bonnie thomas

bonnie thomas
bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
i need some one to tell me about avastion and doxial please might be getting it .
thanks bonnie


  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Hi bonnie,
    I haven't been on either of those 2 chemo drugs yet, but if you don't get any satisfactory answers here, try posting on the MedHelp website.

    I have a feeling you'll get several responses there.

    Good luck,
  • Deb2009
    Deb2009 Member Posts: 14
    Don't Know Results Yet
    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm on a clinical trial of Avastin/Doxil/Temsirolimus. Have gone through 2 rounds and will have CT & CA125 next week. Don't know how it's working but I'm hopeful. Side affects I have had are mouth sores - didn't last long after starting Caphosol (not always covered by insurance but wonderful if it is). I've been very tired but have continued to work full time except for the days of treatment and dr. visits (I do go in late most days -have a great employer). Hair fell out on the prior treatment of taxol/Cisplatin but has begin to grow back even with the new treatment. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat - everything taste the same (except sweets). Don't know if this is the sort of information you wanted, but hope it helps.

  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    jane65 said:

    Hi bonnie,
    I haven't been on either of those 2 chemo drugs yet, but if you don't get any satisfactory answers here, try posting on the MedHelp website.

    I have a feeling you'll get several responses there.

    Good luck,

    thanks jane .
    hope you are doing good i have ovarianca and have had sense last aprial, stage 4. i have done great . the ca125. is up to 100 but has been down the cancer is still there a little so we may go to something when the scan is read this comming momday . i did carbo and taxalat first did 11 ha did good ust weak tired for about 6 days and jumped right back up and keep running.i am now on a research drug and have been for 9 months and have done great!!!!topakin is what they call it . they tell me they dont go by just the ca125 , i worked as a nursing assitfor 29 years and i got ca i know all the dr i have at west clinic in memphis i even worked at the clinic where i am now going ha.
    god has been good thanks for writing me god bless
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    Don't Know Results Yet
    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm on a clinical trial of Avastin/Doxil/Temsirolimus. Have gone through 2 rounds and will have CT & CA125 next week. Don't know how it's working but I'm hopeful. Side affects I have had are mouth sores - didn't last long after starting Caphosol (not always covered by insurance but wonderful if it is). I've been very tired but have continued to work full time except for the days of treatment and dr. visits (I do go in late most days -have a great employer). Hair fell out on the prior treatment of taxol/Cisplatin but has begin to grow back even with the new treatment. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat - everything taste the same (except sweets). Don't know if this is the sort of information you wanted, but hope it helps.


    hi deb,
    thank you so much for getting back to me . i think it is great you are able to work even if you go in late, i was told i had ovarian ca last aprial i am a nursing assit and have been 20 years , i also worked at the clinic where i go know all the drs, i had carbo and taxal 6 before they took every thing out did well except tired and weak no taste for about 6 to 7 days and them was great running like crasy. had in all 11 then went on a research drug topkicain it it is for ovarina ca but was in a pitt once a day, been on it fo 9 months been great. ca125 was 100 this last monday so we are doing a scan on monday to look and see there has always been a little ca there so we will see if i need to get on some thing else for a while. some times the choms we take get used to our bodys so we go to something else. god has been good to me i thank him.i know the taste is bad when all you taste is all alike i did have fruit and sweets with the carbo and taxland they taste real well some things not so good. boy the things we go through. maybe you can tell me a little about you maybe i can tell you some things if you like thanks again.
    o did they tell you on the doxil your feet and hands might get real red and tender and did they give you a kite for that. like ice packs.and do you take it once a month and avastin every other week.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hello to another Bonnie
    Hi Bonnie, I have been on both drugs but not together. I think you well hear from a few who have done the doxil and some who have had avastin with other drugs. The doxil worked for me and gave me a 3 month chemo break, just need to be extra careful for the hand/foot syndroym. The avastin was harder on me and had it with cytoxan, but when I tried it, back in 06 nothing was working and the cancer was spreading. The combination killed off some of the tumors and they have never returned and gave me another 3 month chemo break and I believe gave me almost 4 more years. Good luck on this next combination.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers BonnieRose
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    Don't Know Results Yet
    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm on a clinical trial of Avastin/Doxil/Temsirolimus. Have gone through 2 rounds and will have CT & CA125 next week. Don't know how it's working but I'm hopeful. Side affects I have had are mouth sores - didn't last long after starting Caphosol (not always covered by insurance but wonderful if it is). I've been very tired but have continued to work full time except for the days of treatment and dr. visits (I do go in late most days -have a great employer). Hair fell out on the prior treatment of taxol/Cisplatin but has begin to grow back even with the new treatment. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat - everything taste the same (except sweets). Don't know if this is the sort of information you wanted, but hope it helps.


    hi deb just wanted to say hello hope you are well , i am going for a scan tomorrow so hopeing have some good news . it is in gods hands , i have done so well so far but have really been a champ through all this we have to keep postive and strong dont we , just read your letter again and wanted to write let me know how you are.
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    BonnieR said:

    Hello to another Bonnie
    Hi Bonnie, I have been on both drugs but not together. I think you well hear from a few who have done the doxil and some who have had avastin with other drugs. The doxil worked for me and gave me a 3 month chemo break, just need to be extra careful for the hand/foot syndroym. The avastin was harder on me and had it with cytoxan, but when I tried it, back in 06 nothing was working and the cancer was spreading. The combination killed off some of the tumors and they have never returned and gave me another 3 month chemo break and I believe gave me almost 4 more years. Good luck on this next combination.

    Hugs ♥ Prayers BonnieRose

    hi bonnie so thankful you wrote me thank you . i am getting my scan tomorrow so i will let you know ok we dont know till the scan you know how it goes , glad we have another bonnie .
    have a great day . i know my girl friend told me about the hands a nd feet but she has not had any of that,.
  • Deb2009
    Deb2009 Member Posts: 14

    hi deb just wanted to say hello hope you are well , i am going for a scan tomorrow so hopeing have some good news . it is in gods hands , i have done so well so far but have really been a champ through all this we have to keep postive and strong dont we , just read your letter again and wanted to write let me know how you are.

    Sending Positive Prayers Your Way
    Hi Bonnie,

    Hope your scans are clear tomorrow. Don't worry about them today, just relax and enjoy the day. I haven't had a very good weekend...very tired....I live in Central Texas and my allergies are kicking my butt!!!! What part of the country do you live in? I'm near Austin and go to MD Anderson in Houston for treatments. I'm 46, married and have 12 year old twins - boy and a girl. I was diagnosed and had surgery in March '09. Have not gone into remission yet but keep praying that the dr's will find the right chemo mix soon.

    Stay positive tomorrow.......I'm holding you up in my prayers.

  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    Sending Positive Prayers Your Way
    Hi Bonnie,

    Hope your scans are clear tomorrow. Don't worry about them today, just relax and enjoy the day. I haven't had a very good weekend...very tired....I live in Central Texas and my allergies are kicking my butt!!!! What part of the country do you live in? I'm near Austin and go to MD Anderson in Houston for treatments. I'm 46, married and have 12 year old twins - boy and a girl. I was diagnosed and had surgery in March '09. Have not gone into remission yet but keep praying that the dr's will find the right chemo mix soon.

    Stay positive tomorrow.......I'm holding you up in my prayers.


    Hi Deb
    thank you so much for writing me and keeping me in your prays that really helps me a lot.
    i am a very happy person and postive as well but at times do get sad not a lot , i have not been in remission yet but things are small like mm as small as it gets. they watch me real close so we will see god is good i am 57 very young at heart feel 48 as i always have felt younger tham i ami live in red banks miss , have been here for 1 year we lived in memphis all my life till last yearit was hard for me to move here butwe had land that my husbands father left us and my inlaws moved here next to us so here we are , it is very pretty it is in the country but only 16 miles to olive branch miss, is great ,i have driven through texas never stoped was going out west.i am married to a twin and was the first time i was married , dont know how that happen ha. hey deb whatkind of you chmo you getting. i was told last may, i had been going through the change of life. only had one child he is 41. i hope your day is better tomorrow , so got to go will write ya and let you know all about tomorrow .
    you are in my parys as well .
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    Don't Know Results Yet
    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm on a clinical trial of Avastin/Doxil/Temsirolimus. Have gone through 2 rounds and will have CT & CA125 next week. Don't know how it's working but I'm hopeful. Side affects I have had are mouth sores - didn't last long after starting Caphosol (not always covered by insurance but wonderful if it is). I've been very tired but have continued to work full time except for the days of treatment and dr. visits (I do go in late most days -have a great employer). Hair fell out on the prior treatment of taxol/Cisplatin but has begin to grow back even with the new treatment. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat - everything taste the same (except sweets). Don't know if this is the sort of information you wanted, but hope it helps.


    hi there
    hey deb i am sorry you told me what you were on your chmo i mean , i forgot , chmo brain haha.
    good night
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    Sending Positive Prayers Your Way
    Hi Bonnie,

    Hope your scans are clear tomorrow. Don't worry about them today, just relax and enjoy the day. I haven't had a very good weekend...very tired....I live in Central Texas and my allergies are kicking my butt!!!! What part of the country do you live in? I'm near Austin and go to MD Anderson in Houston for treatments. I'm 46, married and have 12 year old twins - boy and a girl. I was diagnosed and had surgery in March '09. Have not gone into remission yet but keep praying that the dr's will find the right chemo mix soon.

    Stay positive tomorrow.......I'm holding you up in my prayers.


    scan yesterday deb
    hi girl ,
    i was told the cancer was a little bigger. still all mm'swhitch is so small. i have three places one lymp on the right side of my neck . that tells me alot if things are growning, so there is a small 2 in plvic area thah have grown some not much . as i was on the topikin one time i got sick and had to go to hospital so they had to cut the plii down was 1 mg so they had to got o 7.5 so marker went up to 213 as of yesterday. so we will be going tomorrow to do the heart x ray dor the doxil, then thursday we will get first aveston and doxil at a low dose they say.go tmy kit , taked with my girl friend she has never used it has done well.
    just wanted to let you know . thanks for your prays
    bonnie thomas
  • Deb2009
    Deb2009 Member Posts: 14

    scan yesterday deb
    hi girl ,
    i was told the cancer was a little bigger. still all mm'swhitch is so small. i have three places one lymp on the right side of my neck . that tells me alot if things are growning, so there is a small 2 in plvic area thah have grown some not much . as i was on the topikin one time i got sick and had to go to hospital so they had to cut the plii down was 1 mg so they had to got o 7.5 so marker went up to 213 as of yesterday. so we will be going tomorrow to do the heart x ray dor the doxil, then thursday we will get first aveston and doxil at a low dose they say.go tmy kit , taked with my girl friend she has never used it has done well.
    just wanted to let you know . thanks for your prays
    bonnie thomas

    still sending prayers your way
    Hi Bonnie,

    Sounds like everything is still small and treatable - that's good news. I have started experiencing a tenderness in the palms of hands and fingers. It's almost like a rubbed them with sandpaper. Keeping hands moisturized, hope that helps. I go tomorrow for a chest xray and ct to see if the current treatment is working. I'm feeling good about this one - staying positive.

    Say a prayer for me.

  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Deb2009 said:

    still sending prayers your way
    Hi Bonnie,

    Sounds like everything is still small and treatable - that's good news. I have started experiencing a tenderness in the palms of hands and fingers. It's almost like a rubbed them with sandpaper. Keeping hands moisturized, hope that helps. I go tomorrow for a chest xray and ct to see if the current treatment is working. I'm feeling good about this one - staying positive.

    Say a prayer for me.


    parys have been sent out for you
    hi deb thanks for letting me know you got my letter, i am ready and standing on go. i will stay postive, got to ya know .they told me the liver was normal at first had fluid around it 6 pounds but thank god that has never came back blood work is great..for liver. we know the guy who reads the scans i ues to work with him at west clinic , seen him today and he explained the whole scan to me as well as sitting down wit me and explaining every thing , gave me pictures of the scan and a cd, it sure is good to know drs who read then and i have known then for 15 yrs,please write me and let me know ok i will be praying for you all night as when i wake up in the night i start praying just do . i pray you get the best news sleep well and stay strong ya got to for the twins
    god bless bonnie thomas
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36

    hi bonnie so thankful you wrote me thank you . i am getting my scan tomorrow so i will let you know ok we dont know till the scan you know how it goes , glad we have another bonnie .
    have a great day . i know my girl friend told me about the hands a nd feet but she has not had any of that,.

    hi bonnie
    hi scan yesterday was a little bigger so we will go off the pill and go to avastin and low dose od doxil she says. every thing is still mm/s small got a got a node in r neck was there when i got cancer i was at work and lelt it and it went from there. i know the drs who read the scans i used to work with then at the cancer clinic they showed me all and explaned it all to me and gave me a cd and pictures, great ha.i will go tomorrow to get heart thing as they wont start the doxil till then so they can keep a ck on that. good thing . they say most women get the nodes in the left side of neck did you . where are you from.
    god bless am praying for you and you family.
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36

    hi bonnie
    hi scan yesterday was a little bigger so we will go off the pill and go to avastin and low dose od doxil she says. every thing is still mm/s small got a got a node in r neck was there when i got cancer i was at work and lelt it and it went from there. i know the drs who read the scans i used to work with then at the cancer clinic they showed me all and explaned it all to me and gave me a cd and pictures, great ha.i will go tomorrow to get heart thing as they wont start the doxil till then so they can keep a ck on that. good thing . they say most women get the nodes in the left side of neck did you . where are you from.
    god bless am praying for you and you family.

    chmo today bonnie
    hi bonnie i got the scan wed, the hrare xray was good strong heart ha, i got chmo and avaston today did great!!!!!!!!!!am tired for it was long. had to drip it slow .the scan showed no new cancer just what has been there all a long we are talking mms in sizei have a good frienfd you i can go to to read my scans and make me pictures and go from top to bottom and show me all of it i hav the one in my neck a node two in pelviall mms swe are not talking big. so that is good.i am ready for what ever comes my way. god is by my side as well as youre. just wanted to let you know .
    god bless
    bonnie thomas
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member

    chmo today bonnie
    hi bonnie i got the scan wed, the hrare xray was good strong heart ha, i got chmo and avaston today did great!!!!!!!!!!am tired for it was long. had to drip it slow .the scan showed no new cancer just what has been there all a long we are talking mms in sizei have a good frienfd you i can go to to read my scans and make me pictures and go from top to bottom and show me all of it i hav the one in my neck a node two in pelviall mms swe are not talking big. so that is good.i am ready for what ever comes my way. god is by my side as well as youre. just wanted to let you know .
    god bless
    bonnie thomas

    With us all
    Yes, Bonnie, He is with us all!!!! Hope this new chemo makes the small tumors erase from the CT's.
    ((Hugs and prayers))) Saundra
  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133

    chmo today bonnie
    hi bonnie i got the scan wed, the hrare xray was good strong heart ha, i got chmo and avaston today did great!!!!!!!!!!am tired for it was long. had to drip it slow .the scan showed no new cancer just what has been there all a long we are talking mms in sizei have a good frienfd you i can go to to read my scans and make me pictures and go from top to bottom and show me all of it i hav the one in my neck a node two in pelviall mms swe are not talking big. so that is good.i am ready for what ever comes my way. god is by my side as well as youre. just wanted to let you know .
    god bless
    bonnie thomas

    I took Carboplatin, Taxol, and Avastin for 8 rounds of chemo. The main thing about Avastin was that it didn't allow surgery wounds to heal. In fact, when my port became infected and I had to have it removed, we had to end the Avastin after 7 rounds because the would wouldn't heal. Avastin strangles the blood cells to the cancer cells, which love to breed on blood. But it also strangles the blood cells to the good cells. Like all chemos, it does good and bad.

    My oncologist wanted me to continue just Avastin for 12 months, but our company switched to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and they wouldn't allow it for ovarian cancer.

  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    saundra said:

    With us all
    Yes, Bonnie, He is with us all!!!! Hope this new chemo makes the small tumors erase from the CT's.
    ((Hugs and prayers))) Saundra

    thank you so much hope you are doing well god be with you and your family i feel great today.
    bonnie thomas
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    Mawty said:

    I took Carboplatin, Taxol, and Avastin for 8 rounds of chemo. The main thing about Avastin was that it didn't allow surgery wounds to heal. In fact, when my port became infected and I had to have it removed, we had to end the Avastin after 7 rounds because the would wouldn't heal. Avastin strangles the blood cells to the cancer cells, which love to breed on blood. But it also strangles the blood cells to the good cells. Like all chemos, it does good and bad.

    My oncologist wanted me to continue just Avastin for 12 months, but our company switched to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and they wouldn't allow it for ovarian cancer.


    hi gril
    thanks for in put, your right all chmos got good and bad. my sister in law has been on avaston for a year and has done real well she also had other chmos. the 10 care in tenn is bad dr wanted to keep her on just avaston and the ins said in order to pay for the avaston she would have to take another chmo by mouth for two weeks or she would not get avaston tha is so silly they will pay for two but not the one.
    i would love to go to washington and speak on all this and they need to talk a lot more about our ca. so hope you are havindg a great day god bless you your in my parys.
    bonnie thomas
  • bonnie thomas
    bonnie thomas Member Posts: 36
    saundra said:

    With us all
    Yes, Bonnie, He is with us all!!!! Hope this new chemo makes the small tumors erase from the CT's.
    ((Hugs and prayers))) Saundra

    hi saundra, have not heard from you hope all is well i am doing great on the doxil and the avaston . feeling fine just wanted to let you know hope all is well have a great day tomorrow. bonnie thomas