People operated and currently NED.....



  • Nana2
    Nana2 Member Posts: 255
    John23 said:


    "Have you done any further post op chemo? for how long ?
    what stage where you? Interested on that matter!"

    And now... the odd-ball:

    Stage 3c/4; 7 out of 28 nodes involved; fist-sized tumor grown
    through one section of colon and into the other section, with a
    complete obstruction. Told that cancer was (likely) throughout
    my body, noting lung "spots". Prognosis of 3 to 5 years provided
    I do chemo, and -0- if I did not.

    Had the operation to remove tumor (twice due to surgical error),
    and had infections. Surgical wounds took 6 months to fully heal.

    No chemo, no radiation; I used imported medicinal strength
    Chinese Herbs instead. No special diet, no side effects, no
    chance of second cancers due to treatments, no neurological
    problems, no nausea, no discernable added expense.

    My initial operation was in October of 2006; I have had clean scans
    and blood tests after taking the herbal treatments during 2007.

    John, how or where can I go
    John, how or where can I go to read your blog?
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Nana2 said:

    John, how or where can I go
    John, how or where can I go to read your blog?


    Click my name, and on the "profile" page, click on "blog".

    You'll get the full postings when you click on "read more".

    Drop me a note or PM if you need further info.

    Thanks for taking an interest!

    Best health!

  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    Diagnosed stage III B Dec.
    Diagnosed stage III B Dec. 2, 2008. Resection surgery Dec. 5, 2008, 6 months of Folfox 5 ending June 23, 2009.

    I am grateful to have not had one bad checkup, I have currently graduated to now having bloodwork every 6 months now, and do not have to go back to Onc until June.

    I feel great, it is almost like it never happened! Thank God! Good luck to everyone!
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    My husband was dx with
    My husband was dx with rectal cancer stage 2a in May,2009,had pre-operative chemo and radiaton,downstage to stage 1 from pathology report after surgery at Sep,2009.The oncologist suggested adjuvant folfox chemo which he did,finished all the treatments in April,2010.Now he is still on 3-month follow up,one-year anniversary ct scan came back clear in Sep,2010,all the blood work came back good.Doctor calls him robust.He is doing ok,except fatigue from time to time.I am pretty happy as long as he stays NED.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Stage III and said NO to chemo.
    Dx'ed Stage III colon cancer, lymph pos (2/19), zero mets in 2001. Was advised to do adjuvant chemo of 5-FU and leucovorin. That was the standard protocol back then.

    I opted to NOT do any chemo. My sister died at 33 of intestinal cancer after having radiation and chemo. I watched what it did to her. I was only 39 with 5 kids (nursing a toddler at the time) and I said NO THANK YOU.

    Instead I chose a rigorous, yet holistic approach to healing from cancer and I have never regretted it for a minute. My protocol was based on both The Gerson Method of juicing and Traditional Chinese Medicine combining the best of both diet (juicing and vegan macro) with herbs, massage, acupuncture etc.

    I have remained cancer free for 9 1/2 years.

    Best wishes.

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • mom_2_3
    mom_2_3 Member Posts: 953 Member
    Stage IV
    Diagnosed with Stage IV November 2008. Had 5 Folfox infusions and then had liver/colon resection and HAI pump implanted in February 2009. Did 9 months of FUDR in my liver pump and 5FU. Last chemo treatment in November 2009. Have been NED for 21 months (next scan in January).

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    mom_2_3 said:

    Stage IV
    Diagnosed with Stage IV November 2008. Had 5 Folfox infusions and then had liver/colon resection and HAI pump implanted in February 2009. Did 9 months of FUDR in my liver pump and 5FU. Last chemo treatment in November 2009. Have been NED for 21 months (next scan in January).


  • tesslee
    tesslee Member Posts: 97
    pepebcn said:


    Mar 2010 dx
    surgery,12 rounds folfox and avastin, still on avastin.have been ned each petscan. am having some symptoms now and will see doctor Monday. he will probably do petscan again. stage 4.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    tesslee said:

    Mar 2010 dx
    surgery,12 rounds folfox and avastin, still on avastin.have been ned each petscan. am having some symptoms now and will see doctor Monday. he will probably do petscan again. stage 4.

    What symptoms Tess?
    Hugs! Hope it is nothing! l pray for that!
  • Lifeisajourney
    Lifeisajourney Member Posts: 216
    3B Right ascending colon
    dx 12/08. 7 rounds of folfox, stopped due to reaction 5/09. 3 out of 30 positive lymph nodes. Surgery within two days of diagnosis. See onc every 3 mos, c scans now 6mos/colonoscopy yearly. So far so good. Interesting thread. Pat
  • P_I_T_A
    P_I_T_A Member Posts: 133
    Stage IIIa...
    Resection 9/09'....NED since...Did do 12 rounds of adjuvant FOLFOX(only 8 Oxi.)

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    P_I_T_A said:

    Stage IIIa...
    Resection 9/09'....NED since...Did do 12 rounds of adjuvant FOLFOX(only 8 Oxi.)


    Man, was I on drugs...
    My dates are all wrong, the years at least

    Dx 11/2008
    Colorectal surgery 11/2008
    Liver resection 4/2009
    Last chemo. 8/2009
    Hernia repair 2/2010
  • Friendinpenn
    Friendinpenn Member Posts: 70
    John23 said:


    "Have you done any further post op chemo? for how long ?
    what stage where you? Interested on that matter!"

    And now... the odd-ball:

    Stage 3c/4; 7 out of 28 nodes involved; fist-sized tumor grown
    through one section of colon and into the other section, with a
    complete obstruction. Told that cancer was (likely) throughout
    my body, noting lung "spots". Prognosis of 3 to 5 years provided
    I do chemo, and -0- if I did not.

    Had the operation to remove tumor (twice due to surgical error),
    and had infections. Surgical wounds took 6 months to fully heal.

    No chemo, no radiation; I used imported medicinal strength
    Chinese Herbs instead. No special diet, no side effects, no
    chance of second cancers due to treatments, no neurological
    problems, no nausea, no discernable added expense.

    My initial operation was in October of 2006; I have had clean scans
    and blood tests after taking the herbal treatments during 2007.

    Hey :John
    What's the names of the herbs you use?


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member

    Hey :John
    What's the names of the herbs you use?



    The list of herbs, the amount I used for the decoction (broth),
    the minimum/maximum to be used, the amount I used, etc., are
    all in the "blog" section of my "profile" page.

    As I stated on the blog, and always insist, if anyone plans to try it,
    they -must- have a TCM physician, or qualified herbalist to call
    if any unusual problems arise. They're medicinal strength herbs, not
    grocery store varieties, and have all the potency of any other drug.

    TCM (or the use of any alternative) does not remove the need
    for standard medical check-ups and tests, nor does it remove
    the need to have a western medicine physician to go to. You
    don't need to give up one science to use the other, and they often
    compliment one another in practice.

    Good luck, and better health,

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Had rectal cancer found on November 26, 2008. Chemo/Rad two months January and February, 2009. Surgery on March 26, 2009, don't know what they did as my surgeon is great and anything he said was fine with me. Had temporary ileostomy and know the rectum was removed and had j-pouch made. Chemo Folfox was given after surgery for "insurance." Reversal on November 9, 2009. October CT scan was NED.

  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    Chemo first time, not the second
    Husband diagnosed stage 3B, did 6mo chemo after surgery. 3mo later discovered spots on his lung and was back in surgery, officially stage 4. Chose not to do chemo again. Changed his diet, consulted with an herbalist and started taking supplements. So far so good, been NED almost 10mo. Hoping for many many more.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    emrose said:

    Chemo first time, not the second
    Husband diagnosed stage 3B, did 6mo chemo after surgery. 3mo later discovered spots on his lung and was back in surgery, officially stage 4. Chose not to do chemo again. Changed his diet, consulted with an herbalist and started taking supplements. So far so good, been NED almost 10mo. Hoping for many many more.

    Bump up
    Bump up
  • lizzydavis
    lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
    pepebcn said:

    Bump up
    Bump up

    Operated on and currently NED.
    In 2007, I had my first routine Colonoscopy. A malignant polyp was found and removed (March 9, 2007). (I had no symptoms at all.)

    For two years, I had sigmoidoscopies every 3 months - all with good outcomes.

    On March 10, 2009, outpatient surgery was recommended. A cancerous lymph node was found behind the benign scar tissue.

    On May 15, 2009, I had a Low Anterior Colon Resection. Six inches was removed and another positive lymph node was found out of 16. Staging was Stage III due to the lymph node involvement. No Tumors were found.

    I was given the most effective and aggressive adjuvant chemo (Folfox) and then changed to Xeloda. NO radiation. I completed chemo on December 25, 2009.

    I have appointments with the Oncologist every 4 months and the colorectal surgeon every 3 months. Currently NED.
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Hi Pepe...
    I seen you post of facebook today, but alas, I couldn't read it, so I didn't reply back!!


    I was stage IIIB, sugery on December 3, 2009. Folfox until June of 2010, Cervical cancer found and hysterectomy in August of 2010. Currently NED. Seriously, I was NED after the first surgery, the cervical stuff just snuck up on us. :)
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    tesslee said:

    Mar 2010 dx
    surgery,12 rounds folfox and avastin, still on avastin.have been ned each petscan. am having some symptoms now and will see doctor Monday. he will probably do petscan again. stage 4.

    I had same symptoms and I was fine. Swollen lymp node went away on its own sweating is getting better tried hormones but decided not to use them

    I also had a persistent cough, slight asthma.

    All good now.