looking for info on Neuropathy.

LacyJae Member Posts: 1
Hi there! I'm new to the site and I know there have been topics on neuropathy, but I'm trying to find some specific information.
I finished my treatment January 2006, and it wasn't until April 2008 that I started dealing with peripheral neuropathy in my hands and arms. From the symptoms, that IS what I'm dealing with, according to both my physician and a doctor friend. It was my physician's opinion that a tumble out of bed 'woke up' nerve pain, but that it was likely caused by chemo.
Looking at other causes of neuropathy, I am pretty doubtful of any of the other potential causes being likely, but my oncology doc hasn't heard of people developing neuropathy 2+ years after the end of treatment.

I know my chemo drugs had the potential to cause neuropathy, but.. is it possible this long after treatment?? I'm not finding any answers to this question.

Thanks a lot for the help!


  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    I don't have much information on what you're looking for, but i suggest you go the colorectal cancer discussion board because there are a lot of people there who have long term neuropathy from chemo. Typcial chemo for colorectal cancer gives everyone neuropathy, so i'm sure someone there can answer your question.

    I sure hope mine doesn't last that long!

    Many hugs,