Effects from radiation

khaledw Member Posts: 6
I had 3 cycles of ESHAP followed by one month of radiation then bone marrow stem cell transplant back in 2002. Between may of 2002 and january of 2004 I was doing well and running like a horse. In January, I started losing sensation in one of my toes and it spread, over a period of one month, all the way to my chest. At that time I did all kind of tests, spinal tabs, ct scans, pet scans, and MRIs, and the only thing they saw was a swelling within the spinal cord. At the beginning they thought it was cancer, but six months later it disappeared leaving me with no sensation, numbness, tingling, stabs, shocks, and all kind of pain. Now it's been almost five years and nothing has changed and doctors couldn't tell or make diagnosis, so finally they said this is a radiation reaction. They blamed it on radiation although my radiologist said it's not. I think I have to live with it for the rest of my life.
Does anyone have any similar condition?