ovarian and BRCA2 troubles

cheri28 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Had surgery July 2010 and found out I had stage 1 clear cell cancer. I did the genetic testing and found I am positive for BRCA2. Have gone through the chemo, finished last dose on Dec 8th. CA125 now down to 20 from 385. Now going through the breast screening and of course they found a mass on the left. Have to have a needle biopsy. Have gone through SO MANY changes this year. Divorce, moved out, job change, surgery, cancer, chemo, breast mass found, and now another change in my job with the loss of my biggest support member at work due to the changes at work. Have a wonderful support system but this is really getting old. Trying to take this one day at a time but want to know if there is anyone else out there having all of this happening. Would love to hear from others on how they are dealing with all the stress in their lives. And from others that have the BRCA2 gene and faced the recommended bilat mastectomy or have had it. I am just wanting to get some time to get myself together before I deal with another big surgery.


  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    I just wanted to


    I just wanted to say that women who are BRCA positive have a better outcome, overall, than those of us who are negative. Statistically, that is. And of course, your OC was caught early, and that too gives you a huge advantage.

    Many people, both physicians and non-professionals, beleive that there is a link between cancer and stress. No one enjoys a stress-free life, unfortunately, and I don't have any special tips on how to cope, but there are some really good anti-anxiety drugs available. Maybe you could talk to your doctor about a prescribing one. I think a glass of wine (or two) in the evening is helpful.

    Hopefully the breast biopsy will turn out to be nothing serious. Please keep us posted. This is a terrific group and you will find a world of support and understanding here.

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  • Lisa 00
    Lisa 00 Member Posts: 134 Member
    Get sedated for the biopsy
    After going through a breast biopsy once without sedation, I decided that to do so is barbaric. So when I did a second breast needle biopsy, I made SURE that I was sedated and it was MUCH less stressful and uncomfortable.
    Do yourself a favor, call your doc's office and request a prescription for a sedative.
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hello Cheri
    When I read your story it touched a cord with me. I have Primary Peritoneal cancer which is like a cousin to ovarian. It is the same tissue but it is the lining of all the internal organs. It behaves the same way as ovarian and it is treated the same with chemo. I also am BRAC 2+. I was diagnosed Nov 09.

    A year ago - Nov 08, almost to the week I suffered a series of heartbreaking set backs and stress that lead me to a nervous breakdown. My mum died, a love affair I was having ended because my husband found out about it and so my marriage ended. I spent the whole of the following year trying to grieve for my mum, get over the loss of the love of my life and had a very on/off relationship with my husband (we are now back together but I miss my lover dreadfully). I had a breakdown and was and still am on anti-depressant meds.

    I believe that because of my BRCA 2 status I always had these cancer cells in my body and they were dormant/sleeping. But because of the massive shock, trauma and stress of everything I was having to deal with it triggered some kind of growth. This is just my personal opinion but it makes sense to me for my cancer.

    I am lucky because I have had 2 mammogramms and they have always been clear.

    I wish you well with your surgery. I have not been able to have surgery because my cancer cells are too small so they are treating it with the chemo.

    Love Tina x
  • cheri28
    cheri28 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to all of the
    Thanks to all of the responses so far. I really appreciate the support. I am planning on attending a GYN Cancer support group near me. The next meeting is Monday night if the weather is not too bad. I have Xanax as needed to help with the stress. I plan to keep on obtaining information for all kinds of sources, but really want the chance to hear from people who are ACTUALLY DEALING WITH THIS. I feel that some of the others just do not understand feelings we are actually dealing with. THANKS AGAIN!