6 weeeks

canjuncutie Member Posts: 131
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
He was told i burn easy. I dont want it. i will be the one to get a secondary cancer from this. **** it stands i have the port to thank for making my heart race. now i have heart problems.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I burn easily and did very
    I burn easily and did very well (if you are talking about radiation) I was faithful with the creams, as far as the secondary cancer ihad rads on the other side of my chest in 1995 so far so good. One day at a time. gotta beat this beast not one we dont know about yet.I was afraid too, this whole thing stinks. Hugs you can do it, and you will be glad you did.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My experience
    Six weeks of radiation (back in 1987) was a piece of cake--especially compared to chemo. Just a little sunburn.

    I had chemo again in 2009 to my ribs and did very well again. That time I had a little queasiness but the rad onc said that was because he, unfortunately, had to radiate a small amount of my liver because of the way the lower right rib wraps around the liver. No sunburn at all that time.

    I would have radiation again in a heartbeat if my ribs start hurting again or if my therapy dictates using it again.

    My little sister had a small IDC, no nodes and had bilateral mastectomies and chemo but no radiation. She thought radiation was overkill. 5 yrs later, she had a local recurrence and had to have more surgery and then did have radiation. She has been clean now another ~5 yrs.

    So, my opinion, fight the beast with all of the tools available. Because cancer is a beast! And I will be praying that you tolerate the rads as well as I did.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    carkris said:

    I burn easily and did very
    I burn easily and did very well (if you are talking about radiation) I was faithful with the creams, as far as the secondary cancer ihad rads on the other side of my chest in 1995 so far so good. One day at a time. gotta beat this beast not one we dont know about yet.I was afraid too, this whole thing stinks. Hugs you can do it, and you will be glad you did.

    You can do this. Rads are
    You can do this. Rads are doable. And, they kill any stray cancer cells that are left behind. You want that, don't you?

    This is your choice. I just pray that you will have rads, if you want to, and, if recommended to be the best treatment for you.

    Hugs, Jan