never ending fear
My fear is so deep I can hardly breathe. It doesn't even register as the emotion of fear it is so deep. Will it stop? I feel as if I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I did my surgery and have gone on with my life; I work and I play but I always feel as if something is "not quite right." I got tremendous praise…
Thoughts on the future
I'm a survivor. (I never thought I'd have cancer.) I didn't have much to survive. DCIS. Lumpectomy with good enough margins. Thirty-three radiation treatments. (The last was one year ago today.) Very little side effects from radiation. I've been on Tamoxifen for the first of five years. No problems with with it. I know my…
Overcoming fear
I am 55 and am extremely afraid of having my first colonoscopy. I know the procedure won't be that bad, but both my parents had colorectal cancer and ended up passing away. I was the primary caregiver to each of my parents and went through a LOT of emotional trauma in doing so (for almost 5 years). My daughter is helping…
My Dad
Hello All, I am new to this whole network/group thing. I am losing my Dad to Pancreatic Cancer, and have lost both Grandmothers already to it. Trying to participate in a study to see what my chances are of getting this. Jeanie : )
Feeling very helpless and need to vent
I'm new at this so please bear with me. In Nov. 2003 my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of nasal/sinus cancer( the Dr.s didn't even give it a long fancy name:) He was treated with radiation & chemo and in June 2004, the tumor was gone. This past March , a routine pet scan detected a tumor about 1/2 inch in diameter…
When hope is gone
My friend was diagnosed with an oligodendroglioma in the fall of 2003. She underwent surgery and a year of chemo. When the year was over, she celebrated by coming to visit me. She was fine. We went dancing. Everything seemed like it was going to be ok. 6-8 weeks later, the tumor had started to grow again. I went to visit…
acc chat
i cannot spell the name but does anyone care to chat
not a statistic
we're a living possibility of hope not a number.we face the fear of cancer head on & then go forward never give up & say i cant do it eventhough we get scared we will get through it with faith in god.
I'm new here
My name is Mia. I'm 34 and I was recently diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer. No one in my family has had cancer, so I'm looking for people to talk to and share experiences with. It looks like I'm going to get both chemotherapy and radiation, starting in the next few weeks. "There is in us something wiser than our head."…
Regarding families dealing w/cancer
Hi I am a 26 y/o f who has cancer and I am writing a paper for a college class. I was wondering if anyone would like to chat with me regarding their experience with cancer and how their families coped with it also. Thanx everyone, if you would like to e-mail please feel free at jgigglebox@grandecom.net
I've had lung cancer, stage 4, for about a year. I'm doing well with iressa, but am terribly lonely. And scared about the future. I'm 50 and pretty but don't feel mentally as if I could ever meet anyone for intimacy of any kind again. Who would want a girlfriend with lung cancer? I'm scare I'll be alone un til I die.…
daily reading and prayer emailed to you every day
I would like to recommend a web site where you can have a daily reading and prayer emailed to you every day. This is not a cult site, it is part of the Church Army. There is also a six week course New to Christianity? free daily emails explaining more about Christianity and the Christian faith. word-on-the-web -…
hi i'm 19 years old and my mother has spinal cancer she has had all the rediation therepy they are going to give her and i just don't know hope to cope or how i am supposed to be around her
Feeling horrible...How do i help?
My close friend was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer. I was the first person he told and have since gone through an operation and first series of chemo. with him. However, about two weeks ago, all of a sudden he has not reached out to me at all and is not accepting any of my phone calls (although he was going…
cancer scare gone but now depressed
I hope I am in the right place. I just discovered after two mammograms and two MRIs that I don't have cancer, and I figure I should be throwing a party...but I feel depressed and I am not sure I understand why...has anyone else ever felt this way?
grandmom sick
My grandmother(who raised me)was Dx'd with lung cancer about 6 weeks ago. We had an argument in Dec. before her dx.Now, my aunt will not let me or my grandfather call or see her. I am devestated.I just want to say goodbye,i'm sorry,and i love her so much.I am having a hard time at work and taking care of my 2 and 5 year…
I'm feeling bad ...
hallo everybody , my name is Frida ..I lost my mom jenuary 10th , she had been sick with lung cancer for 4 and half years . We have been living very far away one from the other , my mom lived in Italy and I've been living in Mexico for the past 7 years During all the time that she was sick she never wanted me to go back to…
I found a lump and I'm scared...
January 29 I just happen to rub my neck and noticed a large hard painless lump on the left side about the size of a quarter. Two days proir to this finding I had an extremely stuffy nose which lasted about 5 days..no mucous, no headache..basically no other sypmtoms except a very uncomfortable stuffy nose and then this…
I just registered on this site, i dont have cancer nor do i know anyone, i just like to be there for people who need support. If anyone wants to talk at all i am here.
Board to discuss when someone has died?
Hi, these boards seem to be about posting for people dealing with cancer and survivors. My mother passed away (I'm 28), and I'd like to find somewhere to go to discuss this with other people who may have gone through the similar thing. Please email at kulabo2000@yahoo.com if you have any suggestions.
Writing a book, advice?
Hi there! I am brand new to this site, but not to providing emotional support to someone with cancer. My uncle has been living with squamous cell carcinoma for about twenty years now, though I've only known him for five. He had a laryngectomy about fifteen years ago, so I learned about his experience with cancer…
Bringing Some Cheer
I am a single Grandma raising my 5 year old Grandson. My daughter has just been diagnoised with Stage 4 cancer. It is in her blood, in her bones, and she only has been given a few weeks to live. I would like to surprise her with some holiday cards. She has a very small family, and I think the cards would bring a smile to…
Family don't understand!
Hi everyone-its been awhile since I have been in here but its time I need some help or ideas with a problem I have. My mom is dying of heart diesease and my sisters and me have been taking turns caring for her along with hospice. Problem is my health is still not what it should be because of having breast cancer with chemo…
Is this Normal?
My mom passed away a month and two days ago. She was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in Dec. 2002, and fought a good battle up until the end. My family and I were lucky to be with her at home when she took her last breath. It's so weird though because I know she's gone, but it's like I'm waiting for her to come back or…
I lost my mother in May 2003 to pancreatic cancer. The mistake that I made was that I keep myself so busy I was barely sleeping just one project after another I literally was afraid to stop. I was afraid to deal with it and accept it. Well all the projects ended near the end of November and it hit like a ton of brick 7…
loved one left when cancer came
I am new to this website and feeling very shy about writing. But I need help and to know about others' experiences and ways of coping. After my diagnosis of cancer, my fiance' starting emotionally drifting away from me. We don't live in the same town and he starting coming over to see me less and less. I tried to go see…
Missing My Mom
I recently lost my mom to a 3 year battle with Breast Cancer and AML. She was 59, and had 4 beautiful grandchildren, 2 of which are mine. She has been gone for 6 months now, and I still hurt to the core! I can see her face sitting on our sofa crying when she was first diagnosed, and it seems like yesterday. She, like all…
disabled jobs
I am on ss looking for xtra income cant go back to work i did for 30 years. any ideas for people in my situation . too much time on my hands is driving me and everyonelse crazy.
Dad came home
Thank you Mira T. and Inkblot for writing to me. My Dad came home friday night.He started radiation Monday.He has to take it everyday for 3 weeks.Hope and pray it does something positive.Have a great Thanksgiving.Talk to you later. Lynn
Just Diagnosed
Hi. I was diagnosed last Tuesday with esthesioneuroblastoma (essentially, "sinus cancer"). I developed breathing problems (couldn't breathe through right side of nose) during my pregnancy with our daughter in August, '99, and was told that I had polyps in December, '99. Things got better after Andrea was born, so (for a…