Buster's Story

BusterBrown Member Posts: 221 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
On Dec 14th, at age 42, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon cancer, it had spread to my liver. Several weeks later, after doing some research and talking with a few doctors, I elected to do chemo (folfox)in hopes that my cancer would shrink. After 3 doses of Folfox the three spots I had on my liver were gone and my primary tumor had shrunk. A month later, I had a colon resection and I was fortunate my doctor only took 8". Several weeks later I was back on Folfox and a month after that I started radiation. They radiated the site of the resection, and I'm happy to report it's not come back. After my 5th week of radiation and tenth dose of chemo, I was scanned and it was determined that I was in remission. Fast forward Feb 2005, had a Ct Scan, cancer was back in my liver, this time, one spot. I elected to have open surgery and my doctor Cryo'd my tumor and felt confident he got it all. Was back to work in 3 weeks. In June,2005 we did another CT Scan, cancer gone! Fast forward to Febuary Oct 2008, had ct scan, spot appears on my liver, seems to be in the same place as cryo'd spot. This time around I elect for another open surgery, this time surgeon does liver resection. I also start folfiri regimine. At this point, I'm seemingly in remission, but I have to wait 3-6 months to see if anything popped up. Fast forward to Nov. 2009, feel pain in my right lung, they do a ct scan, this time they find a tumor in the plural(lining) of my lung, it's inoperable and the only way to treat it is chemo. From Nov. to this day, I'm still getting chemo treatments, I go once a month, I've had 42 doses up to this point. I hope to do 40 more:)

Today, I'm happy to report that I seem to be keeping this cancer in check. My overall health is good, I go to work everyday, I chase my 8 year old boy around, and most people I know don't even know I'm sick. Best advice I can give is don't stop living, don't let this disease rule your life. Compartmentalize your illness and visit it when you must, but when you're done, put your illness back on the shelf and live your life. Head down and full speed ahead:)


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Great Inspiring Story
    What a true testament to a great story that you have given. You have been through so much and yet you bring a story to us that is hopeful and what can happen in the struggle with this disease. Glad that you are managing this and thanks for posting. It seems that you have been going through this struggle for some time. Keep the strength.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Sounds like you're not letting cancer get in the driver's seat. Good for you!

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    This is the kind of hanging
    This is the kind of hanging in there story we all need to hear. Thank you for sharing.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    great story buster
    i also find chasing my kids around great fun, exercise and therapy.
    thanks for sharing your story.
  • Kadykel
    Kadykel Member Posts: 11
    Thank you for this today!

    Thank you for this today!
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 543 Member
    Thanks for posting that,
    Thanks for posting that, especially the compartmentalize part. Honestly I wonder sometimes how much fight would I have in me if it came to it? You are a warrior.
  • lagwag
    lagwag Member Posts: 76 Member
    True Inspiration
    Thank you for posting this.
  • OGammy01
    OGammy01 Member Posts: 67
    An eye opener
    Your post sure put another slant on fighting this thing called cancer.
    Thank you.

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Thanks Buster!
    Your story is truly inspiring + shows us that even though this beast can return, it can be beaten back again. Please visit again soon.
  • Redmon126468
    Redmon126468 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Your ordeal is very inspirational I just found out that I had surgery 4 months ago and the cancer is still there I am going to take chemotherapy and I am going to keep fighting like you