Thank you for replying to my first post!

Patiann Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi All,
Just a little update to my last post.
I had a partial mastectomy last thursday.
( it was a lumpectomy with wide margins, really)
Anyhow, got results today, it's cancer. ( yeah DUH!)
But the onc. said have to wait 10-14 days for more definative diagnosis.
I am damm sick of waiting.
He said if maybe I can just take tamoxifen...but that really doesn't seem aggressive enough considering the bone mets, and lymph node involvment, and my prior cancer?
Anyway.. more waiting, Grr! Saw the surgeon today, and he literally was in the room for 40 seconds. Walked in, moved my gown over, said "looks good, make an appt for next friday" and left. another grr!
Had radiation, no problems there.
So its all a waiting game. I'm gonna go nuts!
I think I'll try and read all your posts...
bare with me, I am a bit overwhelmed here, and for some reason, I am computer illiterate lately!
~ Patiann


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    the hardest part
    Dear Patiann -

    Welcome to the boards, although we're sorry you have to be here! :(

    The waiting is the hardest part. We've all been there and it's horrible. Once you know what you're dealing with and then plans are made to get rid of it - you're doing something. But just sitting waiting is the hardest part.

    Hang in there. We're here for you. Lots of wisdom on these boards, so ask any questions you might have. Likely, someone has gone through what you're experiencing.

    Try to keep busy, do things you enjoy to keep your mind occupied so you're not thinking about the 'what-if's.

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Welcome :-) DH is right, the
    Welcome :-) DH is right, the waiting is the hardest part, however; I'm having a hard time with the 10-14 days, that seems like an awful long time for a path. report. Remember at any given time you are free to second opinions and don't hesitate to get one. Just wanted to say welcome and keep coming back, someone is here 24/7.