Adriamycin,Cytoxan, Taxol Treatment to begin next week

As others, within a short period of time, I've had a few issues with this world wind we are going through. Today, I received additional info about the large mass on the one ovary I still have. It must be removed - the big question was will it be before or after chemo.
The gyne onc doesn't think it's malignant, yet can't confirm until he goes in... After he & my medical onc conversed ~ it was agreed that I should begin chemo right away for current diagnosis, while they monitor the 15.9 cm ovarian mass.
Current diagnosis: Invasive ductal carcinoma, Stage II, Grade 3, 2.2 cm, Triple Negative
Approximately 8 wks of Adriamycin,Cytoxan, Taxol Treatment to begin next week.
I know for sure that all breast cancers are absolutely different - just seeking your first hand info regarding how this sort of treatment may have affected you? Your work-life? Quality of Life?
I have an office job - where I interview individuals one-on-one, providing them with administrative info for 60% of my day; 40% of my work day is done on the computer.
Thanks in advance for any information you might want to provide.
One Day & One Step at a Time, right?
Just wanted to say best
Just wanted to say best wishes. I flunked chemo 101 but thats just me. Most people do way better. I also had a complicating factor. Chemo is not fun but you will get through it!!! I had to be on a leave but I dont have an office job. I am sure others will post with more specific details. Most people just plan around their treatments. Toward the end it gets harder so you may want to see if its possible to take any time off then.0 -
TN also
I am also triple negative and had the same chemo cocktail as you - 4 sessions of A/C (every 2 weeks), then 4 sessions of Taxol (again, every 2 weeks). Mine was a reoccurance, at Stage 3C. The chemo significantly reduced my tumors, and then I had my mastectomy, then radiation. I was working 2 full days and 3 half-days as a preschool teacher and director, and I needed to take off about one day each cycle (I got chemo on Thurs., then usually felt the worst the next Mon. or Tues.) But there were some cycles that I did not take off at all. I just was sure to take naps when I got home. Luckily, my husband was extremely helpful and supportive and did all the cooking and housework. You'll find here that everyone is very different and had different side effects and levels of energy during their treatments. Just remember that you can always come here and talk to us - we're here to help you through it.
Linda0 -
No real help
Different DX - I'm IBC. I did the 3 but not all at the same time. 4 A/C every 2 weeks and then 2 weeks after last A/C, had a mod. rad. mast.. 3 weeks after surgery, started 12 weekly Taxol followed a week after the last with 25 rads.
I didn't work during any of it but I could have during the A/C but definately not with the Taxol. For many it's the other way around but for me Taxol was horrible - complete exhaustion. I had not other issues - so sorry but can't reeally give you any help other than good wishes and prayers.
Susan0 -
Beginning AC/T treatment
I had an excision biopsy, complete axillary dissection and a right mastectomy. A tissue expander was put in at the time of the mastectomy. I was Stage IIa and also a triple negative. No cancer was ever found in any breast tissue but 2 of 22 lymph nodes were malignant. After the surgery I was treated with 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxotere. Unfortunately, I ended up with a case of adhesive capsulitis (aka frozen shoulder) in my right shoulder and an orthopedist had to remove dense scar tissue from my affected shoulder joint.
The 4 rounds of A/C were nowhere near as bad as I expected them to be. The fatigue certainly did accumulate but I probably would have been able to go to work if I were not a stay-at-home mom. Around Day 14 my hair started to come out. Ten days after that there was not enough hair to matter so I had my husband shave off what was left. That was extremely traumatic. It took a couple of months before I could look in the mirror and not cry. One of the medications was red in color. While that one was being infused the nurses said it would be a good idea to have ice chips or a Jamba Juice type drink. My husband prepared me a smoothie before each A/C infusion that I took with me. The idea behind this was to prevent mouth sores. No mouth sores for me, thank goodness.
I was told that Taxotere was generally easier to tolerate than the A/C. That being said, I expected a pretty easy time with the 12 Taxotere infusions. Well, were "they" ever wrong! I was never so sick in my life. Diarrhea, vomiting, watery eyes, lack of desire to eat, taste bud changes, unbelievable fatigue, and the list goes on. Despite it all, I never missed a single infusion. Only 1 had to be postponed (for 2 days) because I had become dehydrated and had to be given fluids rather than chemo that day.
My last chemo was on Aug. 4th. YAY! My energy is slowly returning. My hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are growing back. My eyes are still watery. Perhaps most importantly, I had a mammogram on my remaining/opposite breast and it was normal. Now I am just trying to get the range of motion back in my right shoulder.
Everyone will react to AC/T differently. I hope that your experience is not too difficult and that reading about my situation gives you a bit of an idea of what to expect. As you said, One day and one step at a time.0 -
As to the ovarian mass....Ijessiesmom1 said:Beginning AC/T treatment
I had an excision biopsy, complete axillary dissection and a right mastectomy. A tissue expander was put in at the time of the mastectomy. I was Stage IIa and also a triple negative. No cancer was ever found in any breast tissue but 2 of 22 lymph nodes were malignant. After the surgery I was treated with 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxotere. Unfortunately, I ended up with a case of adhesive capsulitis (aka frozen shoulder) in my right shoulder and an orthopedist had to remove dense scar tissue from my affected shoulder joint.
The 4 rounds of A/C were nowhere near as bad as I expected them to be. The fatigue certainly did accumulate but I probably would have been able to go to work if I were not a stay-at-home mom. Around Day 14 my hair started to come out. Ten days after that there was not enough hair to matter so I had my husband shave off what was left. That was extremely traumatic. It took a couple of months before I could look in the mirror and not cry. One of the medications was red in color. While that one was being infused the nurses said it would be a good idea to have ice chips or a Jamba Juice type drink. My husband prepared me a smoothie before each A/C infusion that I took with me. The idea behind this was to prevent mouth sores. No mouth sores for me, thank goodness.
I was told that Taxotere was generally easier to tolerate than the A/C. That being said, I expected a pretty easy time with the 12 Taxotere infusions. Well, were "they" ever wrong! I was never so sick in my life. Diarrhea, vomiting, watery eyes, lack of desire to eat, taste bud changes, unbelievable fatigue, and the list goes on. Despite it all, I never missed a single infusion. Only 1 had to be postponed (for 2 days) because I had become dehydrated and had to be given fluids rather than chemo that day.
My last chemo was on Aug. 4th. YAY! My energy is slowly returning. My hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are growing back. My eyes are still watery. Perhaps most importantly, I had a mammogram on my remaining/opposite breast and it was normal. Now I am just trying to get the range of motion back in my right shoulder.
Everyone will react to AC/T differently. I hope that your experience is not too difficult and that reading about my situation gives you a bit of an idea of what to expect. As you said, One day and one step at a time.
As to the ovarian mass....I had an 8lb. fibroid tumor that grew on one of my ovaries....
completely cancer free....but freaky non the less...I didn't even know it was there until I went on a diet and lost lost 40 lbs...then voila! What is this hard round thing in my stomach??? But these kinds of masses are very common....Hope all goes well for you
Dee0 -
I'm also triple neg, but
I'm also triple neg, but Inflammatory BC. My cocktail was very similar, Adriamycin, Cytoxin, and Taxotere for 6 rounds, 3 weeks apart, just finished Dec 9th. I chose to take a medical leave from work, my job demanded 50-60 hours a week and I just couldn't do both.
The most important thing I can say about chemo is drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water. I always started 2 or 3 days before treatment, and continued at least 3 days after treatment. But it will help in between too. I drank lots of smart water (it has electrolytes) and vitamin water.
I'll also say that all the other side effects (for me) were tolerable, not fun but I got through it. Be sure to talk with your doc or onc nurse about all your side effects, there are ways to deal with each and every one of them. You shouldn't have to 'suffer' through your side effects.
And you're absolutely day and one step at a time!
Linda0 -
I too took those treatment two years ago.
I had four treatments of A/C and for me they were very difficult. There were times when I was trying to just get through the next hour. My doc did not prescribe Emmend (miricle anti-nausea drug, my opinion) before the first treatment and I had severe nausea. She said she likes to try people to go without until she see if they need it in the future, barbaric. It's an expensive drug. Emmend helped tremendously for the rest of the treatments, including Taxol for 3 treatments. Taxol was different but not easier for me. These were my experiences and I have a body that is extremely sensitive to lots of meds. But some people do have a very hard time with these chemos and it's good to know that you aren't a wimp if you have a hard time. People on this discussion board sound like they had all different kinds of experiences. I am hoping yours goes smoothly. I do know that you will get through it, one day at a time.
I had retired a few month earlier but there is no doubt in my mind that it would have been impossible for me to work during treatment (elementary teacher). Lots of people do work during treatment however. Good luck and take care,
Scout0 -
That was my cocktail....
My biggest recommendation is hydration...
Water, water, water, water...I forced as much as I could (up to 4 quarts per day) the day before, day of, and day after infusion....flushed the chemicals from my bladder, kidneys, faster...where it was not necessary...
I own a computer consulting business. So, being self employed, I couldn't stop working. Breast cancer was my second cancer in 6 months. I learned the first go-round to be VERY kind to myself while working. On days that I didn't feel well, I either cut back or rescheduled my entire work day. This part of your life is temporary, but is most continue your life!!!!
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Your diagnosis is the
same as mine except I'm Stage 1C, Triple Negative. After 2 lumpectomies (had to go back in to get clear margins), my onc had me on 4 cycles of Taxotere/Cytoxan until my ankles swelled after the 4th and then switched me to Taxol/Cytoxan for the last two (I have my last on Friday--WAHOO!). I'm 58 (and Stage 1) so he didn't recommend the Adriamycin for me--but everyone is different and your cocktail is suited to you.
I'm a bookkeeper and I scheduled my chemo on Fridays and have worked the entire time. They treatments took anywhere from 4 to 6.5 hours--so I had to have that day off of work. I had a nuelasta shot on Sundays and usually slept the rest of that day. On Monday I would go to work (dragged myself actually). On Tuesday, I had to stay home from work in bed.
The treatments seem cumulative--I'm more tired now than after the first few. Each cycle brought new side-effects. I had dental issues (which should be taken care of before starting), intense bone aches, rashes, burning feet, hurting fingers, menopausal hot flashes and mood swings and I my hair started to come out before the second treatment. I had a bit of nausea on the 5th treatment but the anti-nausea meds took card of it. I've also gained weight--but that is probably more from indulging myself than the treatment. My onc told me that he could take care of any side-effects as long as I told him. I have called at 8:30 pm on a Saturday night and gotten a call back.
All in all, it is doable, not pleasant, but you will get through it.
Good luck and hugs to you.
JoAnn0 -
Thank you!
.... thanks all for providing me such detailed information regarding your experiences, treatment, etc. This is truly helpful. I sooo bad with liquids. After reading this today - I have already increased my liquid intake and plan to follow your advice as much as possible - hoping too for as much of a good outcome as possible.
You all are the best.0 -
HILVG said:Thank you!
.... thanks all for providing me such detailed information regarding your experiences, treatment, etc. This is truly helpful. I sooo bad with liquids. After reading this today - I have already increased my liquid intake and plan to follow your advice as much as possible - hoping too for as much of a good outcome as possible.
You all are the best.
We have a very similar diagnosis, except that my humor was slightly bigger. I also had those three drugs together (although my "T" was taxotere). Let's see: I took my infusions on Fridays and took that Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off from work. Wedensday-Friday I worked at home. I went back to work full time the next 2 weeks until my next infusion. That schedule seemed to work just fine for me. I probably could have gone in to work more, but I wanted to take things easily. I did get mouth sores, which were helped by keeping my mouth extremely clean (baking soda rinse every day, brushing after every meal) and two prescription mouth washes prescribed by my oncologist. The nausea was bareable, but it's important to keep ahead of it. Don't wait until you are nauseated to take medication because it becomes very difficult to control at that point. I took emend the day before, during, and the day after treatment. Then I was on another anti-nausea for the remainder of the first week. I didn't need anything for the 2nd and 3rd weeks, but I had a third back-up drug just in case. Fatigue does get progressively worse. I took steriods and a nuelasta shot after each treatment and it kept my white blood cell count stable so that I was able to continue treatments on schedule.
Make sure to have lots of distractions around like books and movies and try to take walks or do some mild physical activity. It tends to make things better. Good luck with everything. It's not fun, but you'll get through it.
Mimi0 -
Wow!mimivac said:HI
We have a very similar diagnosis, except that my humor was slightly bigger. I also had those three drugs together (although my "T" was taxotere). Let's see: I took my infusions on Fridays and took that Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off from work. Wedensday-Friday I worked at home. I went back to work full time the next 2 weeks until my next infusion. That schedule seemed to work just fine for me. I probably could have gone in to work more, but I wanted to take things easily. I did get mouth sores, which were helped by keeping my mouth extremely clean (baking soda rinse every day, brushing after every meal) and two prescription mouth washes prescribed by my oncologist. The nausea was bareable, but it's important to keep ahead of it. Don't wait until you are nauseated to take medication because it becomes very difficult to control at that point. I took emend the day before, during, and the day after treatment. Then I was on another anti-nausea for the remainder of the first week. I didn't need anything for the 2nd and 3rd weeks, but I had a third back-up drug just in case. Fatigue does get progressively worse. I took steriods and a nuelasta shot after each treatment and it kept my white blood cell count stable so that I was able to continue treatments on schedule.
Make sure to have lots of distractions around like books and movies and try to take walks or do some mild physical activity. It tends to make things better. Good luck with everything. It's not fun, but you'll get through it.
You all giving me such great info and advice. I am certainly going to see if it's possible to go to the Friday chemo schedule. My 1st one is this Monday. I want to work on days I'm feeling up to it - as much as possible. My won't isn't strenuous at all. I'm so glad to know about taking the nausea meds. I go for chemo training tomorrow. Onc said I could wear a mask at work... Don't want to do that at all.
You are all so great to share helpful tips. And I wish you all well through this journey...
My hair is extremely short - curly to my head. I've heard most say hair falls out around day 14 - 17.
My insurance pays for a wig one time. So, I'll look into this fir sure. I wear wigs from time to time - but get hot flashes and want to take them off, lol.0 -
just wanted to welcome you to the board. I don't know much about triple neg but others here do. I wish you the best with your treatment. I did not work so can't help there either. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you are dealing with the ovarian cyst too. Life sucks sometimes!
{{hugs}} Char0 -
If not Friday....LVG said:Wow!
You all giving me such great info and advice. I am certainly going to see if it's possible to go to the Friday chemo schedule. My 1st one is this Monday. I want to work on days I'm feeling up to it - as much as possible. My won't isn't strenuous at all. I'm so glad to know about taking the nausea meds. I go for chemo training tomorrow. Onc said I could wear a mask at work... Don't want to do that at all.
You are all so great to share helpful tips. And I wish you all well through this journey...
My hair is extremely short - curly to my head. I've heard most say hair falls out around day 14 - 17.
My insurance pays for a wig one time. So, I'll look into this fir sure. I wear wigs from time to time - but get hot flashes and want to take them off, lol.
I did a Wednesday. Seemed inconvenient at first, but then it REALLY worked!
Wednesday was lost to infusion (I'm a delicate 6 hours for me each time). BUT Thursday I felt GREAT! Worked all day. Friday morning, the same. Late Friday afternoon, tired...went home early. Saturday was lost on the couch...Sunday was time for Monday work.
As far as wigs, I wore one for about 30 minutes. I'm not used to one, so switched to hats, caps, and scarves. There are many cute styles these days online for very little money. Hair, you heard right...somewhere around day 15 mine was coming out in locks...went and had it cut VERY short (1/2 inch).
I'm sending best wishes to you, LVG...
Hugs, Kathi0 -
Same chemo, triple negative also
Hi there:
We have a lot of similarities. I will give you details of my recent journey. Then feel free to ask me specific questions.
Diagnosed January 27, 2010.
Fine needle biopsy - February, 2010.
Met with medical oncologist and his team. Diagnosed with IDC, triple negative, large (11 cm mass in right breast). Muga scan and PET scan - February, 2010
Outpatient surgery to have port implanted - February 24, 2010.
First chemo treatment - February 25, 2010
Note: I first took 4 rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan, dose dense - which means that I received treatments every 2 weeks, not every 3 weeks. I took my treatments on Thursdays (which worked great for my administrative type job). Each Friday (following treatment days on Thursdays), I returned to the Cancer Center and received a neulasta shot (to keep my white count high enough). I felt good on chemo treatment Thursdays and still felt good on Friday mornings. By Friday evenings, I began to feel "yucky". My worst day was Saturday, but, occasionally Sundays were bad, also.
I always returned to work on the Monday following chemo treatment Thursdays. Therefore, during my 8 weeks of AC chemo, I only missed every other Thursday and Friday to receive chemo and have the neulasta shot.
I had an array of the usual side effects from the AC, but, I was very fortunate. None were debilitating. I was given Emend for nausea (via IV during my chemo treatments and by mouth for 2 straight days following chemo). I credit Emend with my being able to tolerate the AC treatment with very little nausea.
12 weeks of Taxol followed AC. No neulasta shots were given during Taxol treatments; neither did I have to continue taking Emend. Taxol was easier. I had some pretty bad problems with my nails and had problems sleeping - due to the other IV's given with Taxol (steroids, etc.) All in all, I realize now that I tolerated all the chemo better than the majority of patients. ....little or no nausea, no hospital admissions, no ER visits, no extra IV fluids, etc. were necessary. Food and fluids did taste bad most of the time, but, I got through it with just a little weight loss (5 pounds or so).
After completion of chemo, I had a bilateral mastectomy in August. It wasn't fun, but, I was able to return to work full time in just over 3 weeks - althought I was very tired.
I received 7 weeks of radiation in October and November. By then I was extremely fatigued. Radiation was more difficult for me (and I burned worse) than I had anticipated.
I completed ALL treatments (since I am triple negative, I do not take any follow up medications, etc.) around Thanksgiving. I was burned badly from radiation and had to take off about a week to recover.
As of the first of January, I am beginning to feel like my old self. My stamina and energy levels are close to what they use to be. I feel very fortunate. I have quarterly follow up visits with my surgeon, medical oncologist and radiation oncologist. Yes, those follow up visits are very stressful, but, I try very hard to live a normal life between the visits.
It isn't fun - but, it IS doable. I refused to listen to horror stories. I don't read or ask about statistics. I made up my mind to do this in the classiest way possible. I wanted to be the poster child for "It CAN be done." I also wanted to be someone who others could come to and ask me how I did I got through it.
Please feel free to ask me any specific questions. You have received some good advice from others who replied to you. My only additional comment would be to take the advice of your healthcare team and bring ANY concerns/problems to their attention immediately. You may get tired of hearing this.....but, you CAN do this.0 -
I had 6 rounds of TAC (all
I had 6 rounds of TAC (all drugs at once), three weeks apart. First two words of advice - drink a TON of water, starting 2 to 3 days before treatment and keep it up as much as you can the first week after treatment. I'm talking 2 to 3 quarts of liquid per day. I didn't do this for one of the rounds and got TERRIBLE diahrea, which adds to fatigue. Second try to be as actice as possible. I am a yoga/pilates instructor so I had to stay active and it really helped. As far as other stuff, it seems like each round there was something different. If your white blood cells drop and you have to get the shot, ask if you can get half the dose. I had terrible bone pain with the full dose, but was manageable with half and my counts were fine. As the treatments go on, it's likely you will miss work, I usually was out the first week after treatent, but then again if you don't have an active job you may be out less. I also had trouble with my teeth (ended up with an infected tooth that was pulled after round 4) so if you have time, try to get your teeth checked out. I'm also stage 2, grade 3 and bout 3cm, however am estrogen +. Good luck!0 -
My wife had that cocktail
I haven't been posting much lately. But my wife had dose dense AC-T and it was rough, but doable. She had off most of the summer, but she wasn't in much shape to work through much of the AC part of the treatment. They gave her decadron; 5 doses; I think starting the night of chemo then twice a day for the next two days. This held off her crash. She was actually more functional the next two days than days 3-5 after. The affect was cumlative for the first four treatments. Switching to Taxol was a good thing.
One chemo nurse told us that her experience was that pre-menopausal women had a harder time with the AC and post-menopausal woman had a harder time with the Taxol. Don't know if this is true, and even if it is, it may not be true for you. Everyone reacts differently.
Good luck and hugs
Bob0 -
Hi LVG. I didn't haveRague said:No real help
Different DX - I'm IBC. I did the 3 but not all at the same time. 4 A/C every 2 weeks and then 2 weeks after last A/C, had a mod. rad. mast.. 3 weeks after surgery, started 12 weekly Taxol followed a week after the last with 25 rads.
I didn't work during any of it but I could have during the A/C but definately not with the Taxol. For many it's the other way around but for me Taxol was horrible - complete exhaustion. I had not other issues - so sorry but can't reeally give you any help other than good wishes and prayers.
Hi LVG. I didn't have chemo, but, want to wish you good luck.0 -
Wishing you good luck fordyaneb123 said:As to the ovarian mass....I
As to the ovarian mass....I had an 8lb. fibroid tumor that grew on one of my ovaries....
completely cancer free....but freaky non the less...I didn't even know it was there until I went on a diet and lost lost 40 lbs...then voila! What is this hard round thing in my stomach??? But these kinds of masses are very common....Hope all goes well for you
Wishing you good luck for your chemo. Praying no side effects!
Hugs, Kylez0 -
You are all so awesome for
You are all so awesome for providing with such great info as I go forth in this journey.
I am forging ahead & it is my goal to hold my head up, use the very helpful tips I'm learning here and walk this chemo/healing path with as much grace as possible. I begin 8 treatments every other week, starting this Thursday. After the first one, I'll have it on Wednesday, in order to recuperate over the weekend.
One day at a time towards our healing!!!
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