another from the mouths of babes

pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
ok remember this is day 4 of being housebound because of the freakish weather we are having in Texas... watching the Ellen DeGeneras show my daughter (10) asks me, does that lady think she is a boy or what?

Not sure how to answer that one LOL


  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Oh the things a 10 year old
    Oh the things a 10 year old can say. I would have to say, answer it honestly, after all, kids can be brutally honest with us at times. Gotta love them kids :-)
    Miles of Love,
  • mzl0ve
    mzl0ve Member Posts: 62

    Oh the things a 10 year old
    Oh the things a 10 year old can say. I would have to say, answer it honestly, after all, kids can be brutally honest with us at times. Gotta love them kids :-)
    Miles of Love,

    a little back ground first,
    a little back ground first, i shaved my head 3 weeks ago becouse i desided chemo was not getting my hair.

    my 16 year old daughter bought me a very nice hair brush set for christmas, any who shes in my bathroom this morning doing her hair and turns looks right at me and asked me if i have used the new hair brush set yet?

    I laughted so hard i cryed, she just looked at me confused and then started laughing with me. got to love moments like that.