Well Hello Pink Sisters,
Its been awhile since I've been on but I just have to vent and yall are the best listeners.
I have been on LTD since I was diagnoised with BC (2009).
They terminated me and said I was able to go back to work yet there DRs has not laid a hand on me - run any test on me. My PC and Social worker and Onc says I have anexity and deep depression and could not work along with other problems.
I read an article from MD ANDERSON about Triple Neg BC / and BC in general. Here's what it talked about.
When you hear those words you have _ _ _ _ _ _ You say the let the war begin. Cancer might have won the battle but the war is not over for we will not give up.
The article talked about when you start treatments you give it all you got for the fight of your life and try to stay strong. Then once treatments are over now the other battle begins.
The thoughts of if and when it returns, where is it going to attack now,and any other thoughts that come to mind, how you are going to handle another round. You have a black cloud over you. You not only have the worries of it returning but I know that chemo has left me with a lot of side effects. But oh wait that doesn't count. As long as cancer is not active in the body than you can return to work. Amazing how the Government says your are disable and Metlife says no you can go back to work - all is good.
MetLife puts you through undue stress along with the stress you are already under.
Well I can say another WAR is about to begin.

I would never wish on my worst enemy for anyone to have to go through what we all are going through or have gone through but I would hope the one who makes these opinioned decisions get cancer and suffer to the end of the world. No one can assume or even come close to know what it is like till they have walked in our shoes.

Thanks and God Bless Pink Sisters.



  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    For You
    I so understand what you are talking about. Insurance companies have a certain criteria they go by. They have nurses that review the cases and follow these rules. A lot of the time no consideration is given to the people who truly need to be on disability. Yet there are so many who milk the system dishonestly and get away with it. Back when I had a spinal cord tumor I took short term disability. They denied me long term. Well I could not balance or walk well, got tired easily. Plus I worked in a factory that had cement floors. I was a hazard to my workplace. But yet I got nothing. I ended up on welfare for $205 a month. Talk about trying to survive!

    There is not much we can do but protest as long and as loud as possible. I wish you well in your battle. Hugs, Cindy
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    Cindy54 said:

    For You
    I so understand what you are talking about. Insurance companies have a certain criteria they go by. They have nurses that review the cases and follow these rules. A lot of the time no consideration is given to the people who truly need to be on disability. Yet there are so many who milk the system dishonestly and get away with it. Back when I had a spinal cord tumor I took short term disability. They denied me long term. Well I could not balance or walk well, got tired easily. Plus I worked in a factory that had cement floors. I was a hazard to my workplace. But yet I got nothing. I ended up on welfare for $205 a month. Talk about trying to survive!

    There is not much we can do but protest as long and as loud as possible. I wish you well in your battle. Hugs, Cindy

    Some policies cover mental nervous issues like anxiety and depression. If your policy covers those disorders, you will need a diagnosis by a mental health professional not an oncologist or PCP. If it is covered, ask your PCP for a referral. If you don't have a copy of your policy, call MetLife for one. There may be a small fee but worth it. If the coverage was through your employer, they will have a plan description which you can get from HR.

    Good luck.

  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    My heart goes out to you!
    So many battles and the big insurance companies make it all so hard too. May you find some peace in all of this. Venting is good for the soul... and then maybe you can get a review of the diability issues and like you said another battle is about to begin. Thinking of you, Arkansas Girl