Been a while

emrose Member Posts: 136
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone

Just felt like I should check in - it's been a while! For those of you that don't know, my husband was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in December 2008 at 34 years old (I was 27 at the time). We decided to, despite everything, try and get pregnant before he started chemo and were successful right away! SO, he did chemo and I made my way through my first pregnancy. In September of 09 he finished chemo and a month later our amazing baby boy was born. Shortly after this, he had his first scan and we discovered it had spread to his lung. He had surgery which successfully removed the 3 small spots in his lung, and no cancer was found in the nearby lymph nodes. He had some tumor testing done which showed (whether you believe in these kinds of tests or not) that his tumor was resistant to many chemotherapies, with the exception of a few random therapies that were not traditional options, and therefore not covered by insurance. It was a tough decision but he chose not to follow up this surgery with any chemo and his oncologist did agree that his case didn't seem to follow any normal statistics so there was no easy decision. We've since met with an herbalist and naturopath and he's changed his diet in many ways. We juice, and he takes a ton of supplements. Whether it's working or not, we'll never know, but he feels good at that's what matters.

On December 17 he had his THIRD pet scan since lung surgery and it came back clear! 9 months since his surgery and he's doing WONDERFUL. My avatar is old, my little boy is not the baby that he once was - he's a feisty 15 month old and ALL OVER THE PLACE!! One day, he will learn that he wouldnt be here if his daddy wasn't diagnosed with cancer - something that I'll never forget. I hate that we've been through this, and that my husband has endured SO much pain and that we live in fear that it will return. I hate it. BUT - I love my son so incredibly much and will never forget his connection with this evil cancer. It's pretty amazing. And to see how much my husband loves his little boy, just melts my heart. They have a pretty unique bond that will only grow with time I am sure.

Oh, and I shared this before, but my husband is in the 2011 Colondar! He's Mr. October and the photo shoot experience was life changing for him. It was so great for him to meet other survivors and confront the way he was feeling about his experience. We are both very proud of his participation in it.

Anyway - Just wanted to check in, and say hello. I don't post actively but I do stop by all the time to see how everyone is doing. Figured it was time to post an update.

Thanks for all that you do to support others going through this!!! It really is life saving.


  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    good to hear from

    It's good to see an update from you! I'm glad to hear your husband is feeling well. I've recently contacted a naturpath and am making some changes, as well.
    You take care and keep looking forward in life!!

    Lisa :)
  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    lisa42 said:

    good to hear from

    It's good to see an update from you! I'm glad to hear your husband is feeling well. I've recently contacted a naturpath and am making some changes, as well.
    You take care and keep looking forward in life!!

    Lisa :)

    Thanks Lisa
    Hey Lisa,

    It's funny. I'm actually in the middle of writing a book about my experience. I was going back and thinking through all of what we've been through, and I looked back at my first post. YOu had responded back then about my concern about becoming a mom and you asked if it was possible to try and get pregnant right away, before he started chemo. I remember being SO relieved that someone had made that suggestion, because I was thinking it but afraid to admit to it, because it seemed kind of crazy. Anyway, I look back now and CANT IMAGINE if we had not done that - so thanks for the encouragement :)

    I'm glad you are connecting with a naturpath. I know your decision to change your lifestyle and eating habits has been challenging. My husband and I are not over the top with it. We don't juice 32oz a day, we are not vegan, we make mistakes. But - we try. We avoid processed foods, sugar, and well, just most of the crap that's easily available. We center our diet around cancer fighting foods and we are more intentional about what we do and do not put into our bodies. We spend a lot more money on food these days, but it's worth it to us. We both feel better! And, the supplements really do seem to give him energy and make him feel better. THey are all natural, so it seems like its worth trying.

    Good luck with everything!!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Hey, there!
    It's great to have a post from you. I can't believe your baby is 15 months old now! I remember so well when you came seeking advice about whether to get pregnant or not. I'm so glad things are going so well!

    Keep us posted!

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Wonderful to hear good news from you! I love that your life is filled with a speedy 15 month old and wonderful husband! What an amazing connection between the two of them.

    I wish you a long life time of enjoying your family!

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member

    Wonderful to hear good news from you! I love that your life is filled with a speedy 15 month old and wonderful husband! What an amazing connection between the two of them.

    I wish you a long life time of enjoying your family!


    So good to hear from you and with such great news!! So very happy for you. Wishing you all the best and thanks so much for the update. Take care.

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Great update!! You sound so
    Great update!! You sound so happy, as I'm sure your whole family is. :)
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Thanks for checking in....
    I'm glad to hear things are so well with you all!

    And, I expect some new pics of the 'little nipper'!!!!

    Dutch hugs, Kathi
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Yes, remember your story well and so glad that things are going well. You're little boy is such a miracle and cute as a button even though it is an old picture. Sounds like your husband is doing well and am so happy for all of you. Thanks for updating us on your status.

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Wow,amazing story.Thanks for
    Wow,amazing story.Thanks for your update and share the wonderful news with us.Please finish your book soon and get it published,and I am sure it will inspire more people.I am really happy for you and your family.Wish you and your family the best.
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Thank you
    Was so great to read your story today, made me cry with happiness to hear such a heartwarming story that turned out good. I remember your delema with trying to get pregnant or not, I am so very happy it worked out for you both. Thanks for sharing and letting us all know there is hope, things to turn out for the good..


  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    Thanks everyone!
    I have been following all of your stories, the highs and the lows! I appreciate all your support and I wish only the best for all of you!

    The days when I was trying to figure out if we should try to have a baby were so incredibly difficult. The diagnosis was still very fresh, and I just felt everything crumbling. Your helpful comments and support meant the world to me!

    I'm 4 chapters into my book, and willlet you know if i am ever able to get it published :-)