Why do many Dr visits?

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
Can anyone explain why after treatment we have to go back every 3 months, then eventually 6 month until finally once a year? I don't have insurance and it really galls me that the oncologist breezes in and out and it cost me $500 bucks.

I have had a double mastectomy with no reconstruction. I check my scars for lumps and I don't need to pay the oncologist to do the same thing.


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I agree with you that it is
    I agree with you that it is annoying when you are paying them money (even if it comes from the insurance), to have your Onco do nothing special during the visit. However, for me it's like a therapy and sheltering. It helps to go see them and have them look at everything, although I can do the same thing (I found my own lump). This is all so mental.

    I guess you can put things into perspective. It depends how you really feel. Are you comfortable just checking yourself once a year vs. 2-6 times, although statistically this is what they are suggesting you do? If you are mentally ready and OK with just doing this once a year, and you feel confident, then you may want to reconsider. For me, I would rather be checked all the time, because unlike me they see cancer patients everyday so they can tell if something is not right. But again, this is for my peace of Mind. It can go both ways though.

    I am sorry you are going through financial difficulties.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    I agree with you that it is
    I agree with you that it is annoying when you are paying them money (even if it comes from the insurance), to have your Onco do nothing special during the visit. However, for me it's like a therapy and sheltering. It helps to go see them and have them look at everything, although I can do the same thing (I found my own lump). This is all so mental.

    I guess you can put things into perspective. It depends how you really feel. Are you comfortable just checking yourself once a year vs. 2-6 times, although statistically this is what they are suggesting you do? If you are mentally ready and OK with just doing this once a year, and you feel confident, then you may want to reconsider. For me, I would rather be checked all the time, because unlike me they see cancer patients everyday so they can tell if something is not right. But again, this is for my peace of Mind. It can go both ways though.

    I am sorry you are going through financial difficulties.

    Your feelings to your oncologist...tell him point blank that you do not have insurance and $500.00 every time is a real hardship.....you'd be surprised how many will work with you....do you also have blood work before each visit? And you can contact the financial assistance department....but be up front with your oncologist....not his staff, but him personally...

    Wishing you better days....have been wondering how you're doing....please keep posting.
    Hugs, Nancy
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    MAJW said:

    Your feelings to your oncologist...tell him point blank that you do not have insurance and $500.00 every time is a real hardship.....you'd be surprised how many will work with you....do you also have blood work before each visit? And you can contact the financial assistance department....but be up front with your oncologist....not his staff, but him personally...

    Wishing you better days....have been wondering how you're doing....please keep posting.
    Hugs, Nancy

    Great advice Nancy!

    Great advice Nancy!
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    Great advice Nancy!

    Great advice Nancy!

    It would gall me too if
    my onc breezed in and out but he's with me for at least 20 minutes & checks my lympph noeds, listens to my lungs and heart, and checks limbs for sweleling. He allso asks lots of questions and listens to the answers and asks if I have any questions. He told me that I need to be seen by SOMEONE every 3 months but he's willing to take turns with my surgeon, RO, etc. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones to get a really caring, great onc.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Great advice Nancy!

    Great advice Nancy!

    Forgot to add this...
    Vicki, the oncologist also checks, or he should, your lymph nodes which is an important part of an exam.... He can, by feel, a swollen node that may go unnoticed by you and take action if he detects something...sadly breast cancer can come back anywhere in the body...mine didn't come back in the breast, but in my lymph nodes....which were clean at the time of my lumpectomy two years ago.... he goes over your blood work, also if you have that done as most due prior to his exam....

    Again, speak to him personally....
    Wishing you the best...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    I understand your financial concern - What is your life worth?
    Dear Sweet Vicki,

    I hope that when you see your oncologist that blood work is being taken. Blood work is a sign that either you are okay or that a cancer cell/cells are growing once more. Every three months to be seen by a doctor and have blood work is a safety valve. Go with the attitude, I am fine. They are not going to find any cancer.

    What kind of oncologist are you talking about? Because you said, "treatment", I am assuming that your oncologist is a hematology oncologist. These doctors want to see, examine, and order blood work every 3 months. I don't know when the frequency changes, but I do know that you are under this doctor's care for the next 5 years. I also feel that this doctor is the most important doctor in your life. I affectionately call this doctor my primary care doctor for cancer. (I also see my primary care doctor...internist... once a year, unless I get a cold or something else that needs attention.?)

    If you had radiation, you would be seeing a radiation oncologist twice a year, for the next 5 years. Radiation can create problems down the road, but not for everyone.

    If you had a oncology surgeon, you would be seeing this doctor twice in the first year, with once a year visit the next four years.

    There is no captain among these oncologists. They are independent from one another, yet each should share all tests with each other.

    If I did not insist on seeing my plastic surgeon once a year, it would have been 4 more months for annual visit with the oncology surgeon who then would have told me that I had a recurrence. I saved 4 months of having the cancer in my body. I wished I had seen the oncology surgeon twice a year, but then I would have saved 6 months of having the cancer in my body.

    Lots of Hugs

    P.S. It is nice to space out the visits with each doctor because then you are being seen and watched more closely.
  • BMS
    BMS Member Posts: 127

    I understand your financial concern - What is your life worth?
    Dear Sweet Vicki,

    I hope that when you see your oncologist that blood work is being taken. Blood work is a sign that either you are okay or that a cancer cell/cells are growing once more. Every three months to be seen by a doctor and have blood work is a safety valve. Go with the attitude, I am fine. They are not going to find any cancer.

    What kind of oncologist are you talking about? Because you said, "treatment", I am assuming that your oncologist is a hematology oncologist. These doctors want to see, examine, and order blood work every 3 months. I don't know when the frequency changes, but I do know that you are under this doctor's care for the next 5 years. I also feel that this doctor is the most important doctor in your life. I affectionately call this doctor my primary care doctor for cancer. (I also see my primary care doctor...internist... once a year, unless I get a cold or something else that needs attention.?)

    If you had radiation, you would be seeing a radiation oncologist twice a year, for the next 5 years. Radiation can create problems down the road, but not for everyone.

    If you had a oncology surgeon, you would be seeing this doctor twice in the first year, with once a year visit the next four years.

    There is no captain among these oncologists. They are independent from one another, yet each should share all tests with each other.

    If I did not insist on seeing my plastic surgeon once a year, it would have been 4 more months for annual visit with the oncology surgeon who then would have told me that I had a recurrence. I saved 4 months of having the cancer in my body. I wished I had seen the oncology surgeon twice a year, but then I would have saved 6 months of having the cancer in my body.

    Lots of Hugs

    P.S. It is nice to space out the visits with each doctor because then you are being seen and watched more closely.

    Great advise
    Janelle...good advise and it is exactly what my medical oncologist and radiation oncologist said to me. They deliberately will space it out so for the first year I am seeing someone every month and a half, which means seeing each of them every 3 months but it is staggared. The surgeon I will not see as often. Then is will get spaced to every 3 months, 6 months, etc. I look at it as my safetly net. In fact, to me it's even sacrier not having someone check me.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow so sorry you dont' have
    wow so sorry you dont' have insurance...My daughter and grandsons have been years without it...it stinks..as you know

    I say almost daily how thankful I am to have coverage. while out on sick leave they did away with my job and moved me to different location. I said as long as I have a job good to go.

    I am sure you have checked with social workers, Cancer support groups for help! Maybe sliding scale...I am at lose for words...I am sorry..

    Keep us posted...
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MAJW said:

    Your feelings to your oncologist...tell him point blank that you do not have insurance and $500.00 every time is a real hardship.....you'd be surprised how many will work with you....do you also have blood work before each visit? And you can contact the financial assistance department....but be up front with your oncologist....not his staff, but him personally...

    Wishing you better days....have been wondering how you're doing....please keep posting.
    Hugs, Nancy

    I'm so sorry for your
    I'm so sorry for your financial situation Vicki. I agree with Nancy, speak with your doctor and let him know that you can't afford the visits as often. Hopefully, he will try and work something out with you, maybe even see you for free.

    Good luck,

    Sue :)
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    I would talk to onc. about
    I would talk to onc. about your feelings and tell him that you don't have insurance. Maybe he'll have a suggestion or lower his fee due to NO insurance. $500. OMG!
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    I would talk to onc. about
    I would talk to onc. about your feelings and tell him that you don't have insurance. Maybe he'll have a suggestion or lower his fee due to NO insurance. $500. OMG!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I would talk to onc. about
    I would talk to onc. about your feelings and tell him that you don't have insurance. Maybe he'll have a suggestion or lower his fee due to NO insurance. $500. OMG!

    My last check up 2 weeks ago, cost me $600.00
    I have no health insurance as well, so I get a little frustrated .. when I am weighed in .. blood pressure is "not" taken .. cuz, the PA or Nurse can not figure out how the hellllll to cuff my ankle (double mastectomy -- blood pressure now and forever will be taken on my ankle) .. I have to pretty much show PA/Nurse where to place cuff --- after 5 attempts - .. no blood pressure taken, this last time - did I mention that I was irritated? .. hate this.

    I normally have my journal with questions ready -- I know now, to allow Dr. M a few minutes to touch, feel .. move me, tap and press my organs .. then lay me out on the exam table ..for a closer look at 'Barbie and Bambi' .. before hammering him with my questions. Its a fine tuned, choreographed dance we tango to .. but, it works for us.

    My lab bill arrived 3 days, ago .. $276.00 . . .. yep.

    I don't like paying this money, but it is for my health -- and I thank God, we currently can afford to do so.

    Just my take .. another 'Not Insured' breast cancer patient.

    Vicki Sam
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    VickiSam said:

    My last check up 2 weeks ago, cost me $600.00
    I have no health insurance as well, so I get a little frustrated .. when I am weighed in .. blood pressure is "not" taken .. cuz, the PA or Nurse can not figure out how the hellllll to cuff my ankle (double mastectomy -- blood pressure now and forever will be taken on my ankle) .. I have to pretty much show PA/Nurse where to place cuff --- after 5 attempts - .. no blood pressure taken, this last time - did I mention that I was irritated? .. hate this.

    I normally have my journal with questions ready -- I know now, to allow Dr. M a few minutes to touch, feel .. move me, tap and press my organs .. then lay me out on the exam table ..for a closer look at 'Barbie and Bambi' .. before hammering him with my questions. Its a fine tuned, choreographed dance we tango to .. but, it works for us.

    My lab bill arrived 3 days, ago .. $276.00 . . .. yep.

    I don't like paying this money, but it is for my health -- and I thank God, we currently can afford to do so.

    Just my take .. another 'Not Insured' breast cancer patient.

    Vicki Sam

    Does anyone know
    approximately when you go from 3 months to 6 months? I am a year out of treatment this month and will see my MO in October (saw him last month). I am hoping to go to 2x a year soon. Every three months, I know is for my own good, but I feel like it is hanging over me. 2x a year, I think will give me more breathing room.

    Thanks for the advice.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Does anyone know
    approximately when you go from 3 months to 6 months? I am a year out of treatment this month and will see my MO in October (saw him last month). I am hoping to go to 2x a year soon. Every three months, I know is for my own good, but I feel like it is hanging over me. 2x a year, I think will give me more breathing room.

    Thanks for the advice.


    Clementine .. My Oncologist stated
    on my last visit .. 2 years 'out of treatment', then we switch up to 2 x per year for 5 years.
    I assume, which I hate to do .. it all depends on your Oncologist.

    Vicki Sam
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Clementine .. My Oncologist stated
    on my last visit .. 2 years 'out of treatment', then we switch up to 2 x per year for 5 years.
    I assume, which I hate to do .. it all depends on your Oncologist.

    Vicki Sam

    Thanks very much
    Thanks very much, Vicki Sam! I guess I was jumping the gun a bit. Patience, Clementine!

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Thanks very much
    Thanks very much, Vicki Sam! I guess I was jumping the gun a bit. Patience, Clementine!


    Hi Clementine!
    My last visit

    Hi Clementine!
    My last visit was on July 21st and he finally put me on 6 monhts. I finished all treatment in Dec of 09. Hope that helps.
    Good to see you!
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member

    Hi Clementine!
    My last visit

    Hi Clementine!
    My last visit was on July 21st and he finally put me on 6 monhts. I finished all treatment in Dec of 09. Hope that helps.
    Good to see you!

    It does help a lot...
    Adjusts my expectations for my October visit. Knowing is way better than wondering (for me anyway!). Thanks a million, Wanda!

    Mille baci,
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Does anyone know
    approximately when you go from 3 months to 6 months? I am a year out of treatment this month and will see my MO in October (saw him last month). I am hoping to go to 2x a year soon. Every three months, I know is for my own good, but I feel like it is hanging over me. 2x a year, I think will give me more breathing room.

    Thanks for the advice.


    I am on 6 months now for my
    I am on 6 months now for my mammo and ultrasound.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Clementine .. My Oncologist stated
    on my last visit .. 2 years 'out of treatment', then we switch up to 2 x per year for 5 years.
    I assume, which I hate to do .. it all depends on your Oncologist.

    Vicki Sam

    Follow Up Appointments...
    Should be just as individualized as treatment is for each patient; i.e., based on the particulars of DX, etc. ... Although there's probably a "standard" schedule that gets tailored. For me, as an example - am 8 years out from DX, 7 years since completion of all invasive treatment (surgery/chemo/rads). I still see my med onc every 6 months (each March & September), which I'll need to do for the rest of my life.

    One of the very first things my med onc told me, all those years ago: "There's no such thing as 'cookie cutter' treatment." Same appies to follow up visits.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    It does help a lot...
    Adjusts my expectations for my October visit. Knowing is way better than wondering (for me anyway!). Thanks a million, Wanda!

    Mille baci,

    Not so fast, dear Clementine!
    I think I remember that you're still on Tamoxifen like me, yes?

    Of course, every doctor has his/her own protocol -- and, as Susan said, the schedule should be individualized for each patient -- but my medical oncologist feels strongly that he wants to see me every 3 months for the entire 5 years I'm on Tamoxifen.

    Only 3 more years to go, woo-hoo! >:-(
