I do not like Adriamycin or Neulasta

Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just have to tell ya'll that I do NOT like adriamycin or the neulasta shot. I have never felt so bad in my life. I haven't been nauseaus, just extremely tired with body aches. Actually it's my forehead and the top of my head that hurts the worse. Oh and the acid reflux is horrible! I called my onc today and he prescribed nexium and clarinex. They are helping, but good grief this stuff should come with a red alert label. I know I'm whining, but I just wanted someone to feel sorry for me :) Thanks for listening.




  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    oh bummer!
    Oh Dawne I am sorry you are having so much distress with these two drugs! I do recall all the discomfort the Neulasta gave me, I had a lot of leg pain with both those drugs. Hang in there girl and know that it is a means to get you back to your healthy self! I hope things improve real soon!

    Big Gentle Cyber Hugs,

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    oh bummer!
    double post sorry
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm sorry it's so difficult for you.

    Adriamycin, is in fact, referred to as the "red devil" by some, for obvious reasons. It is one of the more difficult drugs.
    The Neulasta caused upper leg/thigh pain for me.
    The combination of the drugs had me aching and hurting every time, but my onc prescribed steroids, which helped some.

    Just try & remember that it will finish in the not too distant future, and will have (God willing) kicked cancer's butt!

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Hoping you're feeling some better...was this your first infusion and neulasta injection? My first Neulasta kicked my butt, 4 days after I received it...I had horrific muscle spasms in my back and chest..to the point we had to call my oncologist....They prescribed pain meds and muscle relaxers...I had Taxotere/Cytoxan..they cause muscle aches and pains so it's a double whammy! BUT..I only reacted like this to the first one...I had 3 more Neulasta injections, and did fine with those..The acid reflux is more than likely caused by the steroids that you're taking...I had it really bad the 5 days I took them before and after each chemo...but it does go away when they are discontinued.
    It's a tough journey, but we do it..We find out we're stronger than we ever imagined.
    I wish you well,
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Sorry Dawne,
    I hope you are feeling better today.

  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    I agree
    about the Neulasta shot--I didn't like it one bit. I got it Sunday and by Friday I could finally walk ok, but that night I would have diarrhea (a change for the usual constipation). Every bone was achy. I took Extra Strength Tylenol and oxycodone and it helped a bit.
    I didn't have the adriamycin in my cocktail...my onc felt I was too old (57 and overweight) and put me on Cytoxan/Taxotere first and then Cytoxan/Taxol for the last 2.
    I kept telling myself that the Neulasta would keep me healthy enough to get through the 6 treatments, so I "muscled" through it and you will too.
    Good luck and lots of Hugs,
  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    One more suggestion
    I got that horrible acid reflux from the Taxotere/Cytoxin combo. When i told my onc, they added to my tx Zantac while I was being infused. It really helped a lot and he also gave me a prescrption for Protonix to be taken daily.
    Hope this helps,

    Peace and Love,
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Oh girl, it sucks that you
    Oh girl, it sucks that you get meds to deal with the da** beast....and then you need two more meds to deal with the first ones! Did you ask about the claratin for the Neulasta? I swear by it...have them check with the pharmacist for the manufacturer recommendation. Are you still working too?....I wish I could do more than cyber support!

    Hugs and positive thoughts for you,

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Oh girl, it sucks that you
    Oh girl, it sucks that you get meds to deal with the da** beast....and then you need two more meds to deal with the first ones! Did you ask about the claratin for the Neulasta? I swear by it...have them check with the pharmacist for the manufacturer recommendation. Are you still working too?....I wish I could do more than cyber support!

    Hugs and positive thoughts for you,


    You just vent away Dawne
    We're here to make you feel better. I had TAC and Neulasta after every one. I totally agree--I hated the "red devil" and the Neulasta made me feel like I was run over by a truck for a few days. Just getting through those 3-4 days took everything I had. Take whatever meds you are recommended to get through it. You can do this.

    Hugs, Renee
  • NJMom10
    NJMom10 Member Posts: 176
    You have every right to whine
    Just want to make sure you know you have every right to whine. This sucks!!! On a brighter note, my first AC treatment/Neulasta was the worst. It got better for me the next couple of rounds. Tell your doctor everything next time and maybe they can suggest something to help. Good Luck!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We're alll so different!
    I so wish that my Taxol had been as 'easy' as my A/C and Neulasta!
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I hear you sister
    I felt like my spine was having spasms. My head would actually pull backwards. No one told me about claritin. Sighhh. Adriamycin... the term "bone tired" had true meaning. Hope your feeling better. Soft hugs,Katz
    P.S. uhhh it does have a red alert label. lol My place put fun stickers on the bag. I saved them,plus kept one of those alert labels. Hehe
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Katz77 said:

    I hear you sister
    I felt like my spine was having spasms. My head would actually pull backwards. No one told me about claritin. Sighhh. Adriamycin... the term "bone tired" had true meaning. Hope your feeling better. Soft hugs,Katz
    P.S. uhhh it does have a red alert label. lol My place put fun stickers on the bag. I saved them,plus kept one of those alert labels. Hehe

    Dawne .. you are NOT whinning .. just posting your
    feelings and emotions. Your poor body did not like either drug, and it's okay to complain, scream and/or yell. Chemo SUCKS! Chemo hurts! The side efforts alone -- should have a warning label == Use at your own risk! I had a most difficult time with all the various side efforts of chemo, and then that damnnnnn Neulasta shot -- but, I crawled my way to the finish line .. 1 day at a time. Many of our WARRIORS tolerate chemo just fine = and I praise our Lord each and every time I read a post from them.

    If need be, ask your Oncologist for medication to help allievate some of your discomfort. PLEASE .. do not suffer.

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668
    VickiSam said:

    Dawne .. you are NOT whinning .. just posting your
    feelings and emotions. Your poor body did not like either drug, and it's okay to complain, scream and/or yell. Chemo SUCKS! Chemo hurts! The side efforts alone -- should have a warning label == Use at your own risk! I had a most difficult time with all the various side efforts of chemo, and then that damnnnnn Neulasta shot -- but, I crawled my way to the finish line .. 1 day at a time. Many of our WARRIORS tolerate chemo just fine = and I praise our Lord each and every time I read a post from them.

    If need be, ask your Oncologist for medication to help allievate some of your discomfort. PLEASE .. do not suffer.

    Strength and Courage,

    Vicki Sam

    You guys are AWESOME!
    All of you are just awesome!!! I'm actually feeling a lot better today and was able to work the entire day. The clarinex, nexium and advil along with tons of prayers have worked wonders. I also think I got dehydrated. I know better, but nothing tasted good and I just didn't drink anything. BAD choice.. I'll never do that again, it was not good.

    Thank You all for your advice and uplifting posts. I hope all of you are having a good evening.


  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    You're not whining Dawne.
    You're not whining Dawne. If I were asked what the worst part of my entire journey was, I would have to say A/C and Neulasta. It's not fun!! I hope these mets to my spine require something different (I'll know Tuesday) because that stuff is down right horrible. They called it the "Red Devil" at my infusion center. Go figure :) I'm praying for you girl and hope this is behind you fast.
  • NJMom10
    NJMom10 Member Posts: 176

    You guys are AWESOME!
    All of you are just awesome!!! I'm actually feeling a lot better today and was able to work the entire day. The clarinex, nexium and advil along with tons of prayers have worked wonders. I also think I got dehydrated. I know better, but nothing tasted good and I just didn't drink anything. BAD choice.. I'll never do that again, it was not good.

    Thank You all for your advice and uplifting posts. I hope all of you are having a good evening.



    Got to dring the water
    I hear you about the water. During the AC/Neulasta I started hating water because the taste was awful. But I still forced myself to drink 8-10 glasses or more a day. I also put a tiny bit of lemon juice in it from time to time which made it easier to drink. Keep plugging away at it. You will get through it.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    RE said:

    oh bummer!
    Oh Dawne I am sorry you are having so much distress with these two drugs! I do recall all the discomfort the Neulasta gave me, I had a lot of leg pain with both those drugs. Hang in there girl and know that it is a means to get you back to your healthy self! I hope things improve real soon!

    Big Gentle Cyber Hugs,


    So sorry Dawne. Hoping that
    So sorry Dawne. Hoping that you feel better.

    Hugs, Jan