A little down--long story

CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Many of you know that I am a neonatal nurse practitioner and I work 24 hour shifts. The up side of that is that I usually get to sleep because my hospital is a small, community one and I only work about 6 shifts a month and that keeps me at full time--with full benefits and good health care.

The bad side of the 24 hour shifts is that, since my heart attack in 2008, I am on a very low dose of a beta blocker and an ace inhibitor. Both drugs lower blood pressure and blood pressure was never my problem--my B/P before the heart attack was 90/60--now it is usually 80/50.

My cardiologist wants me to stay on both drugs because they really reduce the possibility of having another heart attack--and I am on the lowest possible dosages. He knows how low my pressure is but tells me to hydrate and avoid heat.

But here's the problem--last night I was called to a C/S at midnight. The C/S was a little complicated because the patient had adhesions (scarring that causes it difficult to separate tissue/organs); so what should have taken 15 min took about an hour. And an hour of me standing, holding a retractor in a gown under hot lights.

Of course, I felt faint as I'm sure my B/P bottomed out. I had to get a nurse to scrub and gown in and run and get another NICU nurse to assist. While I was back in the NICU with my head down, trying to cool off and not throw up. The baby was fine, but it shook me up.

I talked to my supervisor this AM and she was incredibly supportive and said all of the right things like "we're a team and a nurse can gown out and help you, etc.", but I feel so vulnerable and frustrated! I love my job and I hate that I can't always control my body.

Now I have to figure out how to wake up in the middle of the night and get my B/P up quickly. The other NPs tell me it sometimes happens to them too, but it has definitely happened to me 3X now in 4 years. And that upsets me so much.

I know I am whining, but I just had to ventilate. My boss said to let the nurses gown up and go get the baby and bring the baby to me and I think that will help, but I am shaken up right now.


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I'm so sorry that you had to
    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I know you will figure it out because you are the best at giving advise and you are a very strong lady.
    Hugs and more hugs,
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    I'm so sorry that you had to
    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I know you will figure it out because you are the best at giving advise and you are a very strong lady.
    Hugs and more hugs,

    I too am so sorry you had to deal with this. I know it has to be hard, I am glad your boss and co-workers are supportive and understanding. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    I too am so sorry you had to deal with this. I know it has to be hard, I am glad your boss and co-workers are supportive and understanding. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I'm sorry
    I am sorry that you are going through this, but I'm sure the other nurses understand. We do stick together and take care of one another you know :) I'm glad your boss is so understanding and has even offered a suggestion for the future. God Bless you and your co-workers.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I'm sorry
    I am sorry that you are going through this, but I'm sure the other nurses understand. We do stick together and take care of one another you know :) I'm glad your boss is so understanding and has even offered a suggestion for the future. God Bless you and your co-workers.

    That is the important word here Cynthia. It sounds like you are surrounded there by very willing nurses that will step in whenever you need them. So, don't feel bad for asking them to, if you should need their help. We have to listen to our bodies and do what is best for us. And, if that means you have to step back a little or every now and then, then please do it. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, nothing at all.

    You are an amazing woman to have been through all that you have Cynthia. And, to work with little babies. It just shows what a kindhearted woman you are. And, a fantastic nurse!

    So, hold your head high and please don't feel bad. We all need help from time to time for different reasons. This was just a time you needed it and your co-workers were right there for you.

    Taking care of yourself is number one here!

    I'm sending you the biggest hug right now to make you feel better. I hope it works!

    Sue :)
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Ritzy said:

    That is the important word here Cynthia. It sounds like you are surrounded there by very willing nurses that will step in whenever you need them. So, don't feel bad for asking them to, if you should need their help. We have to listen to our bodies and do what is best for us. And, if that means you have to step back a little or every now and then, then please do it. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, nothing at all.

    You are an amazing woman to have been through all that you have Cynthia. And, to work with little babies. It just shows what a kindhearted woman you are. And, a fantastic nurse!

    So, hold your head high and please don't feel bad. We all need help from time to time for different reasons. This was just a time you needed it and your co-workers were right there for you.

    Taking care of yourself is number one here!

    I'm sending you the biggest hug right now to make you feel better. I hope it works!

    Sue :)

    I am so sorry that

    I am so sorry that this has shaken you. I can see where it would. You are a person who wants to the best job she possibly can and you had/have concerns that this B/P issue will infer with that. But it sounds like you have a great support team willing to be there for you. I would say the most important thing is recognizing when it is getting super low and bottoming out and telling them right away and that is what you did. You didn't wait until the point when you actually passed out. Those lights you are under are so hot that they probably have an effect on anyone. My cousin is a pediatric surgical nurse and once she fainted in the operating room. She said one moment she was standing and told someone she felt light headed and then she woke up on a gurney. Not sure what caused hers but she said the first thing she asked about was if it caused any problems. It did not.
    Try not to beat yourself up about this. You are such a good caring person and unless this becomes frequent I wouldn't over worry about it. Do you keep a water bottle handy and drink just before you start these procedures? I am sure you do, but thought I would ask.
    Again, you are such an angel and you should not worry or fret over this. These things happen in the best of circumstances.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    fauxma said:

    I am so sorry that

    I am so sorry that this has shaken you. I can see where it would. You are a person who wants to the best job she possibly can and you had/have concerns that this B/P issue will infer with that. But it sounds like you have a great support team willing to be there for you. I would say the most important thing is recognizing when it is getting super low and bottoming out and telling them right away and that is what you did. You didn't wait until the point when you actually passed out. Those lights you are under are so hot that they probably have an effect on anyone. My cousin is a pediatric surgical nurse and once she fainted in the operating room. She said one moment she was standing and told someone she felt light headed and then she woke up on a gurney. Not sure what caused hers but she said the first thing she asked about was if it caused any problems. It did not.
    Try not to beat yourself up about this. You are such a good caring person and unless this becomes frequent I wouldn't over worry about it. Do you keep a water bottle handy and drink just before you start these procedures? I am sure you do, but thought I would ask.
    Again, you are such an angel and you should not worry or fret over this. These things happen in the best of circumstances.

    I think it's the scariest thing to feel that
    you're not in control of your body. It's true what all the girls previously said--sounds like you have a great support team. They all understand and are there for you, as are we. You just "ventilate" away when you need to.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    missrenee said:

    I think it's the scariest thing to feel that
    you're not in control of your body. It's true what all the girls previously said--sounds like you have a great support team. They all understand and are there for you, as are we. You just "ventilate" away when you need to.

    Hugs, Renee

    I'm sorry Cynthia. Please
    I'm sorry Cynthia. Please don't be down about this. You can't help what happened, and, you have to be careful.

    Use your team there at the hospital, and, take care.

  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    You said you hate not being
    You said you hate not being in control of your body, and if I read between the lines a little you're also worried about the precious little baby in your care. It also seems that you and your supervisor have already worked through that.

    Here's my question...how many times in the last 4 years have you been the one to help another nurse in need? I believe everyone here has commented on the supportive team you work with, and knowing you I'm sure you do more than pull your weight. So try and give yourself a break, I know...easier said than done.

    You know much more about medicine than me, but would a little extra salt the day of (or the day before) your shift give you that little elevation in BP you want?

    It's so clear you love your job and those little babies you care for. I hope you find a solution you're comfortable with.


  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415

    You said you hate not being
    You said you hate not being in control of your body, and if I read between the lines a little you're also worried about the precious little baby in your care. It also seems that you and your supervisor have already worked through that.

    Here's my question...how many times in the last 4 years have you been the one to help another nurse in need? I believe everyone here has commented on the supportive team you work with, and knowing you I'm sure you do more than pull your weight. So try and give yourself a break, I know...easier said than done.

    You know much more about medicine than me, but would a little extra salt the day of (or the day before) your shift give you that little elevation in BP you want?

    It's so clear you love your job and those little babies you care for. I hope you find a solution you're comfortable with.



    Well said
    Well said Linda.

    Sounds to me that you are a treasured nurse and much needed. This could happen to anyone. I do however understand how you feel about not being in control of your body. I am diabetic and recently have had lots of lows that feel like a stroke....for you that must be so frustrating. I hope this gets worked out for you, because I sense you love your job.
    Take care. Pat
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    Well said
    Well said Linda.

    Sounds to me that you are a treasured nurse and much needed. This could happen to anyone. I do however understand how you feel about not being in control of your body. I am diabetic and recently have had lots of lows that feel like a stroke....for you that must be so frustrating. I hope this gets worked out for you, because I sense you love your job.
    Take care. Pat

    My son has that problem sometimes due to his medications.
    He was told to eat something salty to raise it. I wonder if you could drink something salty (yuk). Sounds too simple but just a thought.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    you are definitely not whining! MOF I've never heard you complain one bit. I understand your frustration. You love your job but need to take care of yourself first. I'm glad you didn't faint. You say it's happened 3x in 4 years. I don't know if there is anything you could do to elevate your bp for those kind of moments. I wish I could offer some positive feedback other than you handled it the way you needed to. At least others understand.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Dear cypresscynthia,
    So sorry to read this. You are one strong lady. Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.

  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    You are worth it

    I think your boss has the right idea. Let the other nurses do the heavy work and stand for hours at a time. You should just let them bring you the babies. Just like the new babies who are adjusting to life outside mom, you need to adjust to your body not being the way it was before. Take care of YOURSELF as much as you take care of those new little lives.

    Please let us know if things get better for you once you have the assistance from the other nurses.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Well said
    Well said Linda.

    Sounds to me that you are a treasured nurse and much needed. This could happen to anyone. I do however understand how you feel about not being in control of your body. I am diabetic and recently have had lots of lows that feel like a stroke....for you that must be so frustrating. I hope this gets worked out for you, because I sense you love your job.
    Take care. Pat

    C.C. I am so sorry and I wished I lived close enough to
    hug you and offer you some much need encouragement. You are 1 person, and 1 person alone. When working in a group setting .. it is exactly that - group :-0 meaning more than 1 person. But, I do understand the issue about not having control of our bodies .. I am truly happy that you have control of your mind, and you have the mindset of calling and getting help. If I had been in your shoes, I would of just collasped and cried .. ..but you took the professional road - and resolved the situation, took it a step further with speaking to your Supervisor . . I worry about you and your quest to be 100% to so many people.

    You may want to quiz your body and self - at home over the next few weeks ..try 2 figure -- what helps get your blood pressure up / food, an energy drink ? .. Maybe this can turn into a family project with Danny and Katherine. You are such a SMART COOKIE -- trial and error at home will result in happiness for C.C. at work -- working those 24 hour shift.

    Your are the ultimate professional .. You are the person I admire, want to become.

    Please let us know .. what you find.

    Thank you,

    Vicki Sam
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    Hi CC,
    You are such a wonderful sweet person. And this is where we all have whine and cheese happily together.
    So glad you're okay.
    What a beautiful career you have chosen.
    Thank God you are in this world!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Hi CC,
    You are such a wonderful sweet person. And this is where we all have whine and cheese happily together.
    So glad you're okay.
    What a beautiful career you have chosen.
    Thank God you are in this world!

    Thank you all for some great
    Thank you all for some great suggestions and wonderful encouragement. Linda is right that my biggest fear is not being there for a baby when they need me. But she is also right that I also help everyone else whenever I can. And VickiSam is also right that I am a bit of a perfectionist and need to delegate more and ask for help when I need it. I know I will work through this.

    Can you believe that I have never in my life tried a sports drink? I have no idea why, but I will now be stocking my call room fridge with them. They have always looked a little yucky to me, but I promise I will try them--any suggestions about flavors?

    Someone at work also suggested support hose. Nighttime, standing still and heat all seem to equal disaster for me, so I am going to really work with the nightshift team and see what I can do about avoiding those situations. My cardiologist says hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and I am better at doing that at home, but I am really going to try harder at work. I am not sure if salt is ok after a heart attack?--but I will ask my cardiologist.

    Thank you my sweet sisters for encouraging me. I don't know what I would do without your support All of your kind words mean so very much to me.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Awwhhh CC
    I don't believe for one minute that the others nurses minded at all.

    Look at the bond you have with us in such a short time, and how
    high with think of you and care for you.

    But that is not the point, is it? You feel like you are falling behind
    in doing your job. Your passion for job shines through your post.
    And this passion is what everyone around you sees in you. It's
    always wonderful to work alongside people like you.

    Give yourself a break, you are still going so strong with all that
    you have been through.

    How lucky for those babies to have someone so special care for them.

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Hope that you can figure and work things out so that you can still do your job.
    And you were not whining-just bringing your troubles here..
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Well said
    Well said Linda.

    Sounds to me that you are a treasured nurse and much needed. This could happen to anyone. I do however understand how you feel about not being in control of your body. I am diabetic and recently have had lots of lows that feel like a stroke....for you that must be so frustrating. I hope this gets worked out for you, because I sense you love your job.
    Take care. Pat

    You are so valuable in
    You are so valuable in helping those babies Cynthia. Like Pat said, this could happen to anyone. Don't beat yourself up over what isn't your fault. Ask another nurse to help if you need to. Good luck.

    Hugs, Diane
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Thank you all for some great
    Thank you all for some great suggestions and wonderful encouragement. Linda is right that my biggest fear is not being there for a baby when they need me. But she is also right that I also help everyone else whenever I can. And VickiSam is also right that I am a bit of a perfectionist and need to delegate more and ask for help when I need it. I know I will work through this.

    Can you believe that I have never in my life tried a sports drink? I have no idea why, but I will now be stocking my call room fridge with them. They have always looked a little yucky to me, but I promise I will try them--any suggestions about flavors?

    Someone at work also suggested support hose. Nighttime, standing still and heat all seem to equal disaster for me, so I am going to really work with the nightshift team and see what I can do about avoiding those situations. My cardiologist says hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and I am better at doing that at home, but I am really going to try harder at work. I am not sure if salt is ok after a heart attack?--but I will ask my cardiologist.

    Thank you my sweet sisters for encouraging me. I don't know what I would do without your support All of your kind words mean so very much to me.

    There are some sports drinks
    There are some sports drinks that really taste good Cynthia. I hope you find some that you like.

    Be sure and post so we know how you are feeling. I pray that you will feel better Cynthia and ask for help when you need it.

    Sue :)