A little down--long story



  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462

    Thank you all for some great
    Thank you all for some great suggestions and wonderful encouragement. Linda is right that my biggest fear is not being there for a baby when they need me. But she is also right that I also help everyone else whenever I can. And VickiSam is also right that I am a bit of a perfectionist and need to delegate more and ask for help when I need it. I know I will work through this.

    Can you believe that I have never in my life tried a sports drink? I have no idea why, but I will now be stocking my call room fridge with them. They have always looked a little yucky to me, but I promise I will try them--any suggestions about flavors?

    Someone at work also suggested support hose. Nighttime, standing still and heat all seem to equal disaster for me, so I am going to really work with the nightshift team and see what I can do about avoiding those situations. My cardiologist says hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and I am better at doing that at home, but I am really going to try harder at work. I am not sure if salt is ok after a heart attack?--but I will ask my cardiologist.

    Thank you my sweet sisters for encouraging me. I don't know what I would do without your support All of your kind words mean so very much to me.

    Hi again,
    I'm not much on sports drinks, but I love coconut water which works about the same.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Hi CC,
    You are such a wonderful sweet person. And this is where we all have whine and cheese happily together.
    So glad you're okay.
    What a beautiful career you have chosen.
    Thank God you are in this world!

    Like SamuraiMom, just glad
    Like SamuraiMom, just glad you are alright. You have such a big heart Cynthia and your posts on here are so important to all of us pink sisters.

    You aren't whining, just concerned and frustrated.

    Ask for help from your co workers if you need to and don't worry one minute about it.

    ♥ Noel