CT scan

eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

Hi all, I don't even know for sure how to write this as I am usually anxiety free and positive.....but, I met with my oncologist today to review the results of last weeks Ct scan and x-ray.  Almost 4yrs ago I was diagnosed with Stage 3b anal cancer followed the next year by a diagnosis of a rare unrelated breast cancer.  For the past 3 yrs all scans have come back with nothing more than a blurp and usually clear.

Well, I seem to have a mass on my left lung that my doctor states "worried that it is an anal cancer recurrance".....I have been more than satisfied with my medical team and highly respect their opinion.  I am having it biopsied on Tuesday so will know more after that.  He mentioned treatment of surgery followed by possible chemo if it comes back as such.  I feel great physically, no cold, cough, ar any symptom that would suggest I am sick.  I have had a "sort" of plugged feeling on the left side of my head lately but need a new eye glass prescription and have related it to that.....until now of course as I picture a clot or something waiting to explode during surgery!!! (Ugh, as I said I am generally anxiety free and this news is not well timed.)

Please add me to your prayers that whatever this is it is easily treated and I can get back to being as good as I feel!

Thank you






  • judyv3
    judyv3 Member Posts: 143 Member

    Dear Katheryn - you have all my positive thoughts and energy to help you through this.  You are so supportive to all of us on this forum and it is so appreciated.  I can only imagine the anxiety after all you have been through.

    Whatever this turns out to be, you will be able to handle it because that's just what we have to do.

    Prayers going to you.


  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    judyv3 said:


    Dear Katheryn - you have all my positive thoughts and energy to help you through this.  You are so supportive to all of us on this forum and it is so appreciated.  I can only imagine the anxiety after all you have been through.

    Whatever this turns out to be, you will be able to handle it because that's just what we have to do.

    Prayers going to you.



     I will keep you in my prayers.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I feel your anxiety through your words and want you to know that I will definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  Last summer was very anxious for me too over a pesky liver thingy that could not be identified, so I can relate to what you are going through right now.  I'm glad you are able to get it biopsied so soon so you and your doctors know exactly what you are dealing with.  I hope it is of a benign nature and will not need further treatment.  I think the fact that you are feeling good is a very positive sign.  Please let us know how the biopsy goes when you're up to it.  Take care.


  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    mp327 said:


    I feel your anxiety through your words and want you to know that I will definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  Last summer was very anxious for me too over a pesky liver thingy that could not be identified, so I can relate to what you are going through right now.  I'm glad you are able to get it biopsied so soon so you and your doctors know exactly what you are dealing with.  I hope it is of a benign nature and will not need further treatment.  I think the fact that you are feeling good is a very positive sign.  Please let us know how the biopsy goes when you're up to it.  Take care.



    i guess whatever we say, you will still be worried +++. However, at this stage, all that is known is that there is a mass that is being investigated. There is nothing certain or else there would be no need of investigation. You have been through so much already, you know you have the means to handle whatever is thrown at you.

    meanwhile, stay close & let us know how things go.

    you will be in my thoughts


  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    Prayers katheryn.  It's a

    Prayers katheryn.  It's a fear we all share.


  • horsepad
    horsepad Member Posts: 146 Member
     It is a fear we all have.

     It is a fear we all have.  being stage 4 makes me  worry even more.  I am 3 1/2 yrs out.    As hard as it is to stay positive, remember you have made it this far.  You are strong and you are in my prayers.  



  • jcruz
    jcruz Member Posts: 379 Member
    I will keep you in my

    I will keep you in my thoughts.  What a nervewracking time. Not surprising that you'd be anxious.  Please let us know as things progress.

  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    CT scan

    Katheryn - I am so sorry to hear of your bad news:(  

    I have found your entries on this site to be helpful although I have a hard time reading the fine print!  Thank you!

    I do not know where you live but I can recommend an outstanding thoracic surgeon, John Howington,  at Northshore University Health System in the northern suburbs of Chicago.  It is associated with the U of Chgo.  If interested, please contact me.  He is an extremely skilled surgeon with a great team & has a super bedside manner.  I had a RUL (rt upper lung) nodule & ~ 15 nodes removed last Aug.  I was dc'd from the hosp. w/in 2 das. of the surgery & did not need any narcs.  I do have newly dx's COPD per xray prior to OR but I am asymptomatic.  I resumed my normal activities w/in a very short time.

    My thoughts are with you!


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    i know nothing can ease your mind until the biopsy result. So I just wanted to send you my support and prayers that everything is gonna be ok. 


  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    I had a 1.1 cm nodule found in my lower right lung upon ct scanning for follow up of the anal cancer.  I completed anal cancer tx on 6-30-09 and had the lower right lobe removed on 9-23-10.  I was a 35 year smoker and the lung nodule cancer had no hpv so therefore confirmed not a metasis from the anal cancer, as the anal cancer had hpv. 

    Since you have been scanned every year whatever is there must have been caught early which is a good thing.  It is not cancer until it is biopsied and proven to be.

    I wish you well and have you in my prayers. Lori

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    Thank you.....

    Hi, I just want to "thank you" all for your kind words of encouragement.  Your thoughts and prayers mean a great deal.  I have always said that if you take cancer out of my life, I have always considered myself moderately healthy.....since young I have exercised and maintained a mostly healthy diet yet allowed some "not so healthy" behaviors in moderation but have seldom ever had a cold and was last prescribed an antibiotic for a sinus infection over 25 yrs ago! (I did have a couple UTI's related to radiation) I feel both physically and emotionally healthier than ever these days and that is why I am so baffeled that there is even a possibility that this could be anything BUT cancer....as thats the only illness I know but I am hopeful that I am completely wrong.

    I am keeping busy, and feeling your virtual support!!


  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    eihtak said:

    Thank you.....

    Hi, I just want to "thank you" all for your kind words of encouragement.  Your thoughts and prayers mean a great deal.  I have always said that if you take cancer out of my life, I have always considered myself moderately healthy.....since young I have exercised and maintained a mostly healthy diet yet allowed some "not so healthy" behaviors in moderation but have seldom ever had a cold and was last prescribed an antibiotic for a sinus infection over 25 yrs ago! (I did have a couple UTI's related to radiation) I feel both physically and emotionally healthier than ever these days and that is why I am so baffeled that there is even a possibility that this could be anything BUT cancer....as thats the only illness I know but I am hopeful that I am completely wrong.

    I am keeping busy, and feeling your virtual support!!


    lung pathology reports

    The pathologist does various stains & can determine if a lesion is a met (metastasis) or a primary.  The docs cannot tell whether your lesion is a met or a primary by history or scans.  The fact that you never smoked makes it less likely that it is not a primary.  Squamous cell cancer of the lung as a primary is different from SCC as a met & has a worse prognosis.

    I would want to know the size of it.

    My lung nodule was small (~ 6-8 mm) as I recall.  A VATS (video-assisted thoracic surgergy) procedure with a segmentectomy was done.  No biopsies were done prior to surgery.

    My oncologist wanted to do chemo period....just guessing it was a met.  The PET showed an increase in sz & intensity.

    Wishing you the best!  I hope this info helps.


  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    lung pathology reports

    The pathologist does various stains & can determine if a lesion is a met (metastasis) or a primary.  The docs cannot tell whether your lesion is a met or a primary by history or scans.  The fact that you never smoked makes it less likely that it is not a primary.  Squamous cell cancer of the lung as a primary is different from SCC as a met & has a worse prognosis.

    I would want to know the size of it.

    My lung nodule was small (~ 6-8 mm) as I recall.  A VATS (video-assisted thoracic surgergy) procedure with a segmentectomy was done.  No biopsies were done prior to surgery.

    My oncologist wanted to do chemo period....just guessing it was a met.  The PET showed an increase in sz & intensity.

    Wishing you the best!  I hope this info helps.


    nic and Katheryn

    Lung cancer is not just a smokers cancer, more and more never smokers are getting lung cancer.

    There are many types of lung cancer and if Katheryn has a biopsy and it is determined to be cancer, then genetic mutation tests need to be done to determine what targeted theropies will be used to get rid of it.

    When I had vats for removal of the nodule it was biopsied right there in the OR along with several lymph nodes. Because there was no evidence that it had metasised to the lymph nodes the lower right lobe was then removed. If it had spread they would not have continued with the removal, and I would have started chemo.

  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    z said:

    nic and Katheryn

    Lung cancer is not just a smokers cancer, more and more never smokers are getting lung cancer.

    There are many types of lung cancer and if Katheryn has a biopsy and it is determined to be cancer, then genetic mutation tests need to be done to determine what targeted theropies will be used to get rid of it.

    When I had vats for removal of the nodule it was biopsied right there in the OR along with several lymph nodes. Because there was no evidence that it had metasised to the lymph nodes the lower right lobe was then removed. If it had spread they would not have continued with the removal, and I would have started chemo.


    I probably was not clear in my statement about smokers & cancer.  I am well aware non-smokers get lung cancer.

    I question decisions made w/frozen sections such as what was done for you.  I am happy if it worked out well for you.


  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member


    I probably was not clear in my statement about smokers & cancer.  I am well aware non-smokers get lung cancer.

    I question decisions made w/frozen sections such as what was done for you.  I am happy if it worked out well for you.



    Frozen?  The biopsy was performed in the OR before the vats procedure to remove my lobe. 

    I am NED as of 11-11-14, thats 4 years I would say that it worked well for me.


  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    z said:


    Frozen?  The biopsy was performed in the OR before the vats procedure to remove my lobe. 

    I am NED as of 11-11-14, thats 4 years I would say that it worked well for me.


    frozen section

    I think that a specimen obtained in the OR & analyzed while the pt. is in OR is called.....a "frozen section".  Believe me...I am ooo happy for you (Z)!  I am just clarifying an issue.



  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    z said:


    Frozen?  The biopsy was performed in the OR before the vats procedure to remove my lobe. 

    I am NED as of 11-11-14, thats 4 years I would say that it worked well for me.



    See google for detailed info re:  frozen sections.


  • Missy3
    Missy3 Member Posts: 14 Member
    eihtak said:

    Thank you.....

    Hi, I just want to "thank you" all for your kind words of encouragement.  Your thoughts and prayers mean a great deal.  I have always said that if you take cancer out of my life, I have always considered myself moderately healthy.....since young I have exercised and maintained a mostly healthy diet yet allowed some "not so healthy" behaviors in moderation but have seldom ever had a cold and was last prescribed an antibiotic for a sinus infection over 25 yrs ago! (I did have a couple UTI's related to radiation) I feel both physically and emotionally healthier than ever these days and that is why I am so baffeled that there is even a possibility that this could be anything BUT cancer....as thats the only illness I know but I am hopeful that I am completely wrong.

    I am keeping busy, and feeling your virtual support!!



    It hurts to hear that you are going through this anxious waiting period. I would be feeling the same if it were my news.  But, know we are here praying for you and awaiting the results just as you are.  

    please keep us updated and I am keeping you in my prayers!

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316
    Prayers to you


    I'm sorry to hear of your anxiety and pending biopsy.  It is hard to be positive when you hear those scarey words. 

    I am currently awaiting results from some "abnormal cells" they removed yesterday during a high resolutinon anoscopy.  I know this pales in comparison to your situation and I mention it only to let you know that I understand a little of what you are going through.  I just had a pelvic & abdominal MRI a week ago and all was good.  In fact, my oncologist (who ordered it) said "two thumb up" when I saw him on Monday.  I feel great and figured I was just going to be safe than sorry yesterday and was shocked to say the least when they said they had done a biopsy (such a dreaded word).  I'm anxiously awaiting the lab results. 

    Keep us posted on how things go.

    You will be in my thoughts & prayers!

    Sending positive energy your way,


  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    eihtak said:

    Thank you.....

    Hi, I just want to "thank you" all for your kind words of encouragement.  Your thoughts and prayers mean a great deal.  I have always said that if you take cancer out of my life, I have always considered myself moderately healthy.....since young I have exercised and maintained a mostly healthy diet yet allowed some "not so healthy" behaviors in moderation but have seldom ever had a cold and was last prescribed an antibiotic for a sinus infection over 25 yrs ago! (I did have a couple UTI's related to radiation) I feel both physically and emotionally healthier than ever these days and that is why I am so baffeled that there is even a possibility that this could be anything BUT cancer....as thats the only illness I know but I am hopeful that I am completely wrong.

    I am keeping busy, and feeling your virtual support!!



    I'm so sorry you are having to go through this, katheryn. You're always so very helpful and cheerful. I wish you all the best - here's hoping it turns out to be nothing.