Breast removal

jacksprat Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone ever experience cancer coming into their other breast after removing one? Is it something more than likely to happen? Is it best to remove both breasts although the cancer was only in one? Also, has anyone experience the cancer spreading to the chest as well from the breast? How long is recoverey after surgery?


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Im boobless now...
    Had very aggressive cancer in right breast. Mastectomy june 09. Microcalcifications in left side. Some research and a few stories from people and decided to do a profilate mastectomy. Oct 10. Thank goodnes no cancer. I had what they called "scattered" micros. Suppose to be like a pre cancer. Not a doc, but it was reccomended to have breast removed. Wish that was told to me at the time of the first mast. Lol Hope this helped some. Everyone is different. Sure the ladies will have better advice for you. Katz
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    my experience
    My Sister had a unilateral mastectomy, then it came back on the other side. I chose to have both removed even though the Dr. said I was only at a 10% risk for it to spread. I have heard others on this board report cancer coming back in the chest wall and the other breast after surgery and treatment. It is possible. Your Doctor is the best source of information about the risks in your own situation. It varies for each individual.

    I hope this is helpful, seof
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    All are different!
    My understanding is that a lot depends on the type of cancer you're dealing with and what you and your Drs are comfortable doing/not doing.

    Can only speak for myself - I'm IBC and my Drs all said that a single mast. was what was needed. While IBC is very aggressive and rapid it doesn't usually go to the other breast but mets to bone, liver and colon most often. (At least that's what I was told and found in written info.) So I was comfortable doing the single at that time. It was suggested that when/if I do reconstruction (was not an option at time of surgery), to get a matched pair that the other will be taken away but not sure yet rather or not I want to do it or if it's even an option due to amount of lymphedema on body.
