At the end of treatment

belindahill Member Posts: 144
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello, my husband is nearly at the end of his 6th cycle then only 2 more to go! At the end of the chemo treatment for stage 3b colon cancer dx aug 2010, he will be having a ct and colonoscopy, we are both so scared of the cancer reoccuring.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Being concerned about scans and tests seems to be a way of life for all who have been dealing with cancer. A recurrance is always a possibility.

    The thing to remember is that even if the worst happens, you know that there are treatments out there which can help keep things under control.

    Try not to let these possibilities get in the way of enjoying every day you have. What will happen tomorrow or next week or next year is an unknown for everyone. Make the best of every day you have.

    Maire who loves kitties