I am looking for people with bone metastasis.

positivethoughts Member Posts: 7
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was diagnosed stage four with bone metastasis in January. It was fortunately estrogen pos and I have been doing hormone therapy. This seems to be working so far. My last PET scan showed no marrow activity that was bad.
I feel like I have been sitting on my hands doing nothing for the past 6 months. I finally have an appointment with the surgeon to do the mastectomy at the end of the month. I'm way excited to get to move forward, and also very scared.
I am trying to get in touch with people who have had a similar diagnoses. I have tried to research it and always come to dead ends. When I call to see if I can be matched up with someone, I'm told that it would be hard to find someone.
I have a great support system, but nobody who understands from the inside.


  • Balentine
    Balentine Member Posts: 393
    I am sure you will be hearing from someone soon
    that has bone metastasis. I know it is a need while going through this to find someone else to talk to and empathize with the exact same dx that you have had. We need other to be able to relate and share our own personal struggle and burden. Please know that God is there for you to help carry this heavy burden and he longs for you to cast the burden on Him....we cannot carry it alone in our human strength...our dependence is on Him and Him alone. I hope someone responds soon that can help that is in your position. Look to Christ who gives us comfort and peace beyond our understanding. Be blessed.
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    Balentine said:

    I am sure you will be hearing from someone soon
    that has bone metastasis. I know it is a need while going through this to find someone else to talk to and empathize with the exact same dx that you have had. We need other to be able to relate and share our own personal struggle and burden. Please know that God is there for you to help carry this heavy burden and he longs for you to cast the burden on Him....we cannot carry it alone in our human strength...our dependence is on Him and Him alone. I hope someone responds soon that can help that is in your position. Look to Christ who gives us comfort and peace beyond our understanding. Be blessed.

    bone mets
    Hi PositiveThoughts. I had a lumpectomy a year ago this month, and that was followed by a CT scan and a PET scan, then a bone scan. Those tests revealed mets to bone on my spine, upper left arm and a small spot on my skull. The original plan was to start me on chemo, then rads, but with the stage IV dx and estrogen positive, the oncologist put me on Femara & Zometa instead. So far I have been doing very well. I have been having some discomfort in my upper left arm. The onc ordered an MRI to see what's going on to be on the safe side, although what I've described to him he said doesn't sound like bone pain. That was done this past Friday. (More like sore from overuse). I'm active. I walk, go places, spend lots of time with the grandsons, and I do a good deal of cooking, which includes lifting full pots onto or off the stove. I generally feel very good, so I'm optimistic that the arm really is just fine. Christ is my shield and my comfort, so even if there is something going on, I know He will help me get through.
    I will try to answer your questions, and I'll be here for encouragement and support. God Bless, Gracie
  • bjmom1
    bjmom1 Member Posts: 152
    bone met
    Hi positivethoughts,

    I was diagnosis with bone met in April 2010 in my T6 and sternum. There is a web site that might help u with any question it call www.inspire.com it for met bc. This site is like this one with wonderful women who could answer your questions. i hope that this help you.

  • jpartridge
    jpartridge Member Posts: 2

    bone mets
    Hi PositiveThoughts. I had a lumpectomy a year ago this month, and that was followed by a CT scan and a PET scan, then a bone scan. Those tests revealed mets to bone on my spine, upper left arm and a small spot on my skull. The original plan was to start me on chemo, then rads, but with the stage IV dx and estrogen positive, the oncologist put me on Femara & Zometa instead. So far I have been doing very well. I have been having some discomfort in my upper left arm. The onc ordered an MRI to see what's going on to be on the safe side, although what I've described to him he said doesn't sound like bone pain. That was done this past Friday. (More like sore from overuse). I'm active. I walk, go places, spend lots of time with the grandsons, and I do a good deal of cooking, which includes lifting full pots onto or off the stove. I generally feel very good, so I'm optimistic that the arm really is just fine. Christ is my shield and my comfort, so even if there is something going on, I know He will help me get through.
    I will try to answer your questions, and I'll be here for encouragement and support. God Bless, Gracie

    bone met
    I was just reading your comments. I am new to the sight as of today and have been trying to find a website to tell me more about the metastized breast cancer. My PET Scan says it is in my upper spine and hip. Of course I found out about this just a month or so ago because I had a cough and after having it checked out found that fluid on my lung was actually breast cancer met. It is wonderful to hear that you are doing so well. I am doing well except I have to gasp for breath quite a bit and that wears we out. But I have so many praying for me and I know like you that the good Lord will get me through this. Continue to let us know how you are doing, it is inspirational.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    bone mets
    I have bone mets (ribs)--diagnosed 4/09. I did radiation therapy and am on zometa and arimidex. That is all we are doing. The good news is my markers are nearly normal and I feel fine.

    Hormone therapy is not "doing nothing". It is a very strong weapon against ER+ tumors.

    Are you on a bisphosphonate (like zometa)?
  • arlene storfer
    arlene storfer Member Posts: 2
    breast to bone mets
    My bone mets were discovered in 2003. I am hormone negative. My chemo
    therapy is different than yours, since I am her+4. The drugs I get are
    targeted for folks that are "her" positive. I hope you are doing well
    This my first post. If I can be of any help please continue posting.
  • arlene storfer
    arlene storfer Member Posts: 2

    bone mets
    I have bone mets (ribs)--diagnosed 4/09. I did radiation therapy and am on zometa and arimidex. That is all we are doing. The good news is my markers are nearly normal and I feel fine.

    Hormone therapy is not "doing nothing". It is a very strong weapon against ER+ tumors.

    Are you on a bisphosphonate (like zometa)?

    hormone therapy
    I am HER+4 I was led to beleive that hormone therapy was for Hormone +
    cancer. Can you please tell me what you know about hormone therapy
    being good for HER+ patients. Hope you are doing well.Thanks for the info.
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    breast to bone mets
    My bone mets were discovered in 2003. I am hormone negative. My chemo
    therapy is different than yours, since I am her+4. The drugs I get are
    targeted for folks that are "her" positive. I hope you are doing well
    This my first post. If I can be of any help please continue posting.

    Bone mets
    I was diagnosed in February, 2010 with BC, metastasized to many lymph nodes, liver, bones, and skin. I'm receiving Zometa once every 4 weeks for the bones - spine, ribs, and pelvis. I've had treatments for 21 straight weeks. Along with Zometa, I had Taxol and Herceptin for the first 10, now have had Herceptin only for 11 more weeks. My onc says the spots in the bones will never be gone - our goal is to keep them stable. That's where I am right now.

    Best wishes. MM
  • juls4766
    juls4766 Member Posts: 2
    You're not alone
    I'm a 45 year old single mother of two boys (20 and 11) and I was diagnosed with bone metastasis in June 2010. I had a Krukenberg tumor removed from my pelvis in December 2009. I have been doing chemotherapy since February 2010. Primary cancer was never found which makes it difficult to treat the disease. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bone metastasis, only treatment. I am being treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and the doctors there great. Like you, I have a good support system (family and friends). But like my doctor told me - we really are alone in this. I can handle the chemo and side effects but what I can't handle is knowing that I won't see my 11 year old son grow up and my doctors tell me that my chances of seeing my 20 year old graduate from Cornell University in NY in 2013 are not good. So believe me when I tell you I know what you're feeling on the inside.

    My prayers are with you. God Bless!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    juls4766 said:

    You're not alone
    I'm a 45 year old single mother of two boys (20 and 11) and I was diagnosed with bone metastasis in June 2010. I had a Krukenberg tumor removed from my pelvis in December 2009. I have been doing chemotherapy since February 2010. Primary cancer was never found which makes it difficult to treat the disease. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bone metastasis, only treatment. I am being treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and the doctors there great. Like you, I have a good support system (family and friends). But like my doctor told me - we really are alone in this. I can handle the chemo and side effects but what I can't handle is knowing that I won't see my 11 year old son grow up and my doctors tell me that my chances of seeing my 20 year old graduate from Cornell University in NY in 2013 are not good. So believe me when I tell you I know what you're feeling on the inside.

    My prayers are with you. God Bless!

    I was diagnosed with bone
    I was diagnosed with bone mets 2 1/2 years ago. I am also estrogen positive. I also have liver mets. I get Zometa every 3 weeks, my bone mets are stable right now. I have them in my spine t-10, i was having some back pain, but it seems to be under control now.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I hate that you have found
    I hate that you have found us because of cancer, but you have come to a great additional support group.

    I have bone mets, but my story is a little different. I was diagnosed with stage 3A way back in 1987. Had a mastectomy, radiation, chemo and tamoxifen. My tumor was ER+. I then had a very lengthy remission of 22 years! In 2009, I discovered I had bone mets (ribs) and I have been on arimidex and zometa since then. I am doing well, but occasionally have a little rib pain--nothing as bad as before.

    As I understand it, although we can't be cured, we can be managed. I now choose to think of this as a chronic condition.

    Of course you are scared and in shock. It is wonderful that you have a good support system, but I am glad that you found this MB as having others in the same boat can be a great comfort. It is extremely encouraging that your PET is showing no new activity. Hang in there--waiting is the pits! Keep us posted. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    I have stage 4 with bone mets. I was diagnosed first in 2003 with stage three then again in 2008 exactly 5 years later with stage 4 and bone mets. I've had lots of treatments and surgeries and am now on hormone therapy. I've been living like this for 1 1/2 years now. If you have any questions you can pm me.

  • flashmycello
    flashmycello Member Posts: 7
    My mom is stage 4 w/mets to bones. She fractured her vertebrae and that is when they found the cancer. She should be having surgery next week to repair her back.