anal cancer
I didn't have anal cancer, mine was colon cancer. But I know that this is what Farah Fawcett has, and is fighting very aggresively. It is nothing to be embarassed about and I gather is fairly rare, only about 12,000 cases per year. I would present the symptoms to my doctor exactly as they are and forget about anxiety, etc. With colon cancer, I have trouble controlling by bowels and it can be very embarasing on occasion - it isn't fun to have an "accident" in a public place. But, what can you do - ask for all the help you can get from your doctors and others.0
I had rectal cancer....that, too, causes a stir....somehow, 'colorectal' is more
There are times when I just insert 'rectum' into the conversation to watch the reaction...I lost mine, plus my sigmoid colon...
NEVER, NEVER be have fought a larger battle than most people will EVER fight in their lives!!!! Try the words 'digestive tract cancer' if that is any easier...after all it's YOUR comfort zone, not necessarily theirs...I agree with Pam....Farah is out there blazing the trail!!!
As far as talking with your doctor...they are used to this...I usually say "I'm pretty sure I'm having a bout of canceritis...but I really need to talk to someone". My treating team is wonderful....and I have been NED (No Evidence of Disease) for years!
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Thxs for the replies. I can not tell you the relief of reading about others with my same cancer. I really thought that the drs. thought I made up my symptoms, and not knowing anyone to talk to about them that had them well, even though my symptoms are physical, I thought maybe they aren't important or that they didn't mean anything. Wait til I see my dr. this month boy oh boy I will be elated to tell her that I found a couple of places where others who like me have ac have the same symptoms I do and they are real!! I am working with a ND about checking out food to see if some of the problems come from there. My concern is the bleeding. It isn't alot but it happens almost everyday now, where before it was once in a while. When my cancer first started that is how it was, once in a while (thinking it was hemroids) and slowly became worse. When I tried to explain this to my onco. and follow-up dr. they keep saying it isn't the same, Well how in the heck do they know? Did they go through it or was it me? So anyways I will do the colonoscopy and biopsy again just to make sure all is fine.0
Anal Cancer Survivor
I am an Anal Cancer Survivor and proud to share! I, like you, was a bit embarrassed as to the type of cancer I had. The more I went through treatment, the more I realized that I needed to share with others and none of us should ever be ashamed.
I am a 40 year young, active woman who has lost 108 lbs (6 years ago) and quit smoking 18 months ago. Then in April 2008, I was diagnosed with Anal Cancer.
I have completed 28 radiation treatments and two rounds of chemo - mito and 5FU. My privates were burnt to a crisp, I lost layers of skin, and swelled to the point that I could only wear my husbands boxers and sun dresses. It took me 10 minutes to get in the car to get to treatment. I couldn't eat, sleep, drink, sit, lay or stand without being in pain. A good day for me was being able to waddle to the mailbox or bend down to pick up the newspaper.
Today I am proud... I am wearing my own underpants, have returned to work full-time and can go swimming!
I have learned to focus on the little things and never be afraid to let others help.
Never have I questioned WHY ME, I know that someone of a higher power wanted me to be able to help others. As I am now a Cancer Advocate for my hospital. If you have ANY questions, please do not be afraid to ask.0 -
Husband has rectal/anal cancer
My hubby is dx rectal/anal cancer st3c, mostly because by the time he went to the doctor and they did a biopsy, the tumor was found to be so big it was mostly in his rectum but was sticking out of his anus (hubby thought it was just 'roids so didn't go to the doctor until after 4 months of unexplained bleeding.) After chemo/radiation to shrink the big one and a couple smaller tumors, he then had surgery to remove his rectum and anus and had a permanent colostomy installed. When friends and family were informed, we just called it colorectal cancer. We found it easier to be a little vague. We're not ashamed, but knew the full details would make most uncomfortable. From what I have read, the description "colorectal" covers the entire colon, rectum and anus. We were also told that it was very rare to have the anal cancer dx (lucky us.) But, everything is going well with the adjuvant chemotherapy and I am very positive to get to NED (most of the time; LOL.)
Hugs and love coming your way,
~Melanie0 -
I just joined the stie and was surprised how few posts on anal cancer. Mine is newly diagnosed. I get my port tomororrow and will start on Mitimycin and 5 FU for 6 weeks. I've got a great team at MD Anderson here in Orlando.
I do understand the embarasement part of this. Not fun having your "exit only" site turned into an "in ramp" on the expressway!
I'm scared of the side effects and scared I won't be able to work and keep up the payments on my home.
I intend to keep reading and watching. Prayers are always appreciated.
Linda0 -
anal cancer symptomsLSAULS said:ANAL CANAL CANCER
I just joined the stie and was surprised how few posts on anal cancer. Mine is newly diagnosed. I get my port tomororrow and will start on Mitimycin and 5 FU for 6 weeks. I've got a great team at MD Anderson here in Orlando.
I do understand the embarasement part of this. Not fun having your "exit only" site turned into an "in ramp" on the expressway!
I'm scared of the side effects and scared I won't be able to work and keep up the payments on my home.
I intend to keep reading and watching. Prayers are always appreciated.
I am sorry to hear that you both have joined this club. I know you will find a lot of support and comaraderie here. People are so gracious and helpful. I think anal cancer is part of colorectal cancer but I've never heard of it before Farrah Faucett got it, so maybe it wasn't called anal but rectal before? Like someone said, just give it your own term and keep it vague, and come here to share and vent!
I've been a caregiver for going on 2 years to my husband who was diagnosed with CC in April 07. He's NED (we hope) but having liver problems and going to have to have a biopsy for enlarged fatty liver. I pray it's "only" that.
Meanwhile I go for a colonscopy this Thursday for ongoing bleeding for the last 2-3 weeks, and am very concerned it could be anal cancer. I've had internal hemorrhoids in the past and a scope in 2005 that showed them, but the bleeding always stopped, this is ongoing and relentless. It also feels like a sharp stick up my a$$, if you know what I mean. Do you think I should be freaking out? I am of course; I need to be healthy to take care of the both of us. There's no way he could care for me; he has severe neuropathy and now this liver problem.
I know I'll find out in a couple days but meanwhile the anxiety and worry is really getting to me.
I pray for you both and for everyone on this board to find their peace and bright spots each day.
Faith880 -
Never be ashamed.....Faith88 said:anal cancer symptoms
I am sorry to hear that you both have joined this club. I know you will find a lot of support and comaraderie here. People are so gracious and helpful. I think anal cancer is part of colorectal cancer but I've never heard of it before Farrah Faucett got it, so maybe it wasn't called anal but rectal before? Like someone said, just give it your own term and keep it vague, and come here to share and vent!
I've been a caregiver for going on 2 years to my husband who was diagnosed with CC in April 07. He's NED (we hope) but having liver problems and going to have to have a biopsy for enlarged fatty liver. I pray it's "only" that.
Meanwhile I go for a colonscopy this Thursday for ongoing bleeding for the last 2-3 weeks, and am very concerned it could be anal cancer. I've had internal hemorrhoids in the past and a scope in 2005 that showed them, but the bleeding always stopped, this is ongoing and relentless. It also feels like a sharp stick up my a$$, if you know what I mean. Do you think I should be freaking out? I am of course; I need to be healthy to take care of the both of us. There's no way he could care for me; he has severe neuropathy and now this liver problem.
I know I'll find out in a couple days but meanwhile the anxiety and worry is really getting to me.
I pray for you both and for everyone on this board to find their peace and bright spots each day.
We fight a fight that not many people could bear. I have rectal cancer but if it was anal cancer then thats what I'd call it and damn the people that thinks its politically incorrect to not say that. I guess I could tell em my **** went south but to be polite I don't. What I am trying to get across is that you have bigger things to deal with than the way people might look at you when you tell them you have anal cancer. But, if they don't ask don't tell em, but if they do, let her rip, they asked you didn't offer it up, and if they don't like it,well,,,,,...Hang in there, anal cancer, no node involvemnt, your a very lucky the duty then live a long and prosperous and meaningful life....God Bless ya ...0 -
Faith88Faith88 said:anal cancer symptoms
I am sorry to hear that you both have joined this club. I know you will find a lot of support and comaraderie here. People are so gracious and helpful. I think anal cancer is part of colorectal cancer but I've never heard of it before Farrah Faucett got it, so maybe it wasn't called anal but rectal before? Like someone said, just give it your own term and keep it vague, and come here to share and vent!
I've been a caregiver for going on 2 years to my husband who was diagnosed with CC in April 07. He's NED (we hope) but having liver problems and going to have to have a biopsy for enlarged fatty liver. I pray it's "only" that.
Meanwhile I go for a colonscopy this Thursday for ongoing bleeding for the last 2-3 weeks, and am very concerned it could be anal cancer. I've had internal hemorrhoids in the past and a scope in 2005 that showed them, but the bleeding always stopped, this is ongoing and relentless. It also feels like a sharp stick up my a$$, if you know what I mean. Do you think I should be freaking out? I am of course; I need to be healthy to take care of the both of us. There's no way he could care for me; he has severe neuropathy and now this liver problem.
I know I'll find out in a couple days but meanwhile the anxiety and worry is really getting to me.
I pray for you both and for everyone on this board to find their peace and bright spots each day.
Sorry you are going through this worry! I will be thinking of you and praying that your colonoscopy turns out to be only hemorrhoids. I have a good feeling that you will feel a sense of relief when the doctor tells you what is causing your symptoms. It is hard being the caregiver and worrying about our husbands, then even harder when we have to add this to everything else. It is great that you are getting this checked out, please let us know how it turns out. My prayers are with you!
Faith0 -
Another one here
Mine is called rectal cancer, but the tumor is only 1cm from the anus, so I will most likely lose everything in the surgery that is scheduled for Feb 4. I am not ashamed to talk about my cancer, or its location. If others are uncomfortable, I figure it is their issue. I try to educate when I talk about the cancer, and direct folks to get a colonoscopy. A fellow in my bible study group was diagnosed with bladder cancer last week. He was struggling to tell us yesterday, but couldn't get the words out, so I stood beside him and said my cancer is in the rectum. He grinned and said, "OK, I can say bladder now!" Whatever it takes to get support!
Vicki0 -
Sorry to welcome you to this site!LSAULS said:ANAL CANAL CANCER
I just joined the stie and was surprised how few posts on anal cancer. Mine is newly diagnosed. I get my port tomororrow and will start on Mitimycin and 5 FU for 6 weeks. I've got a great team at MD Anderson here in Orlando.
I do understand the embarasement part of this. Not fun having your "exit only" site turned into an "in ramp" on the expressway!
I'm scared of the side effects and scared I won't be able to work and keep up the payments on my home.
I intend to keep reading and watching. Prayers are always appreciated.
Do not be embarassed (I should be about my spelling). It doesn't say much for our "political correctness" or whatever, that anyone should feel uncomfortable about saying they have any type of cancer.
I think the reason you don't see more posts about anal cancer is that it is somewhat rare (re: a previous posting). The statistics I saw showed 12,000 people in the U.S. diagnosed with anal cancer per year. The best known case is probably Farah Fawcett.
I hope that your treatment is manageable. Please post as you go along. I know that you will get a lot of positive encouragement, and you can probably help some people who have hesitated to discuss their diagnosis.
My personal feeling is colon, rectal, anal, whatever - it is a necessary biological function. As is breathing.
Pam0 -
Good for you VickiVickiCO said:Another one here
Mine is called rectal cancer, but the tumor is only 1cm from the anus, so I will most likely lose everything in the surgery that is scheduled for Feb 4. I am not ashamed to talk about my cancer, or its location. If others are uncomfortable, I figure it is their issue. I try to educate when I talk about the cancer, and direct folks to get a colonoscopy. A fellow in my bible study group was diagnosed with bladder cancer last week. He was struggling to tell us yesterday, but couldn't get the words out, so I stood beside him and said my cancer is in the rectum. He grinned and said, "OK, I can say bladder now!" Whatever it takes to get support!
Thats the way to have come to terms with it now so everything else will go fine with you...
but I thought you called yours Fred ???.........................just kidding......God Bless0 -
There's hope!VickiCO said:Another one here
Mine is called rectal cancer, but the tumor is only 1cm from the anus, so I will most likely lose everything in the surgery that is scheduled for Feb 4. I am not ashamed to talk about my cancer, or its location. If others are uncomfortable, I figure it is their issue. I try to educate when I talk about the cancer, and direct folks to get a colonoscopy. A fellow in my bible study group was diagnosed with bladder cancer last week. He was struggling to tell us yesterday, but couldn't get the words out, so I stood beside him and said my cancer is in the rectum. He grinned and said, "OK, I can say bladder now!" Whatever it takes to get support!
Vicky, mine was really, really low like yours is also and I've had two resections in the same place with no ostomy. It sounds like you've come to terms with the fact that you may have an ostomy, but take heart, it might not be so. I've flat out been told that if it happens again I will have an ostomy for sure but for now we're good. Here's hoping that you will be too!0 -
I'm really glad to see
I'm really glad to see people posting about Anal Cancer. I always thought rectal and anal were the same, but I see I was wrong. I was terribly embarrassed about my symptoms too and let the bleeding go on for 7 years before I had it checked. It finally got to be where the bleeding was uncontrollable but I didn't want to be looked at. I'm really glad you're taking care of yourself. My doctor said to expect some bleeding at times as we've really done a number on our rear ends. Good luck with your appointment and please keep us posted!0 -
ThanksMoonDragon said:There's hope!
Vicky, mine was really, really low like yours is also and I've had two resections in the same place with no ostomy. It sounds like you've come to terms with the fact that you may have an ostomy, but take heart, it might not be so. I've flat out been told that if it happens again I will have an ostomy for sure but for now we're good. Here's hoping that you will be too!
That's what my doctor said as well "Prepare for the ostomy, but remember that you have a very good doctor and you just may be surprised!" He isn't big-headed, he is just that good. I am so lucky he took my case.
Vicki0 -
colonoscopyFaith88 said:anal cancer symptoms
I am sorry to hear that you both have joined this club. I know you will find a lot of support and comaraderie here. People are so gracious and helpful. I think anal cancer is part of colorectal cancer but I've never heard of it before Farrah Faucett got it, so maybe it wasn't called anal but rectal before? Like someone said, just give it your own term and keep it vague, and come here to share and vent!
I've been a caregiver for going on 2 years to my husband who was diagnosed with CC in April 07. He's NED (we hope) but having liver problems and going to have to have a biopsy for enlarged fatty liver. I pray it's "only" that.
Meanwhile I go for a colonscopy this Thursday for ongoing bleeding for the last 2-3 weeks, and am very concerned it could be anal cancer. I've had internal hemorrhoids in the past and a scope in 2005 that showed them, but the bleeding always stopped, this is ongoing and relentless. It also feels like a sharp stick up my a$$, if you know what I mean. Do you think I should be freaking out? I am of course; I need to be healthy to take care of the both of us. There's no way he could care for me; he has severe neuropathy and now this liver problem.
I know I'll find out in a couple days but meanwhile the anxiety and worry is really getting to me.
I pray for you both and for everyone on this board to find their peace and bright spots each day.
Hopefully the colonoscopy will show a polyp that can easily be removed. I can't tell you not to worry, see what they find from the colonoscopy. Prayers are with you.0 -
I understand that your embarrassed but don't be..I was diagnosed with stage one anal cancer with a malignant tumor wrapped around the rectum muscle...Before going to sloan kettering i saw a surgeon that was nasty rude and very arrogant..He put the icing on the cake by asking me to admit that i was gay or bi sexual .I was so infuriated that i asked him which window he wanted to be thrown out of!! I had over exposure to dry cleaning fluid (perc) for over 15 years plus a few burning sessions in a tanning bed..Now when i went in NY Sloan Kettering my Oncologist is a woman and trust me I was again intimidated by the word anal...How could this be ?? She assured me that ANAL cancer is stricking home as quick as any other cancer and she restored my faith..Cancer is Cancer no matter where it is in your body...It's nothing to be ashamed of..When i'm asked what type of cancer i have ..I respond with rectal cancer..Thats it
I'm 56 ..Insulin dependent diabetic..A major cardiac patient with a defib/pacemaker..I go out dancing and forget about the disease !!!! When i go for an exam i'm no longer embarrased ..
I even tell jokes when i'm being examed...Be happy your alive!!! The radiation and chemo was barbaric..But one thing is for sure i will see both my daughters get married and i will see my grandchildren..and last but not least I'll bury the cancer first..BE STRONG AND POSITIVE
AND NEVER GIVE IN... GO out shake your booty on the dance floor ..Laugh sing and be happy
Remember your here to talk about it..0 -
exposure to dry cleaning fluidlbquestman said:NEVER EVER BE ASHAMED
I understand that your embarrassed but don't be..I was diagnosed with stage one anal cancer with a malignant tumor wrapped around the rectum muscle...Before going to sloan kettering i saw a surgeon that was nasty rude and very arrogant..He put the icing on the cake by asking me to admit that i was gay or bi sexual .I was so infuriated that i asked him which window he wanted to be thrown out of!! I had over exposure to dry cleaning fluid (perc) for over 15 years plus a few burning sessions in a tanning bed..Now when i went in NY Sloan Kettering my Oncologist is a woman and trust me I was again intimidated by the word anal...How could this be ?? She assured me that ANAL cancer is stricking home as quick as any other cancer and she restored my faith..Cancer is Cancer no matter where it is in your body...It's nothing to be ashamed of..When i'm asked what type of cancer i have ..I respond with rectal cancer..Thats it
I'm 56 ..Insulin dependent diabetic..A major cardiac patient with a defib/pacemaker..I go out dancing and forget about the disease !!!! When i go for an exam i'm no longer embarrased ..
I even tell jokes when i'm being examed...Be happy your alive!!! The radiation and chemo was barbaric..But one thing is for sure i will see both my daughters get married and i will see my grandchildren..and last but not least I'll bury the cancer first..BE STRONG AND POSITIVE
AND NEVER GIVE IN... GO out shake your booty on the dance floor ..Laugh sing and be happy
Remember your here to talk about it..
a lejeune casualty by any chance?
mary0 -
I love your attitude lbquestman!lbquestman said:NEVER EVER BE ASHAMED
I understand that your embarrassed but don't be..I was diagnosed with stage one anal cancer with a malignant tumor wrapped around the rectum muscle...Before going to sloan kettering i saw a surgeon that was nasty rude and very arrogant..He put the icing on the cake by asking me to admit that i was gay or bi sexual .I was so infuriated that i asked him which window he wanted to be thrown out of!! I had over exposure to dry cleaning fluid (perc) for over 15 years plus a few burning sessions in a tanning bed..Now when i went in NY Sloan Kettering my Oncologist is a woman and trust me I was again intimidated by the word anal...How could this be ?? She assured me that ANAL cancer is stricking home as quick as any other cancer and she restored my faith..Cancer is Cancer no matter where it is in your body...It's nothing to be ashamed of..When i'm asked what type of cancer i have ..I respond with rectal cancer..Thats it
I'm 56 ..Insulin dependent diabetic..A major cardiac patient with a defib/pacemaker..I go out dancing and forget about the disease !!!! When i go for an exam i'm no longer embarrased ..
I even tell jokes when i'm being examed...Be happy your alive!!! The radiation and chemo was barbaric..But one thing is for sure i will see both my daughters get married and i will see my grandchildren..and last but not least I'll bury the cancer first..BE STRONG AND POSITIVE
AND NEVER GIVE IN... GO out shake your booty on the dance floor ..Laugh sing and be happy
Remember your here to talk about it..
I just have to say I love your attitude (and everyone else's on here too). But your sentence "BE STRONG AND POSITIVE
AND NEVER GIVE IN... GO out shake your booty on the dance floor ..Laugh sing and be happy", is what I needed to hear today!
I went for my PET scan yesterday to see what the 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and grueling radiation did for mine and I am completely stressed waiting for the results. I feel like if it comes back 'not so good' what do I do? But you said it - NEVER GIVE IN and laugh, sing and be happy! So that is what I am going to do....I have a 4 year old who loves to do that so tonight I am joining her!
thanks!0 -
"Colorectal" Cancer
Mine was low in the colon, DX Feb 2007. Radiation, chemo, surgery. 1 Lymph node was dirty, so I went through 6 months of Folfox. All of it was pretty rough.
I'm clean so far, but it does have its price. I wonder if I'll make it to the 5 year mark--and I mean "make it" as far as no recurrence. I have no intention of dying. It changes you, though. I used to think there were no monsters hiding under the bed. Now I know there are, and the difference is now I think about kicking their **** versus being afraid.
Where there's a monster, there's a miracle, and that miracle has to be you. You're a warrior now.0
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