Wanted to share some good news today....

nancyann3 Member Posts: 173 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Steve has had some esophageal bleeding, so they did a scope today. We found out it is what they call radiation esophagitis. They tell us it will heal. The best news is there is no visible tumor on the inside of the esophagus!!...........Now we wont know about the scans until Monday and we talk to the surgeon, but we are celebrating this tonight. Celebrate each victory, Right?

Wanted to say while I am here that I read all of your stories everyday, and you are amazing people. I thank you all for all the knowledge and support I have received this last year. Its alway a comfort to me to know that you are all here no matter what the day brings. Its like having a soft place to fall.

I alway wish and pray for all of you. I smile and celebrate when you do, I laugh when you do and I cry when you do.

God Bless you all.


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  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    That's super
    Oh for sure...celebrate any good news no matter how small...I am happy to hear your good news...we need as much good news as we can read.

  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    Great News
    This is fabulous news Nancy! My husband's tumor was eliminated with the radiation and chemo and after his surgery on the 5th he is cancer free! Celebrate, celebrate!!!!!!!!!! We will celebrate together.

  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello Nancy
    Great to hear the good news :)....yes, you celebrate each and everyone of the victories!! Thank you for your continued prayers, we are saying them for you as well. Keep us up to date.
    Tina in Va
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  • nancyann3
    nancyann3 Member Posts: 173 Member
    unknown said:

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    thank you for your response
    Thanks William, we have been in contact with Lexington. Dr. Mullett is a option for us.

    I wanted to share more good news. Pet shows no mets anywhere else. Just the same nodes around esoph.

    We are celebrating again! I got to tell our 12 year old son, last night that dad's tumor on the inside was gone. I wish you all could have see his face. It was like it lifted 5 feet. A priceless picture.

    Thank you all and God Bless.
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Glad to hear the news. Are you now ready for surgery?
    Wonderful news. I am in Kentucky as well. My husband's tumor was eradicated by the chemo/radiation and his scan clear. He still had the surgery. It is very important to follow through. Markey is an excellent center. May your good news continue.