Newly Diagnosed Day after 1rst chemo

amykate Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My name is Amy and I am 39 yrs. old. This is all new to me and I originally came to the
sight to get an idea of what my side affects would be with Cytoxan and Taxotere. From what I am reading people have many different reactions. I feel pretty good today physically and am mostly trying to fight the depression. I am a single mom of 3
boys who have been great through this. I guess Im feeling anxious that I will not be
able to do as much for them as I was before. Im taking the advise of other survivors with rest, water, small meals, and doing brief walking on the treadmill in the morning. Im wondering if anyone can suggest any vitamins that helped keep their immune system up? Also if anyone increased their calcium intake during treatment?

Thanks for all the great info so far!


  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi amykate,
    Welcome, my friend. As you can see, this is a great place to find out a lot of information, or just vent. We are all good listeners. Hopefully the cytoxan and taxotere won't be too bad for you. I had the same cocktails and had only minor side effects. Hopefully, you will have some help with your boys during your treatment. My sons are grown, so I only had to worry about myself. My worst day, was the 3rd day after chemo, when I came down from my steroid high. I called it my crash day.

    I can't recommend any vitamins, but I'm sure someone else here can.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing.

  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Welcome Amykate
    I am sorry for your need to be here but it is a wonderful supportive group here.I don't really know much about the vitamins but I am sure someone will help you out. I had the same chemo as you. I did well through mine. I was never nauseous.I was very tired though. I did not have the support of a spouse either. My kids are grown but were so good to me during all of the battle. I just want to welcome you here and let you know that you will get a lot of support here. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • newlife2011
    newlife2011 Member Posts: 40
    Hi amykate,
    My BFF has stage 4 that has metzed and also is a single mother of 3....GIRLS!!! I need to hook you up with her too. Geez...anyway I can help with one of your questions and that is the supplements.
    BFF listens to Bill Henderson and has bought his book. She is also doing a diet that was created by a Dr. Johanna Budwig. The supplements she orders through the mail and it all has to do with quality. The budwig diet she is becoming more adjusted to and says in the long run it really is just a different way of preparing foods.
    Her cancer is very aggressive and she recurred after only 9 months of being inactive. She finally saw good news after applying the supplements and diet in full swing. This is the slowest her cancer has been since she was diagnosed in 2009.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, wish I could be there to help with your boys. I, well, BFF and I know what it is to be a single parent.
    My best wishes to you,
  • newlife2011
    newlife2011 Member Posts: 40

    Hi amykate,
    My BFF has stage 4 that has metzed and also is a single mother of 3....GIRLS!!! I need to hook you up with her too. Geez...anyway I can help with one of your questions and that is the supplements.
    BFF listens to Bill Henderson and has bought his book. She is also doing a diet that was created by a Dr. Johanna Budwig. The supplements she orders through the mail and it all has to do with quality. The budwig diet she is becoming more adjusted to and says in the long run it really is just a different way of preparing foods.
    Her cancer is very aggressive and she recurred after only 9 months of being inactive. She finally saw good news after applying the supplements and diet in full swing. This is the slowest her cancer has been since she was diagnosed in 2009.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, wish I could be there to help with your boys. I, well, BFF and I know what it is to be a single parent.
    My best wishes to you,

    I forgot to mention , she
    I forgot to mention , she was 39 at her diagnosis also.
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Welcome Amykate
    I am sorry for your need to be here but it is a wonderful supportive group here.I don't really know much about the vitamins but I am sure someone will help you out. I had the same chemo as you. I did well through mine. I was never nauseous.I was very tired though. I did not have the support of a spouse either. My kids are grown but were so good to me during all of the battle. I just want to welcome you here and let you know that you will get a lot of support here. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Hi Amykate. I had the same
    Hi Amykate. I had the same cocktail and had my good and bad days. I have to say more good than bad. Sounds like you are on the right track in taking care of yourself. Good luck and warmest thoughts.
  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    Hi Amy - I also can't suggest any vitamins, except perhaps ask your dr about your iron levels and whether or not you should take a supplement. I found I was less anxious if I researched every little thing guess just my way of being in control - if that makes any sense. Tell your dr you are somewhat depressed, they can probably do you a script for it.

    And while I don't have any kids myself, (thank you chemo) I've noticed that kids easily adapt to a new norm in no time at all. Please don't feel bad about what you might not be able to do for them atm because you're already doing something for them right now - fighting the cancer - both for you and them.

    You are among kindred spirits here!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    No vitamins!!
    I had the same chemo cocktail...I was told NO VITAMINS during oncologist said no green tea either...he said we don!t want your immune system to be " reved" up.. More then likely you are taking a steroid also..Decadron, perhaps..this is used as an anti nausea drug and immune suppressant...BUT check with your oncologist.. I was never sick...tired, yes and the fatigue does increase with each infusion as it is cumulative...the thing that really bothered me was losing my taste buds for a week after each infusion.. None of it is pleasant, but doable..Wish I lived near you to help out..being a single mom is tough under the best of circumstances...this is a wonderful website..hate that you need it but glad you found's a wealth of first hand experiences..we get it! We understand.....keep us posted.

    I wish you the very best!
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    MAJW said:

    No vitamins!!
    I had the same chemo cocktail...I was told NO VITAMINS during oncologist said no green tea either...he said we don!t want your immune system to be " reved" up.. More then likely you are taking a steroid also..Decadron, perhaps..this is used as an anti nausea drug and immune suppressant...BUT check with your oncologist.. I was never sick...tired, yes and the fatigue does increase with each infusion as it is cumulative...the thing that really bothered me was losing my taste buds for a week after each infusion.. None of it is pleasant, but doable..Wish I lived near you to help out..being a single mom is tough under the best of circumstances...this is a wonderful website..hate that you need it but glad you found's a wealth of first hand experiences..we get it! We understand.....keep us posted.

    I wish you the very best!

    Ditto on Nancy's comment. I
    Ditto on Nancy's comment. I was on the same cocktail mix. I used the ensure almost daily and it helped.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I cannot offer any advise on this subject since I did not have chemo. I just wanted to welcome you to this site. You will find all of the sisters here are very supportive, full of information and always ready to lend an ear.

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Amykate welcome to the
    Amykate welcome to the website. You will find a wealth of information from the people who have or are walking the chemo walk. I had a different chemo 4 rounds of A/C and 4 rounds of taxotere. My onc also said NO VITAMINS and no GREEN TEA during chemo. It was my understanding that they could feed the cancer the exact opposite of chemo. Definitely talk to your oncologist before making any decision. We are here 24/7 for support. We are all so different with different side effects, I had terrible fatigue but I was 66 when I started chemo. Take care of yourself and if you can get help with the boys do so. Welcome and sending you great big cyber hugs.
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    I also had the same cocktail
    for the 1st 4 treatments (until my ankles swelled and was switched to Cytoxan & Taxol for the last 2). My onc said NO VITAMINS or ANTIOXIDENTS until after rads. He did have me taking 2000mg of Vitamin D because my levels were low.
    Chemo isn't pleasant, but it is doable!! I worked the entire time taking only 2 days off each cycle (one for the infusion and another about 3 or 4 days later when the bone ache was bad). I had a variety of side effects that went away. I still have separating finger/toe nails and may lose a couple and my hair hasn't starting growing yet, but I am only 14 days past my last treatment getting ready for rads.
    Call your onc if you have side effects--they can prescribe meds to combat almost anything except hair loss. My onc said the only thing he couldn't treat was what he didn't know CALL anytime!
    Good luck and try not to be afraid.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Amy :)
    I'm 35, and mom of

    Hi Amy :)
    I'm 35, and mom of 2 little girls. I had both cytoxan and taxotere as part of my treatment. I wasn't told anything one way or the other regarding vitamins, and continued to take my daily multi-vitamin throughout chemo. I did not take any other supplements, though. I'm also a big green tea drinker, and have 2-3 cups a day, and wasn't told anything about that either. I think there is a thread on here somewhere about green tea with alot of input on it. Talk to your oncologist and see what they suggest. I've heard of some people having their vitamin D levels checked & taking supplements for that, also.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Ask your DR or chemo nurses!
    Didn't your Dr go over this and then when you had your Pre Chemo Education, the nurse didn't go over it again - send home a book with the info?

    I was told that the Vits/Mins I take were fine. I take a Super B Complex, Vit D and Calcium. Not to take a multivitamin/mineral. No antioxidants, no green tea, no grapefruit, no Vit. E, no garlic suppliments (garlic used in cooking was fine). There were some other things but I forgot them - not stuff I use anyway.

    The only blood levels that got out of wack for me was about 1/2 way through 12 Taxol(had 4 A/C first), keeping potassium levels up became a problem and a year later still is so on mega doses of potassium.

    We are all so different and our Drs have different ideas so check with him/her.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Welcome Amykate
    I am sorry for your need to be here but it is a wonderful supportive group here.I don't really know much about the vitamins but I am sure someone will help you out. I had the same chemo as you. I did well through mine. I was never nauseous.I was very tired though. I did not have the support of a spouse either. My kids are grown but were so good to me during all of the battle. I just want to welcome you here and let you know that you will get a lot of support here. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Welcome Amykate. I can't
    Welcome Amykate. I can't recommend any vitamins. Have you talked to your onco about this?

    Wishing you good luck with chemo!

    Hugs, Lex
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    you have a lot on your plate raising 3 boys by yourself and going through treatment. I found that after Neulasta shot I slep a lot! You will need some help on days where you have problems functioning. I also felt more tired and had zero energy after the 4, 5, and 6th treatments. The chemo is accumulative. As for the vitamins - talk with your reg dr and onc before starting anything new. I've been taking calcium and Vit D for many years. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil. I am a tea drinker and drink green tea some of the time. I'm 61 so there's a big difference in our ages. If your depression gets worse your dr can prescribe something to help.
    {{hugs}} Char