gives us the strength we need at the moment, and that is good enough! Then the moment is over and we are on to the next moment, which He gives us the strength to get through. Small steps and then you are miles down the road, smiling and enjoying the view! You are in my prayers. Have a blessed Christmas.
mary0 -
PIEmsccolon said:And can I have some of that pie?!!!
Yep, come on over and we'll put the coffee on too. 3 Cherry and 3 Dutch Apple...all home made...and DONE.
MG0 -
So jealous!captainhop said:PIE
Yep, come on over and we'll put the coffee on too. 3 Cherry and 3 Dutch Apple...all home made...and DONE.
I had to go make some orange rolls (yea, the kind from the can, alas!)!
mary0 -
ORANGE ROLLSmsccolon said:So jealous!
I had to go make some orange rolls (yea, the kind from the can, alas!)!
Hey, they go good w/ coffee or tea too
Marygale0 -
Yep, that's the natural response. Fortunately, most of us get over that and get on with surviving. Captain Hop will, too! I am so glad you told him that not having surgery is not an option. He will gradually accept it and get with the program, but he is probably still in shock. Keep the faith. We are all programmed with a biological imperative to survive, and his will kick in at any minute, especially since he has such a wonderful wife to stick around for.
Kirsten0 -
WILL TO SURVIVE -- KRISTENkmygil said:Hunnngggghhhh?????
Yep, that's the natural response. Fortunately, most of us get over that and get on with surviving. Captain Hop will, too! I am so glad you told him that not having surgery is not an option. He will gradually accept it and get with the program, but he is probably still in shock. Keep the faith. We are all programmed with a biological imperative to survive, and his will kick in at any minute, especially since he has such a wonderful wife to stick around for.
Thank you for those words, Kristen. I hadn't thought of it that way, but your right. I've sorta kept him busy around the house helping me get ready for Christmas dinner and I think staying busy helps too. Seems all the time, my mind is working to think of things he can do to keep the depression away. He's much, much better today than last night. Sooooo many people have called him.
And, I think having 20 or so in for dinner Thursday will help too. Winter, I think, is such a depressing time anyway. Cloudy, rain or snow, or TODAY IT'S ICE.
Thanks again so very much for the words of encouragement. Gotta tell ya....all you guys are keeping me up and going. "MY AWESOME ANGELS"
Blessings and hugs,
Marygale0 -
DUTCH APPLE???captainhop said:PIE
Yep, come on over and we'll put the coffee on too. 3 Cherry and 3 Dutch Apple...all home made...and DONE.
Now you've done it. I am on my way! LOL! That is my very favorite pie. I was raised in the Amish country of Ohio (I an not Amish) and I still miss the food.
I know where Arthur is! My hubby used to deliver bulk feed bins all over the Midwest, and he can still, all these years later, tell you the roads and who owns what farm all over Illinois! So, howdy neighbor!
Vicki0 -
employerVickiCO said:DUTCH APPLE???
Now you've done it. I am on my way! LOL! That is my very favorite pie. I was raised in the Amish country of Ohio (I an not Amish) and I still miss the food.
I know where Arthur is! My hubby used to deliver bulk feed bins all over the Midwest, and he can still, all these years later, tell you the roads and who owns what farm all over Illinois! So, howdy neighbor!
Nope....captainhop said:employer
Schuld. Only a farmer would know! LOL!
V0 -
SURVIVORMike49 said:Hops a survivor
One of the strongest things I ever heard on this site is "from the day you first hear your diagnosis, your a survivor". We're all survivors, Hops a survivor, and he has a great support system.
Gosh, that's a great way of putting it. He's a survivor without realizing it. I'll have to tell him what you said. Thanks so much
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