Leaving the forum...goodbye to my friends!!

loveandhope Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just want to say that i won't be taking part in this forum again.
I come here often. I try to read most posts. If there were any posts which i disagreed with (i must say that i respect others opinion so there rarely is) but if there were i would just not continue reading. i would look at the next post. I cant believe that people are being denied the right to express themselves freely. I myself am not as religeous or spiritual as i would like to be but have appriciated any words of comfort be it by a christian, muslim or jew. if it came in the form of a prayer, thought, reiki, meditation, etc or whatever people offered with all their best intention. people should be allowed to express themselves as they feel as long as they do not offend anyone else!

Anyway i have made many wonderful friends here . Pepe, bobby, sonia, only to mention a few. i hope and pray that your health continues to improve. if you wish to get in contact with me find me in facebook (gabrielle llambias) or e-mail me (gabs-125@hotmail.com)

lots of love


(what a sad day for democracy and freedom of speech!!)


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am really sorry to see you leave here; you have been a wonderful addition to this forum.
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    I'm sorry you feel that way. Stick around, it has happened before, things then settle down.

    This forum is for colon cancer and people and caregivers affected by it. It is a wealth of information you won't find in books or on the internet, but from actual patients and families and is invaluable in the daily struggles of patients and their families. I have found it to be a great source of strength, compassion, information and care. When I posted of George's bad scan results, I was devastated, but found such strength in the responses from many members, people who "get it".

    There are a few other sites you might want to visit if you have not: Colon Cancer Alliance, Colon Cancer Coalition, Colon Club, About.com.

    Take care - Tina
  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    I don't agree with
    I don't agree with censorship, either, and I certainly understand your decision, though I'm sorry that you're leaving.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    PGLGreg said:

    I don't agree with
    I don't agree with censorship, either, and I certainly understand your decision, though I'm sorry that you're leaving.


    I did the same about a year
    I did the same about a year ago...it's all bull **** and soon it will die down.

    But you are right, it's a dam shame. There will always be people who complain about a post and poof it's gone. And it's always the same people!

    PM if you like!

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Nana b said:

    I did the same about a year
    I did the same about a year ago...it's all bull **** and soon it will die down.

    But you are right, it's a dam shame. There will always be people who complain about a post and poof it's gone. And it's always the same people!

    PM if you like!


    Gabrielle i have missed something! i been away a couple
    of days , who censored what? I ll be on touch with you through FB! See you there!.
    Some body would explain it to me?
  • luvmylife
    luvmylife Member Posts: 76
    Don't leave yet.
    Stand up for what you believe. Not allowing someone to express their faith and ask for prayer does not belong on a cancer website. It is just wrong. I have worked with cancer pt's for 26 yrs as a mammography technologist and now I am a CT tech also. I see new diagnosis of cancer often and I have yet to meet a cancer pt who has not welcomed prayers in some form or another. Now my husband, Jimmy is suffering from this damn disease. Cancer is where our fight should be not God!!!

    God Bless,

  • Dharma girl
    Dharma girl Member Posts: 40
    Don't go

    Gabrielle, I don’t know you or what happened, but please don’t quit posting on this site. I’m a political junkie and post on a few websites regularly I have seen dust-ups come and go. This will die down,it always does. I am new to this site, but can tell that there is a real sense of community here . Don’t let someone else take that away from you.