Cant do rads



  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    sparkle1 said:

    I had the same thought when
    I had the same thought when I went for my mapping. I cried as well, but I realized this was just one more thing we have to fight. After a few days of pushing through the pain and crying it suddently got better. I so looked forward to my last treatment (I had 33). The funny thing is I now miss the other sisters in pink that I came to know. They gave me strength. Hang in there, I'm sending you an angel.

    I cant
    I wish you well pain is to much I told tehm i dont want it.
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415

    I cant sleep becauseof pain
    I did not mis understand about bathing. advil dont touch it. i touch one vicodin and im up. I wish I was died I cant take pain I cant time of of work. Now to i cant be around people for three days after thje rads I cant do it. I done chemo. No more pain. I am being forced . I told them i get pain or burn it off. I got pain. I only agreed to a act scan not to be tat .

    I must just be misunderstanding you...but why can't you be around people for 3 days after radiation? You don't have to have tattoos ...I don't think anyway...I just had felt tip marks and they remained the whole time even though I showered and swam every day.
    I too hate to see you pass up a treatment if that's what your doctors feel is right for you.

    I know you feel bad at the moment...but we're here and always will be. take care. Pat
  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131

    I must just be misunderstanding you...but why can't you be around people for 3 days after radiation? You don't have to have tattoos ...I don't think anyway...I just had felt tip marks and they remained the whole time even though I showered and swam every day.
    I too hate to see you pass up a treatment if that's what your doctors feel is right for you.

    I know you feel bad at the moment...but we're here and always will be. take care. Pat

    this what i was told
    with the pain i was unable to slepp. because of the rrads. 50/50 chance of secondart cancer once was bad enough. even with it rads the breast cancer can return. I have removed thier tape and marks of my skin i was to itchy. I can afford to stop working. I told him pain i qiute. my once going to get told i much pain i see him in 3 moths
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    this what i was told
    with the pain i was unable to slepp. because of the rrads. 50/50 chance of secondart cancer once was bad enough. even with it rads the breast cancer can return. I have removed thier tape and marks of my skin i was to itchy. I can afford to stop working. I told him pain i qiute. my once going to get told i much pain i see him in 3 moths

  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    MAJW said:


    not by this doc
    im reporting him.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    MAJW said:


    Agree - there is some
    Agree - there is some misunderstanding somewhere. I was told to be careful not to wash off the mapping the day it was done - be careful not don't bathe. Once the 4th tattoo was on there were absolutely no restrictions about batheing, showering or swimming.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    I cant sleep becauseof pain
    I did not mis understand about bathing. advil dont touch it. i touch one vicodin and im up. I wish I was died I cant take pain I cant time of of work. Now to i cant be around people for three days after thje rads I cant do it. I done chemo. No more pain. I am being forced . I told them i get pain or burn it off. I got pain. I only agreed to a act scan not to be tat .

    Can't be around people - WHY?
    Rads are normally done a daily basis so IF it were true that you couldn't be around people for 3 days you couldn't go to the appts. This past sumer I gave ride DAILY to a gentleman who was doing rads for brain cancer at the same center I went to - there was never anything said that I should be around him - actually it was the Center and ACS that got us together for his rides.

    Why won't you do the tats? I'm someone who is against tattoos (To those with Tats - please don't be offended - there are beautiful ones and I respect anyone's choice to do them - just not my choice for myself.) for me but the tats you get with rads is just little TINY dots - in the almost year since they were done 2 have disappeared totally, 1 is almost gone and 1 is still about as visiable as the day it was done. They are for lining up the machines to get the right exposure/site every time.

    I don't think there is any of us who didn't have some level of discomfort rads - I know I did. The techs would add folded blankets and/or towels to do all they could to make me as comfortable as possible. Were there times even with the extra padding that it was uncomfortable - you betcha. Thankfully I do have a high pain tolerance - not all do - but there are ways to work around what ever issues there are - if willing to work.

    When you see someone else - PLEASE take someone with you to listen to waht is being said. You are upset now and once upset it becomes harder to listen to anything objectively.


  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    Rague said:

    Can't be around people - WHY?
    Rads are normally done a daily basis so IF it were true that you couldn't be around people for 3 days you couldn't go to the appts. This past sumer I gave ride DAILY to a gentleman who was doing rads for brain cancer at the same center I went to - there was never anything said that I should be around him - actually it was the Center and ACS that got us together for his rides.

    Why won't you do the tats? I'm someone who is against tattoos (To those with Tats - please don't be offended - there are beautiful ones and I respect anyone's choice to do them - just not my choice for myself.) for me but the tats you get with rads is just little TINY dots - in the almost year since they were done 2 have disappeared totally, 1 is almost gone and 1 is still about as visiable as the day it was done. They are for lining up the machines to get the right exposure/site every time.

    I don't think there is any of us who didn't have some level of discomfort rads - I know I did. The techs would add folded blankets and/or towels to do all they could to make me as comfortable as possible. Were there times even with the extra padding that it was uncomfortable - you betcha. Thankfully I do have a high pain tolerance - not all do - but there are ways to work around what ever issues there are - if willing to work.

    When you see someone else - PLEASE take someone with you to listen to waht is being said. You are upset now and once upset it becomes harder to listen to anything objectively.



    got treated like i was ****
    dont bathe i cant do that i have to be clean. the dont be around people i cant i have to work. The way they marked me i was have my heart zapped and my lungs. i told him if i felt pain that it or burns. he laugh . I dont get off on pain. problem breast. i told my family history and i be more of a risk for the secondary cancersfor the rads.i listen in the consult got told their easy and pain free my concerns were never adress . about the side efeects of secondary cancer being tired of being in pain from it.I was only told i would have my mom and sis go thru it there easy. I am very much low when it comes to pain.rads are not going to make the cancer go away it can still be there and come back. only thing he told me there a 50/50 chance breast can come back idf i dont but only god knows.i have red spot from the tape and the felt pens they use. i expect dis comfort not pain. the surgery was nothing i woke up in no pain. now i get pain that unbearable .
  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    Biggest problem
    I burn very easy and quick. Got told you wont burn.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    MAJW said:


    I don't understand why you
    I don't understand why you can't bathe or shower. If you don't have the tattoos, they will mark you with a pen, and, you aren't suppose to rub that area, but, you can let the water run over the marks. But, if you have tattoos, you can wash yourself.

    And, do they put your arm in a sling for the treatment?

    Also, you can be around people, you are at the treatment center. I don't understand the info your rads oncologist is telling you.

    Very sorry for all of this.

    Hugs, Debby
  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
    DebbyM said:

    I don't understand why you
    I don't understand why you can't bathe or shower. If you don't have the tattoos, they will mark you with a pen, and, you aren't suppose to rub that area, but, you can let the water run over the marks. But, if you have tattoos, you can wash yourself.

    And, do they put your arm in a sling for the treatment?

    Also, you can be around people, you are at the treatment center. I don't understand the info your rads oncologist is telling you.

    Very sorry for all of this.

    Hugs, Debby

    they cant because it is the side of the mastecomy
    It is because i ask questions of being tired the secondary cancers and i told them i burn easy. i had a tough time driving home one handed. then reading about 2nd and third degree burns. my question got laugh off as silly. i agreed to a cat scan not being marked . then i have a reation to the felt tip pen and tape they use. the rads onco was only 4yrs out of med school. iam to lay there in pain get burn no thanks with the family history get the cancer of the heart or lungs or bone cause by this treatment or where cancer may show it head again. no thank you. it is to late for pt . i feel like my left side been ripped up i did not have pain with the mastecomy but now im in pain not being listen to and being suffer I dont like doctors .
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had bilateral
    mastectomy but am only having rads to right breast incision where my tumor was against the chest wall. I have 3 tattoos, one in the center of my chest and the other two are on the side of my body where the incision ends. My tattoos are permanent - they look like a black freckle. I was told to shower every morning to remove cream I apply after rads. I've had 9 rads so far, used cream and so far no burn. If you take care of your skin any redness should be manageable. I too burn easily and was worried that rads would affect my skin by now. I have been treated with respect and everyone has been very accommodating to my shoulder issues. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad experience that you don't want to get the treatment. I hope you are able to talk to someone who will understand your fears, etc and that you might have a change of heart.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    got treated like i was ****
    dont bathe i cant do that i have to be clean. the dont be around people i cant i have to work. The way they marked me i was have my heart zapped and my lungs. i told him if i felt pain that it or burns. he laugh . I dont get off on pain. problem breast. i told my family history and i be more of a risk for the secondary cancersfor the rads.i listen in the consult got told their easy and pain free my concerns were never adress . about the side efeects of secondary cancer being tired of being in pain from it.I was only told i would have my mom and sis go thru it there easy. I am very much low when it comes to pain.rads are not going to make the cancer go away it can still be there and come back. only thing he told me there a 50/50 chance breast can come back idf i dont but only god knows.i have red spot from the tape and the felt pens they use. i expect dis comfort not pain. the surgery was nothing i woke up in no pain. now i get pain that unbearable .

    Rads kill any stray cancer
    Rads kill any stray cancer cells left behind after surgery. Not that I am saying that anyone should have them, but, we have to do everything to rid ourselves of the beast.

    I hope you find a new rads oncologist that will be kind to you and explain everything to you. Your doctor now is deplorable!

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    roseann4 said:

    No one should yell at you.
    There are many facilities who can do your radiation. I would talk to your oncologist and tell him/her you need a referral to a kinder more compassionate radiology center. My experience was not like that. It makes me furious that you were treated badly. Don't let unkind people determine the decisions you make.

    Roseann sorry...
    I am sorry you had to go through that...keep us/ me updated!
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I had bilateral
    mastectomy but am only having rads to right breast incision where my tumor was against the chest wall. I have 3 tattoos, one in the center of my chest and the other two are on the side of my body where the incision ends. My tattoos are permanent - they look like a black freckle. I was told to shower every morning to remove cream I apply after rads. I've had 9 rads so far, used cream and so far no burn. If you take care of your skin any redness should be manageable. I too burn easily and was worried that rads would affect my skin by now. I have been treated with respect and everyone has been very accommodating to my shoulder issues. I'm so sorry you've had such a bad experience that you don't want to get the treatment. I hope you are able to talk to someone who will understand your fears, etc and that you might have a change of heart.
    {{hugs}} Char

    There has to be some miscommunications
    I'm very fair and I did get red and tender at the end but honestly, I did not burn. I took really good care of my skin and stayed hydrated as instructured. Used what they told me to use and did what they told me to do. For me, the tatoos are nothing. They're teeny.

    I did not have the trauma and issues of having a mastectomy so I can't comment on your pain, but there has to be some way to make you as comfortable as possible. Afterall, you can't be the first patient with post mastectomy pain issues who they've dealt with.

    There simply must be a solution for you to be able to have radiation. You certainly have the right to refuse it, and I'm in no position to advise you medically. Just want you to be treated like a human being by someone who can thoughtfully explain to you the risks of not having radiation vs. the risks of having it; and most importantly, someone who will listen to your concerns with compassion and understanding. I hope your medical oncologist can help with this.

  • canjuncutie
    canjuncutie Member Posts: 131

    There has to be some miscommunications
    I'm very fair and I did get red and tender at the end but honestly, I did not burn. I took really good care of my skin and stayed hydrated as instructured. Used what they told me to use and did what they told me to do. For me, the tatoos are nothing. They're teeny.

    I did not have the trauma and issues of having a mastectomy so I can't comment on your pain, but there has to be some way to make you as comfortable as possible. Afterall, you can't be the first patient with post mastectomy pain issues who they've dealt with.

    There simply must be a solution for you to be able to have radiation. You certainly have the right to refuse it, and I'm in no position to advise you medically. Just want you to be treated like a human being by someone who can thoughtfully explain to you the risks of not having radiation vs. the risks of having it; and most importantly, someone who will listen to your concerns with compassion and understanding. I hope your medical oncologist can help with this.


    50/50 chance it comes back with out it. even if i have it the breast cancer can come back. where they had marked me was over my lungs and heart nowhere near the area that was my breast. They made a nerve very angry. i was not even instucted on how to do skin care. all this place is lay down freeze and suffer. the tech answer to me is we use to be yell at. i told they i was in pain the answer i got lay you can take it shut the f up. you not in pain.i dont need any cream i wont burn or get tired or have any second problem from this ie cancer of the heart or lungs . only thing i got it is easy no pain. good one i saw stars.
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member

    50/50 chance it comes back with out it. even if i have it the breast cancer can come back. where they had marked me was over my lungs and heart nowhere near the area that was my breast. They made a nerve very angry. i was not even instucted on how to do skin care. all this place is lay down freeze and suffer. the tech answer to me is we use to be yell at. i told they i was in pain the answer i got lay you can take it shut the f up. you not in pain.i dont need any cream i wont burn or get tired or have any second problem from this ie cancer of the heart or lungs . only thing i got it is easy no pain. good one i saw stars.

    So Sorry
    I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. But ... I agree with the others who have said there MUST be some misunderstanding between you and the people at the radiation center. What you say is not what most of us have experienced. We were able to take a bath/shower. I did not have tattoos .. instead I had the "magic marker" Xs with tape on top ... on several places. They were NOT necessarily over the spot where the cancer was. They were placed in on the spots that needed radiation... so they were kind of all over the place. I was told I could take a bath/shower ... but just NOT to scrub on the tape covering the X's. I was NEVER told I could not be around people.

    I think many of us are just confused about ... what surgery you had ... have you had chemo ... how long ago did you have surgery/chemo ... because that might have something to do with your pain.

    And ... as others have said ... you MUST take someone with you next time you go to the oncologist or radiologist. It ALWAYS helps to have an extra pair of ears ... and often that someone else might have a question or two of their own. But ... you do need clarification on what you can and can't do. There are creams for the burning ... special soap to use while having radiation (maybe that's what you got confused about ... you CAN NOT take a bath or shower with your regular soap. You CAN NOT use your regular deodarant etc.) ... but ... you need NOT give up on radiation. Sure ... the cancer can come back ... but radiation is just one more excellent tool to lessen the chances of it coming back. Do everything you can to try and get through it. Your life may depend on it.

    And ... by any chance are you in Louisiana?

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    tgf said:

    So Sorry
    I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. But ... I agree with the others who have said there MUST be some misunderstanding between you and the people at the radiation center. What you say is not what most of us have experienced. We were able to take a bath/shower. I did not have tattoos .. instead I had the "magic marker" Xs with tape on top ... on several places. They were NOT necessarily over the spot where the cancer was. They were placed in on the spots that needed radiation... so they were kind of all over the place. I was told I could take a bath/shower ... but just NOT to scrub on the tape covering the X's. I was NEVER told I could not be around people.

    I think many of us are just confused about ... what surgery you had ... have you had chemo ... how long ago did you have surgery/chemo ... because that might have something to do with your pain.

    And ... as others have said ... you MUST take someone with you next time you go to the oncologist or radiologist. It ALWAYS helps to have an extra pair of ears ... and often that someone else might have a question or two of their own. But ... you do need clarification on what you can and can't do. There are creams for the burning ... special soap to use while having radiation (maybe that's what you got confused about ... you CAN NOT take a bath or shower with your regular soap. You CAN NOT use your regular deodarant etc.) ... but ... you need NOT give up on radiation. Sure ... the cancer can come back ... but radiation is just one more excellent tool to lessen the chances of it coming back. Do everything you can to try and get through it. Your life may depend on it.

    And ... by any chance are you in Louisiana?


    'She' has said that she was dealing with Dr Kerwin at Bardmoor in Largo/Seminole, FL
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    50/50 chance it comes back with out it. even if i have it the breast cancer can come back. where they had marked me was over my lungs and heart nowhere near the area that was my breast. They made a nerve very angry. i was not even instucted on how to do skin care. all this place is lay down freeze and suffer. the tech answer to me is we use to be yell at. i told they i was in pain the answer i got lay you can take it shut the f up. you not in pain.i dont need any cream i wont burn or get tired or have any second problem from this ie cancer of the heart or lungs . only thing i got it is easy no pain. good one i saw stars.

    I am praying that someone
    I am praying that someone can help you. No one should have to suffer like you are now.

    Sue :)
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    50/50 chance it comes back with out it. even if i have it the breast cancer can come back. where they had marked me was over my lungs and heart nowhere near the area that was my breast. They made a nerve very angry. i was not even instucted on how to do skin care. all this place is lay down freeze and suffer. the tech answer to me is we use to be yell at. i told they i was in pain the answer i got lay you can take it shut the f up. you not in pain.i dont need any cream i wont burn or get tired or have any second problem from this ie cancer of the heart or lungs . only thing i got it is easy no pain. good one i saw stars.

    I'm sorry, but having worked in the medical fieild for years, I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine a radiation tech tell a patient " shut the f up, just lay there and take the pain!". No way! Sorry, I don't mean to sound cruel or judge but something's wrong here.