reconstruction process

Deb17910 Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was on the lymphoma boards (1994 hodgkins disease survivor) a couple months ago waiting to hear about my breast biopsy. Dx w/ IDC in the right breast. I have since had a bilateral mastectomies, 4 weeks post-op with tissue expanders and alloderm placed. I cannot believe how uncomfortable I am with these in. It feels like someone has wrapped my chest area with duct tape really tight. Is this normal? I would never be able to work like this, It is sooo aggravating. Also the tissue expansion process is on hold, there's only 50 cc of saline in there that was put in during the surgery. I have developed necrosis of both breast areas (probably due to past radiation tx to the chest, it compromised the skin) and need skin grafting before the process continues. Will this tightness go away, because I don't know if I can deal with this feeling. Someone
DX-hodgkins 1994 (ABVD & Rads)
DX-Bilat Breast IDC Nov/Dec 2010 (Bilat mast 12/14/10, other treatment pending)


  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Gosh Deb! Sounds like you
    Gosh Deb! Sounds like you have a rough road ahead, with skin grafts and all. I had trouble with scar tissue forming around my implant after radiation and I just had a corrective surgery to remove the scar tissue and put in a new implant. Right now the breast feels soft and normal for the 1st time it may take a while to get there...but don't give up...
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I didn't have tissue
    I didn't have tissue expanders but just wanted to say I am so sorry that you are experiencing the discomfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I didn't have tissue
    I didn't have tissue expanders but just wanted to say I am so sorry that you are experiencing the discomfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Bilateral on 1-12-10 .. tissue expanders also inserted
    during this same surgery. My expanders like so many here on our board . . . felt like deflated footballs = they are uncomfortable and do not feel anything like natural - soft breast tissue -- just bulky, hard and un-natural. Sleeping was unbearable most nights .. I was unable to sleep on my right or left side at night. What I found tha helped me as I am a side sleeper not stomach or back, is multiple pillows various sizes and shapes.

    I went in every other week for 120cc fill ups, ending at 850cc per breast. Some nights I took mortin to help me sleep, as the pain was intense after a fluid fill.

    Please contact your Plastic Surgeon, chances are his/her office will tell no more than just be patient -- and in time your body will adjust (not, so much).

    Good Luck ..

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    you're not alone....

    I'm so sorry. The TE's felt like modern day torture devices to me and to many others. Those things hurt; there is nothing comfortable about them. Their job is to stretch your skin and your pec muscle. I too had 50cc's put in mine at the time of placement. Three weeks later I began my fills.

    Radiated skin doesn't like to stretch. I don't know what to tell you concerning that issue. Did your PS ever discuss any of the flap methods for you? For many women that is a viable option, especially with prior radiation to your chest area.

    There is thread over on 'exchange city' and you may post your question over there and meet some women who've gone through what you're going through with the prior radiated skin.

    When I woke in recovery from my BMX with TE's I felt like there was an elephant standing on my chest. So, what you're explaining is common with the TE's. My only concern is that your radiated skin may be part of the feeling of tightness.

    You're not alone, sister. Hang in there!
  • monica811
    monica811 Member Posts: 10
    I had my doubel mastectomy with tissue expanders surgery about three months ago. Now chemo. As far as I know, i will not need radiation....Thank Goodness! I have and still am having problems with my right side, of course I am right handed and that is where the nodes were removed. I am having some kind of reaction to the alloderm, I think. Both sides are sore and uncomfortable. Doc's of course say it will be OK. I had a skin sparing mastectomy so I started out with 200 cc. Since then I have had two fills 50cc each. This last one was miserable. My red count is down to 8.8 now after my first four chemo treatments. They checked my iron and it is fine. I am or was pretty healthy before this. I just wonder if there is a link between a reaction to these gas jugs (expanders) and surviving chemo. Supposed to go today for my fifth treatment (taxol I think). I have tried to be a trooper through all of this, but this blood thing is getting the best of me. I can only imagine what you are going through. Don't give up....Matter of fact I just decided this morning to contact my dermatologist and let her take a look. My prayers are with you.
  • Deb17910
    Deb17910 Member Posts: 12

    you're not alone....

    I'm so sorry. The TE's felt like modern day torture devices to me and to many others. Those things hurt; there is nothing comfortable about them. Their job is to stretch your skin and your pec muscle. I too had 50cc's put in mine at the time of placement. Three weeks later I began my fills.

    Radiated skin doesn't like to stretch. I don't know what to tell you concerning that issue. Did your PS ever discuss any of the flap methods for you? For many women that is a viable option, especially with prior radiation to your chest area.

    There is thread over on 'exchange city' and you may post your question over there and meet some women who've gone through what you're going through with the prior radiated skin.

    When I woke in recovery from my BMX with TE's I felt like there was an elephant standing on my chest. So, what you're explaining is common with the TE's. My only concern is that your radiated skin may be part of the feeling of tightness.

    You're not alone, sister. Hang in there!

    I thought it was me.....I
    I thought it was me.....I hate this! My PS says it's only going to get worse once we are able to start the expansion process....oh joy!! This was my only option besides doing nothing. I am too skinny to have done the abdominal flap. Thanks for your thoughts and support....Hope you are well. Peace be with you.
  • Deb17910
    Deb17910 Member Posts: 12

    I didn't have tissue
    I didn't have tissue expanders but just wanted to say I am so sorry that you are experiencing the discomfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks Cynthia

    Thanks Cynthia
  • Deb17910
    Deb17910 Member Posts: 12
    monica811 said:

    I had my doubel mastectomy with tissue expanders surgery about three months ago. Now chemo. As far as I know, i will not need radiation....Thank Goodness! I have and still am having problems with my right side, of course I am right handed and that is where the nodes were removed. I am having some kind of reaction to the alloderm, I think. Both sides are sore and uncomfortable. Doc's of course say it will be OK. I had a skin sparing mastectomy so I started out with 200 cc. Since then I have had two fills 50cc each. This last one was miserable. My red count is down to 8.8 now after my first four chemo treatments. They checked my iron and it is fine. I am or was pretty healthy before this. I just wonder if there is a link between a reaction to these gas jugs (expanders) and surviving chemo. Supposed to go today for my fifth treatment (taxol I think). I have tried to be a trooper through all of this, but this blood thing is getting the best of me. I can only imagine what you are going through. Don't give up....Matter of fact I just decided this morning to contact my dermatologist and let her take a look. My prayers are with you.

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your thoughts....helps to know I'm not alone! The very best to all of you!
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    VickiSam said:

    Bilateral on 1-12-10 .. tissue expanders also inserted
    during this same surgery. My expanders like so many here on our board . . . felt like deflated footballs = they are uncomfortable and do not feel anything like natural - soft breast tissue -- just bulky, hard and un-natural. Sleeping was unbearable most nights .. I was unable to sleep on my right or left side at night. What I found tha helped me as I am a side sleeper not stomach or back, is multiple pillows various sizes and shapes.

    I went in every other week for 120cc fill ups, ending at 850cc per breast. Some nights I took mortin to help me sleep, as the pain was intense after a fluid fill.

    Please contact your Plastic Surgeon, chances are his/her office will tell no more than just be patient -- and in time your body will adjust (not, so much).

    Good Luck ..

    Strength and Courage

    Vicki Sam

    I had a lumpectomy, and, it
    I had a lumpectomy, and, it looks like the other pink sisters have great information for you.

    Wishing you good luck,

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Yikes Deb, you've been through the ringer!
    Your not alone on those expanders, HATED 'em. I had my expanders in from 2-11-10 till my exchange surgery on 6-29-10, they were miserable. As vickisam stated, it helps to have lots of pillows, I would wake up and sit up, upon sitting up it would be excruciating pain. Seems about the time I was used to the expanders they came out, go figure. My left side was radiated and didn't do near as well as the right, I had a latissimus flap (skin from my back) thank God for that because the rads really broke my skin down. Ask for pain meds, don't let the pain control you, you control it. Hang in there, come here often and it will get better.
  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Feel your pain!
    I had no idea that expanders were this uncomfortable. I have had mine in for 3 months and they are almost filled --probably 2 more times to go. The exchange surgery is on hold until the chemo is over and I am sad about that for sure. Sometimes I still have that feeling like a tight band around my chest-I have caught myself actually reaching up to pull it off! Crazy but true. They also bother me when I drive too much or push a grocery cart or anything like that. I just keep on trying to do more but they are so aggravating. The PS did give me a presription for Flexeril sp?-for muscle spasms but I don't take it now since it can be addicting but it did get me through the worst weeks. I take ibuprofen about every night now but really don't sleep very well. I will say that it is getting better as time passes! Oh.. sometimes I stetch my chest muscles by pulling my shoulder blades back and hold it for about 10 seconds and then release them and it seems to help to relax the chest muscles.
  • kit kat
    kit kat Member Posts: 56
    Hi, got my(real) girls in
    Hi, got my(real) girls in last week. They feel a whole lot better, but stitches are in also. Had to restitch one side after expander started to push ou.t It didnt help that I work as a hairdresser and sleep on my side I was bad.Those expanders were awefull I felt like I was carrring bricks. the surgeon is a genis