Alkaline water and its benefits

vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello out there. It's been a little while for me. It's been one year since my surgery and treatment for stage 3 colon cancer. I'm doing very well. I have recently been told that there are studies that seem to indicate that the water most of us are drinking is not that good, particularly for us cancer survivors. Has anyone else heard of drinking alkaline water, and if so where do you get it without buying one of those expensive machines out there? With all the money I've spent already for health and hopital care, so of them are a bit steep. Please let me know what you've heard.

Thanks to all of you, and keep believing!


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Never heard of it
    I am on well water that is filtered but I am not familiar with the alkaline or the content that may/may not be in my water.
    Worth looking into
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Alkaline Water
    I have never used it, myself, and actually, had totally forgotten that I had read about it at one time. I'm still not sure if I believe in all of this ... on the other hand, it can't hurt either!

    The most common way of making Alkaline Water is with one of the machines, and that can get quite pricey.

    But there are also Alkaline Drops that you can buy and add to your drinking water. Read about the four ways of making Alkaline water here... and then click on the link for the Alkaline drops:

    Alkaline Water


  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133

    Alkaline Water
    I have never used it, myself, and actually, had totally forgotten that I had read about it at one time. I'm still not sure if I believe in all of this ... on the other hand, it can't hurt either!

    The most common way of making Alkaline Water is with one of the machines, and that can get quite pricey.

    But there are also Alkaline Drops that you can buy and add to your drinking water. Read about the four ways of making Alkaline water here... and then click on the link for the Alkaline drops:

    Alkaline Water



    Alkaline water
    Thanks Cheryl, i have just recently heard about it. Now they have me scared to drink water!!!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    Alkaline water
    Thanks Cheryl, i have just recently heard about it. Now they have me scared to drink water!!!

    Water Cure
    Naaaa.... don't be afraid of drinking regular water! Always keep in mind the source. If there's a buck to be made, someone is going to jump on the band wagon and run with it. The way I look at it... if it really and truly was a cure all, it would be mainstream by now and all the mainstream pharmaceutical companies would be selling it.

    When it comes to these "cure all" ideas and experiments, I'm kind of like the Simon Cowell character when it comes to buying these ideas ;) Sure, there might be a gem in the rough that is going to be the huge star... but so many flops will come along first. So I just don't get too excited by these claims to fame ;)

    I remember in the 90s, the big cure all was "colloidal silver"... and you could make it at home. You just had to get the right kind of silver, distilled water, sterilized containers, etc. I fell for it and we made it and drank it as the instructions on alternative medicine sites that specialized in it told us. It didn't do anything... no radical cures and no harm. Apparently it's been around since the 1930s and never did take off in mainstream medicine. That's when the little bell went off in my head. Just because someone says it's a cure-all and others jump on the band wagon and claim great things... doesn't mean it is ;)


  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601

    Water Cure
    Naaaa.... don't be afraid of drinking regular water! Always keep in mind the source. If there's a buck to be made, someone is going to jump on the band wagon and run with it. The way I look at it... if it really and truly was a cure all, it would be mainstream by now and all the mainstream pharmaceutical companies would be selling it.

    When it comes to these "cure all" ideas and experiments, I'm kind of like the Simon Cowell character when it comes to buying these ideas ;) Sure, there might be a gem in the rough that is going to be the huge star... but so many flops will come along first. So I just don't get too excited by these claims to fame ;)

    I remember in the 90s, the big cure all was "colloidal silver"... and you could make it at home. You just had to get the right kind of silver, distilled water, sterilized containers, etc. I fell for it and we made it and drank it as the instructions on alternative medicine sites that specialized in it told us. It didn't do anything... no radical cures and no harm. Apparently it's been around since the 1930s and never did take off in mainstream medicine. That's when the little bell went off in my head. Just because someone says it's a cure-all and others jump on the band wagon and claim great things... doesn't mean it is ;)



    My area of expertise!
    Water has a pH of 7. It is neither acidic nor alkaline. So you will need to see what chemical has been added to the water to make it alkaline. I think the most common chemical is Sodium Bicarbonate aka Baking Soda, but there are millions of others. If it is sodium bicarb, then just add some to your tap water. Or you can just take a tums. Believe me when I say that your digestive system is extremely acidic. There isn't anything healthy you can do to neutralize that acidity. There has been alot said about making your body alkaline to cure all kinds of diseases. The body's pH is precisely regulated by the body to be only slightly basic. I'm not completely up on my anatomy but I seem to remember 7.4 for some reason. Just a slight deviation one way or the other is generally considered not good. The thing is that when your blood gets too alkaline your body fails to transmit electronic signals between cells. The medical term for that is death. Your body works extremely hard to maintain a precise pH. You shouldn't monkey around with that. That being said, you would have to consume ridiculous amounts of alkaline water to alter your bodies internal pH. You would destroy your your digestive system before significantly increasing your body's pH. There are Drs in Europe that directly inject sodium bicarb into the system. They closely monitor your pH and increase it only slightly and only for a short time. I don't know how it is working but I can only imagine. Bottom line is save your money, take a tums.
  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    snommintj said:

    My area of expertise!
    Water has a pH of 7. It is neither acidic nor alkaline. So you will need to see what chemical has been added to the water to make it alkaline. I think the most common chemical is Sodium Bicarbonate aka Baking Soda, but there are millions of others. If it is sodium bicarb, then just add some to your tap water. Or you can just take a tums. Believe me when I say that your digestive system is extremely acidic. There isn't anything healthy you can do to neutralize that acidity. There has been alot said about making your body alkaline to cure all kinds of diseases. The body's pH is precisely regulated by the body to be only slightly basic. I'm not completely up on my anatomy but I seem to remember 7.4 for some reason. Just a slight deviation one way or the other is generally considered not good. The thing is that when your blood gets too alkaline your body fails to transmit electronic signals between cells. The medical term for that is death. Your body works extremely hard to maintain a precise pH. You shouldn't monkey around with that. That being said, you would have to consume ridiculous amounts of alkaline water to alter your bodies internal pH. You would destroy your your digestive system before significantly increasing your body's pH. There are Drs in Europe that directly inject sodium bicarb into the system. They closely monitor your pH and increase it only slightly and only for a short time. I don't know how it is working but I can only imagine. Bottom line is save your money, take a tums.

    Alkaline water
    Thanks you guys, really good stuff. I knew it was someone out there that has been through what I have that had some knowledge of what I was talking about.

    Great responses!!!

    Have a great day.
  • Glitzz
    Glitzz Member Posts: 6
    Colon Cancer ... Alkaline Water and Vegetable Juicing
    I have stage 4 colon cancer and was given 3 months to live as it spred to my liver and lymph system. This was 2 years ago. I vegetable juice daily along with chemo. My blood work and bilirubin is perfect. I also drink alkaline water. Here is a link where you can purchase a concentrate which you mix into your water. Please look at the listing. It is only $75. It works for me. My PH is around 8 and my tumors are shrinking to a point where they are almost gone. HERE IS THE LINK
    This can save your life. Here is more info:
    Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). In this lecture he explains that though there are many secondary causes of cancer, there is only ONE primary cause. A primary cause is one that is observed in ALL cases of cancer.

    In his book "The Metabolism of Tumours", Dr Otto Warburg demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

    Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. He discovered that cancer cells have a metabolism similar to plant cells - they seem to revert to this more elementary form when deprived of oxygen.

    " All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. " Dr. Otto Warburg

    " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. "Dr Otto Warburg.

    Dr. Keiichi Morishita in his book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to die.

    Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.

    Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water contains H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline. Lack of Oxygen and Acidity are the two sides of the same coin. Presence of cellular Oxygen and Alkalinity are the two sides of the other coin - healthy cells are alkaline, sick cells are acidic.

    High acidic levels encourage morbid, cancerous growth; high alkaline levels encourage healthy cell growth.

    Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water.
    •Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time.
    •Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water."
    In addition to these things, ionized water removes a lot of toxic waste products from the body. In fact there are many other benefits to drinking ionized water, most of which have nothing to do with cancer.

    As alkaline water provides Alkalinity and excess Oxygen to cells, many experts are suggesting that alkaline water may help prevent cancer. Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.

    Any questions please email.
    Fellow Cancer Survivor and Fighter.
    By the way in my city the hospital who was treating with chemo has decided to put in an organic garden for cancer survivors. If you are going to vegetable juice use ORGANIC VEGETABLES ONLY!!!!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    Glitzz said:

    Colon Cancer ... Alkaline Water and Vegetable Juicing
    I have stage 4 colon cancer and was given 3 months to live as it spred to my liver and lymph system. This was 2 years ago. I vegetable juice daily along with chemo. My blood work and bilirubin is perfect. I also drink alkaline water. Here is a link where you can purchase a concentrate which you mix into your water. Please look at the listing. It is only $75. It works for me. My PH is around 8 and my tumors are shrinking to a point where they are almost gone. HERE IS THE LINK
    This can save your life. Here is more info:
    Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). In this lecture he explains that though there are many secondary causes of cancer, there is only ONE primary cause. A primary cause is one that is observed in ALL cases of cancer.

    In his book "The Metabolism of Tumours", Dr Otto Warburg demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

    Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. He discovered that cancer cells have a metabolism similar to plant cells - they seem to revert to this more elementary form when deprived of oxygen.

    " All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. " Dr. Otto Warburg

    " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. "Dr Otto Warburg.

    Dr. Keiichi Morishita in his book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to die.

    Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.

    Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water contains H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline. Lack of Oxygen and Acidity are the two sides of the same coin. Presence of cellular Oxygen and Alkalinity are the two sides of the other coin - healthy cells are alkaline, sick cells are acidic.

    High acidic levels encourage morbid, cancerous growth; high alkaline levels encourage healthy cell growth.

    Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water.
    •Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time.
    •Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water."
    In addition to these things, ionized water removes a lot of toxic waste products from the body. In fact there are many other benefits to drinking ionized water, most of which have nothing to do with cancer.

    As alkaline water provides Alkalinity and excess Oxygen to cells, many experts are suggesting that alkaline water may help prevent cancer. Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.

    Any questions please email.
    Fellow Cancer Survivor and Fighter.
    By the way in my city the hospital who was treating with chemo has decided to put in an organic garden for cancer survivors. If you are going to vegetable juice use ORGANIC VEGETABLES ONLY!!!!

    Thanks for this most informative post. I have been spending the last 8 years encouraging others on this board to alkalize alkalize alkalize (mostly with juicing), but this post is so full of the science that I have never been able to articulate as you have done. THANK YOU!

    There may be some who will come on here to refute this, but your 2 year survival speaks volumes!

    Please introduce yourself more and stick around. We need survivors like you.

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • jscho
    jscho Member Posts: 62
    Glitzz said:

    Colon Cancer ... Alkaline Water and Vegetable Juicing
    I have stage 4 colon cancer and was given 3 months to live as it spred to my liver and lymph system. This was 2 years ago. I vegetable juice daily along with chemo. My blood work and bilirubin is perfect. I also drink alkaline water. Here is a link where you can purchase a concentrate which you mix into your water. Please look at the listing. It is only $75. It works for me. My PH is around 8 and my tumors are shrinking to a point where they are almost gone. HERE IS THE LINK
    This can save your life. Here is more info:
    Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). In this lecture he explains that though there are many secondary causes of cancer, there is only ONE primary cause. A primary cause is one that is observed in ALL cases of cancer.

    In his book "The Metabolism of Tumours", Dr Otto Warburg demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

    Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. He discovered that cancer cells have a metabolism similar to plant cells - they seem to revert to this more elementary form when deprived of oxygen.

    " All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. " Dr. Otto Warburg

    " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. "Dr Otto Warburg.

    Dr. Keiichi Morishita in his book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to die.

    Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.

    Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water contains H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline. Lack of Oxygen and Acidity are the two sides of the same coin. Presence of cellular Oxygen and Alkalinity are the two sides of the other coin - healthy cells are alkaline, sick cells are acidic.

    High acidic levels encourage morbid, cancerous growth; high alkaline levels encourage healthy cell growth.

    Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water.
    •Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time.
    •Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water."
    In addition to these things, ionized water removes a lot of toxic waste products from the body. In fact there are many other benefits to drinking ionized water, most of which have nothing to do with cancer.

    As alkaline water provides Alkalinity and excess Oxygen to cells, many experts are suggesting that alkaline water may help prevent cancer. Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.

    Any questions please email.
    Fellow Cancer Survivor and Fighter.
    By the way in my city the hospital who was treating with chemo has decided to put in an organic garden for cancer survivors. If you are going to vegetable juice use ORGANIC VEGETABLES ONLY!!!!

    crazy statements
    As Emily anticipated, I cannot resist commenting that there is no credible science in any of the three statements:

    "Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water."

    Ionized water (water with ions in it) has no more effect on neutralizing free radicals than distilled water, which also has hydroxyl ions.

    "•Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time."

    Ions in water do not readily donate electrons since they are stabilized by the polarity of water.

    "•Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water." "

    Water "clusters" are dynamic, short-lived and fluid, both in the presence and absence of ions. Their size and "shape" (a meaningless concept on a molecular scale) adapt to their environment. Ions can help water to transport through membranes, but this is all irrelevant anyhow since the pH of blood is tightly controlled.

    There is so much wrong with the "science", it is difficult to respond beyond this.

    I am glad to hear you have done well and are in good health. However, I personally wouldn't attribute it to alkaline water.

  • grammadebbie
    grammadebbie Member Posts: 464
    Glitzz said:

    Colon Cancer ... Alkaline Water and Vegetable Juicing
    I have stage 4 colon cancer and was given 3 months to live as it spred to my liver and lymph system. This was 2 years ago. I vegetable juice daily along with chemo. My blood work and bilirubin is perfect. I also drink alkaline water. Here is a link where you can purchase a concentrate which you mix into your water. Please look at the listing. It is only $75. It works for me. My PH is around 8 and my tumors are shrinking to a point where they are almost gone. HERE IS THE LINK
    This can save your life. Here is more info:
    Dr Otto Warburg discovered the real cause of cancer in 1923 and he received the Nobel Prize for doing so in 1931. Dr Warburg has made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency (brought about by Toxemia). In this lecture he explains that though there are many secondary causes of cancer, there is only ONE primary cause. A primary cause is one that is observed in ALL cases of cancer.

    In his book "The Metabolism of Tumours", Dr Otto Warburg demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

    Dr Warburg discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. He discovered that cancer cells have a metabolism similar to plant cells - they seem to revert to this more elementary form when deprived of oxygen.

    " All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception. " Dr. Otto Warburg

    " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. "Dr Otto Warburg.

    Dr. Keiichi Morishita in his book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to die.

    Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.

    Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water contains H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline. Lack of Oxygen and Acidity are the two sides of the same coin. Presence of cellular Oxygen and Alkalinity are the two sides of the other coin - healthy cells are alkaline, sick cells are acidic.

    High acidic levels encourage morbid, cancerous growth; high alkaline levels encourage healthy cell growth.

    Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water.
    •Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time.
    •Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water."
    In addition to these things, ionized water removes a lot of toxic waste products from the body. In fact there are many other benefits to drinking ionized water, most of which have nothing to do with cancer.

    As alkaline water provides Alkalinity and excess Oxygen to cells, many experts are suggesting that alkaline water may help prevent cancer. Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.

    Any questions please email.
    Fellow Cancer Survivor and Fighter.
    By the way in my city the hospital who was treating with chemo has decided to put in an organic garden for cancer survivors. If you are going to vegetable juice use ORGANIC VEGETABLES ONLY!!!!

    Maybe you could give us a little more information on the specifics of your cancer treatment. Also the name of the hospital you referred to. Welcome to a wonderful community of people who care deeply for one another. You will find much encouragment and wisdom here.

    Debbie (gramma)
  • Glitzz
    Glitzz Member Posts: 6

    Maybe you could give us a little more information on the specifics of your cancer treatment. Also the name of the hospital you referred to. Welcome to a wonderful community of people who care deeply for one another. You will find much encouragment and wisdom here.

    Debbie (gramma)

    The hospital is Naples Comunity Hospital NCH in North Naples Florida. My cancer treatment is chemo only and myself doing the Organic Vegetable Juicing and now Alkaline Water against which I have not received any lab results as of yet. Will the site informed as to lab results with Alkaline Water.
  • Glitzz
    Glitzz Member Posts: 6
    2bhealed said:

    Thanks for this most informative post. I have been spending the last 8 years encouraging others on this board to alkalize alkalize alkalize (mostly with juicing), but this post is so full of the science that I have never been able to articulate as you have done. THANK YOU!

    There may be some who will come on here to refute this, but your 2 year survival speaks volumes!

    Please introduce yourself more and stick around. We need survivors like you.

    peace, emily the juice chick

    I see a lot of cancer patients in the my hospital infusion center and evryone calls me the juice man. People with cancer I meet do not want to hear about anything but what their doctors tell them. Yet the doctors do not tell them anything as it is to their interest for people to come back for treatments. I have done a lot of experiments on myself with lab results as proof of things working with consult with my doctor. That is why I am still around looking great, feeling great and beating the odds ... will continue to do so and keep this site informed as to my results. The only way one can have a good quality of life with cancer is to change eating habits. As I have mentioned; NO SUGAR AT ALL, NO FRUITS as it turns into sugar and Organic vegetable juicing in parallel with Chemo and or Radiation. Once radiation and Chemo is done the bo dy reverts back to it's original condition as when it developed cancer. One needs to help the body fight the elimination and reproduction of cancer cells.
    Will be in touch.
    Anyone can email me at My name is Gene
  • Glitzz
    Glitzz Member Posts: 6
    jscho said:

    crazy statements
    As Emily anticipated, I cannot resist commenting that there is no credible science in any of the three statements:

    "Ionized water may help prevent cancer in three major ways.

    •Because it is a good antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making many oxygen molecules available to your body; This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized water."

    Ionized water (water with ions in it) has no more effect on neutralizing free radicals than distilled water, which also has hydroxyl ions.

    "•Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already in the body, available to your body by giving them electrons. This actually has advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time."

    Ions in water do not readily donate electrons since they are stabilized by the polarity of water.

    "•Ionized water is also very alkaline and create an alkaline environment in your body that is not suitable for cancer to grow.
    Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules. Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water." "

    Water "clusters" are dynamic, short-lived and fluid, both in the presence and absence of ions. Their size and "shape" (a meaningless concept on a molecular scale) adapt to their environment. Ions can help water to transport through membranes, but this is all irrelevant anyhow since the pH of blood is tightly controlled.

    There is so much wrong with the "science", it is difficult to respond beyond this.

    I am glad to hear you have done well and are in good health. However, I personally wouldn't attribute it to alkaline water.


    Alkaline Water
    Politically correct living is of little substance of life. There are many things in life which are not proven, but that does not mean that peole do not make an attempt to make things happen. One has to live and have an esence of beleife in something other then the status quo. Be that as it may keep on eye on my blog on Alkaline Water as I will have laboratoty results to show if it works or not. I am just not sure why you start your comment like you did " (No evidence......)and end it with no proof statement but inbetween you quote laboratory and chemical results.
    I am only making this statement based on the above. I do not wish to comment on a rebutle but will gladly read it.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Glitzz said:

    The hospital is Naples Comunity Hospital NCH in North Naples Florida. My cancer treatment is chemo only and myself doing the Organic Vegetable Juicing and now Alkaline Water against which I have not received any lab results as of yet. Will the site informed as to lab results with Alkaline Water.

    ...there must be something with the eating habits, as the people who are juicing seem to be living longer and not having to go through chemo, I'd love to change the way I eat, and have bought that book by Patrick Quillen, so I may just read it and see how to even start, I don't even know what to eat, and afraid I won't like it..I love fruit, and thought it was good for you too, but apparently it isn't....I get so confused at what the right thing to do to live longer..

  • jscho
    jscho Member Posts: 62
    Glitzz said:

    Alkaline Water
    Politically correct living is of little substance of life. There are many things in life which are not proven, but that does not mean that peole do not make an attempt to make things happen. One has to live and have an esence of beleife in something other then the status quo. Be that as it may keep on eye on my blog on Alkaline Water as I will have laboratoty results to show if it works or not. I am just not sure why you start your comment like you did " (No evidence......)and end it with no proof statement but inbetween you quote laboratory and chemical results.
    I am only making this statement based on the above. I do not wish to comment on a rebutle but will gladly read it.

    Hi, I'm sorry, I don't wish to antagonize you but I don't understand your post. I agree that there are things worth trying that are not proven, even if that requires a financial investment.

    It was not my intention to prove or disprove whether or not alkaline water is a useful cancer therapy (though I see no reason to believe it to be true). I wanted to simply point out the scientific errors in the three statements and that therefore do not support the thesis that alkaline water is a useful therapy.

    I'm certainly willing to look at any information you share with us.

    I am all in favor of making lifestyle changes by modifying diet to consume (established) anti-oxidants, using vitamin supplements, juicing, aspirin, organic food, and all those things. I do believe they can make a difference, and in many cases there is solid scientific evidence supporting them. I focus on things I feel have a reasonable chance of working based on my knowledge. It is not out of a desire to be politically correct.

    Best to all,
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    Shayenne said:

    ...there must be something with the eating habits, as the people who are juicing seem to be living longer and not having to go through chemo, I'd love to change the way I eat, and have bought that book by Patrick Quillen, so I may just read it and see how to even start, I don't even know what to eat, and afraid I won't like it..I love fruit, and thought it was good for you too, but apparently it isn't....I get so confused at what the right thing to do to live longer..


    Hi Donna,

    Getting as many organic greens into your system is the best way to start. You can make green smoothies with a blender but optimally juicing gets the most nutrients into your system in the easiest to assimilate way. The juicer acts much like a pre-digester so your body doesn't have to do the digestive work (as much). This frees up energy (and enzymes) to heal any diseased organs.

    Here's a recipe:

    4-5 juicing carrots
    2 kale leaves
    handful spinach
    handful parsley
    small wedge of cabbage
    small chunk of ginger
    4-5 romaine leaves

    try it! you'll like it!

    as you juice more increase the greens and lessen the carrots.

    Just think of this simple mantra: GREEN = LIFE

    hope this helps

    peace, emily
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    2bhealed said:

    Hi Donna,

    Getting as many organic greens into your system is the best way to start. You can make green smoothies with a blender but optimally juicing gets the most nutrients into your system in the easiest to assimilate way. The juicer acts much like a pre-digester so your body doesn't have to do the digestive work (as much). This frees up energy (and enzymes) to heal any diseased organs.

    Here's a recipe:

    4-5 juicing carrots
    2 kale leaves
    handful spinach
    handful parsley
    small wedge of cabbage
    small chunk of ginger
    4-5 romaine leaves

    try it! you'll like it!

    as you juice more increase the greens and lessen the carrots.

    Just think of this simple mantra: GREEN = LIFE

    hope this helps

    peace, emily

    Thank You!!
    I am definitely going to try this, I love greens also, just never drank them before. DO you eat other stuff like chicken or turkey? anything?

  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    Shayenne said:

    Thank You!!
    I am definitely going to try this, I love greens also, just never drank them before. DO you eat other stuff like chicken or turkey? anything?


    ...which would be better... the Champion 2000 or the Omega 4000, are these good juicers, I'd hate to have to pay over 300 for a juicer, but want something that will work well :)

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    Shayenne said:

    ...which would be better... the Champion 2000 or the Omega 4000, are these good juicers, I'd hate to have to pay over 300 for a juicer, but want something that will work well :)


    I have the Champ
    but the Omega is supposed to be really good too. I was able to try out a Champion before I bought one borrowing from a woman in my homeschool group who cured her son's cancer by juicing and pumping it into his ng tube (he was 2 yrs old). She wrote a book called Your Child Doesn't HAve to Die by Leanne Sorteberg. Anyway, since that's what I knew that's what I bought. My friend has an Omega and her pulp is drier than mine (we had a juice off one night).

    ***note*** as I posted in Linda's juicing and getting sick want to start out easy onthe greens and build up since they really pack a punch to your system if you're not used to them.

    So to begin skip the kale and do a little spinach and parsley and build up to the 2 leaves of kale. You can use celery too while you build up to a lot more greens.

    I also would put spinach into my smoothies along with some green powders that I bought at my coop. Any time I can add green to anything I do.

    Hope this helps.

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,067 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Thank You!!
    I am definitely going to try this, I love greens also, just never drank them before. DO you eat other stuff like chicken or turkey? anything?


    What I eat
    changes every so often. Right now I have been dealing with serious food allergies so I am currently doing a very pure anti-fungal, low histamine, low allergy diet of large quantities of carrot, cabbage, kale, romaine, granny smith apple juice with ground flax seeds, steamed organic veggies like beets and cauliflower and broccoli and am having a little bit of lamb (low allergy/histamine). I am taking probiotics too. So right now I am not eating any chicken or turkey. And no grains either and definitely no gluten.

    A month ago I was not eating this way though but I was having some awful allergic reactions suddenly to things like nuts and beans. Go figure. I will do this for a month and then reintroduce foods (nothing anaphylactic though) back into my diet. Ask me then! HA! :-)Pretty sure I won't be eating chicken though. And turkey only on Thanksgiving. I need a treat too now and then.

    peace, emily