Dealing with permanent hair loss

CL121 Member Posts: 1
Hello, My name is Claudia and I was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma in 1994. After five years of chemo/radiation and, finally, a bone marrow transplant, I am amazed and thrilled to be cancerfree. My issue seems minimal when I read what others are dealing with but it's about my hair . . I have very little and I don't expect much growth after waiting four years. I'm tired of wearing wigs and wonder if any of you have a similar problem and have tried hair extensions? I've received many opinions from hair dressers, some of which think it will only pull out what little hair I have now. I'd appreciate any suggestions or information you might have.


  • KarenR2012
    KarenR2012 Member Posts: 2
    hair loss

    Hi Claudia. I just joined this site and saw your post of 2003. I know it was a long time ago but did you ever get your hair back? I had breast cancer last year. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation finishing last October. It has been over a year and I only have very thin flyaway hair that is awful. I have to wear a wig or a hat all the time. I have been on Tamoxifen since Nov. of last year. I think it is preventing my hair growth. I can't find any answers. Have tried various natural oils and have not had much success. I have not yet tried Rogane and any product with biotin interfers with Tomoxifen. It is so depressing to see myself in the Mirror.