Femara users with hand pain

tess4646 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been on Femara for 10 months and have been experiencing finger cramping, hand pain, fatigue etc. No MD seems to care about the fact that these impairments have significantly affected my work and personal life, ie opening a jar, twisting a tie, typing reports at work, keeping up with my spouse in a usual way...the NOVARATIS inserts do not indicate these side effects...Has anyone alerted the FDA MEDWATCH?


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Owww my hands!
    I think I know what u mean. They even wake me at night. I usually take a couple of advil. Have a bad back, so been on a heating pad. Place my hands under my bottom for warmth. I also "pop" them. Gently bend them backwards. Seems to release some "pressure". As the day goes on they seem to get better. The middle of fingers seem to be worse than the rest.
    I see my onc Jan.17th. Going to ask him. Think Ive been taking femara for almost a yr now. This has worsen in the last few months. Mmmm maybe the cold worsens them. I'll let u know what I find out, if anything. Can you make a fist? I takes awhile for me to be able to. Ouch. Katz
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Katz77 said:

    Owww my hands!
    I think I know what u mean. They even wake me at night. I usually take a couple of advil. Have a bad back, so been on a heating pad. Place my hands under my bottom for warmth. I also "pop" them. Gently bend them backwards. Seems to release some "pressure". As the day goes on they seem to get better. The middle of fingers seem to be worse than the rest.
    I see my onc Jan.17th. Going to ask him. Think Ive been taking femara for almost a yr now. This has worsen in the last few months. Mmmm maybe the cold worsens them. I'll let u know what I find out, if anything. Can you make a fist? I takes awhile for me to be able to. Ouch. Katz

    I have been on Arimidex for a little over two years. My fingers are stiff and hurt to bend. My feet are also achy. It's not so bad that I would just quit taking it, but oh! it makes me feel so old...: { My oncologist suggested I try switching to Femara, but the cost is so much higher and the SEs sound about the same. (Arimidex is now generic.)

    I find that using my hands and feet seems to lessen the pain and stiffness. I take an NSAID when I need to. I've been hearing such good things about a regimen of low dose aspirin, I think I may try that after I talk to my oncologist. I am interested in everyone's experiences. xoxoxo Lynn
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    I've only been on Femara for
    I've only been on Femara for a month, but thanks for this update, I will keep a close eye on this side effect.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Pinkpower said:

    I've only been on Femara for
    I've only been on Femara for a month, but thanks for this update, I will keep a close eye on this side effect.


    Me too
    My fingers are serious problem after 5 moths on Arimidex. I am thinking about filing with FDA. My oncologist believes it will go away when I stop, however I am off for 6 weeks and fingers are still bad. My fingers are very critical for my work and I am very upset about this situation
    I saw nat. doc who suggested Omega 3 oil which I am currently taking and Topricin cream.
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I couldn't take femara or
    I couldn't take femara or arimidex so I am on aromasin and I have the same side effects, my joints hurt in my hands and feet, headaches daily and very tired, the dr just blows it off and said then take a nap! If I did take a nap when I was tired then I would sleep or lay down most of the day! Hugs :) Robbin
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    When you say finger is
    I've been on Femara for 11 months now with no problems related to it.

    When you say finger is cramping - could it be 'trigger finger'? The reason I ask is that there are some changes going on in my hand that as I understand from my PA are cause by the changes/loosing soft tissue in the hand on the side of mast. that are the beginnings of 'trigger fnger' though at this time there is only changes in the tissues. She has said that if it does continue to develope then its a very mnor surgery to correct. Could also be somewhat caused by the lymphedema. At least that's what I'm being told. Ask your DR.

    How is your potassium level? I've had a very hard time keeping my potassium level up since about 1/2 way through 12 Taxol (over a year ago now) even with taking potassium suppliments and get cramps when it's low. Again ask your DR.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Funny how different we all
    Funny how different we all are. I've never had any problems with me hands, but have had a "crick" in my neck from almost day one of arimidex. I live with a therma care wrap on my neck. Hey, it beats cancer ;-)
  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    Funny how different we all
    Funny how different we all are. I've never had any problems with me hands, but have had a "crick" in my neck from almost day one of arimidex. I live with a therma care wrap on my neck. Hey, it beats cancer ;-)

    Hand pain!
    I took Femara for several mos. and had alot of hand/feet pain. I developed 2 trigger thumbs and had them released. I switched to aromasin for 8 mos and the pain con't. I decided I would stop all meds. I had already been on Tamoxifen for 5 years and had no problems. I have been off the meds now for 3 years and my thumbs remain painful. It's not the trigger fingers anymore but now I have arthritis in my Basil Joints at the base of my thumbs . I have alot of discomfort and trouble with jars, and gripping anything heavy. I am a Physical Therapist and have gone for Therapy. I have splints to wear at night(which I'm not very good about wearing.) The Orthopedist said he didn't feel it was the meds that did it but I don't agree with that. I had no problems prior to the meds. Good luck. Hope you find some relief. HUGS!!! Cathy
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Rague said:

    When you say finger is
    I've been on Femara for 11 months now with no problems related to it.

    When you say finger is cramping - could it be 'trigger finger'? The reason I ask is that there are some changes going on in my hand that as I understand from my PA are cause by the changes/loosing soft tissue in the hand on the side of mast. that are the beginnings of 'trigger fnger' though at this time there is only changes in the tissues. She has said that if it does continue to develope then its a very mnor surgery to correct. Could also be somewhat caused by the lymphedema. At least that's what I'm being told. Ask your DR.

    How is your potassium level? I've had a very hard time keeping my potassium level up since about 1/2 way through 12 Taxol (over a year ago now) even with taking potassium suppliments and get cramps when it's low. Again ask your DR.

    My fingers and hand pain are not related to lymphedema. They feel like arthritis, very painful. It started on the both sides, and I have swollen knuckles so I had to take my wedding band off. I feel like my mother who is 73.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    cruf said:

    Hand pain!
    I took Femara for several mos. and had alot of hand/feet pain. I developed 2 trigger thumbs and had them released. I switched to aromasin for 8 mos and the pain con't. I decided I would stop all meds. I had already been on Tamoxifen for 5 years and had no problems. I have been off the meds now for 3 years and my thumbs remain painful. It's not the trigger fingers anymore but now I have arthritis in my Basil Joints at the base of my thumbs . I have alot of discomfort and trouble with jars, and gripping anything heavy. I am a Physical Therapist and have gone for Therapy. I have splints to wear at night(which I'm not very good about wearing.) The Orthopedist said he didn't feel it was the meds that did it but I don't agree with that. I had no problems prior to the meds. Good luck. Hope you find some relief. HUGS!!! Cathy

    could you explain about splints.
    I have no doubts that the hand& fingers pain has been caused by Arimidex and wish pharmaceutical company could be open and honest about potential side effects.
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Aromatase Inhibitors are known to cause bone and joint pains. They are also known to cause fractures.

    I didn't have this sort of pain when I used Arimidex but on Femara,, life is painful. I went off the drug to see what was Femara pain and what was pain from my other medical conditions. In 3 weeks, I knew the answer. Femara has kept me stable so I love this drug. I also hate it for all the pain I need to live with it.

    Are you on a form of bisphosphonate (Fosamax, Boniva, Zometa, Aredia)? You might inquire from your oncologist about going on one. AI's are known to give a woman osteoporosis and fractures.

    On Arimidex I fell and had 3 vertebrae compression fractures. Ouch! I went on Fosamax and then Boniva. I don't know if that was the reason I had so little pain on Arimidex. Bisphosphonate gave me an eye condition and I can no longer use it unless I want to be blind with strong bones. I take pain meds to alleviate some of the pain especially when I am working.

    Fatigue is also listed as a side effect for Femara and I have that condition too. However, I have so many other pills that have that side effect, I learned to adjust my life to that fact of being tired. Kind of like a giant straw sucking some of the life out of you.

    The FDA approved of Aromatase Inhibitors so they are aware of the side effects. You must understand that AI's are a miracle drug for those of us who are ER/PR positive. It's target therapy. Without this wonderful drug, I would be dead. I am grateful for aromatase inhibitor.

  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908

    could you explain about splints.
    I have no doubts that the hand& fingers pain has been caused by Arimidex and wish pharmaceutical company could be open and honest about potential side effects.

    The splints I use are to prevent me from bending my wrists and curling my thumbs during the night. They go from my palm to a few inches above my wrist and an extension up my thumb to prevent it from bending. It is comfortable to wear but I have trouble sleeping with it on cause I like to sleep curled up and it won't let me get my hands that way. Not all joint pain calls for splints. You can soak your hands/fingers in warm(not Hot) water. You can gently bend and extend your fingers while in the water. You can also try to go for Physical Therapy where they can use modalities to decrease inflammation and also teach you appropriate ex. for your needs. Good luck. I hope you feel better! HUGS!! Cathy
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    SIROD said:

    Aromatase Inhibitors are known to cause bone and joint pains. They are also known to cause fractures.

    I didn't have this sort of pain when I used Arimidex but on Femara,, life is painful. I went off the drug to see what was Femara pain and what was pain from my other medical conditions. In 3 weeks, I knew the answer. Femara has kept me stable so I love this drug. I also hate it for all the pain I need to live with it.

    Are you on a form of bisphosphonate (Fosamax, Boniva, Zometa, Aredia)? You might inquire from your oncologist about going on one. AI's are known to give a woman osteoporosis and fractures.

    On Arimidex I fell and had 3 vertebrae compression fractures. Ouch! I went on Fosamax and then Boniva. I don't know if that was the reason I had so little pain on Arimidex. Bisphosphonate gave me an eye condition and I can no longer use it unless I want to be blind with strong bones. I take pain meds to alleviate some of the pain especially when I am working.

    Fatigue is also listed as a side effect for Femara and I have that condition too. However, I have so many other pills that have that side effect, I learned to adjust my life to that fact of being tired. Kind of like a giant straw sucking some of the life out of you.

    The FDA approved of Aromatase Inhibitors so they are aware of the side effects. You must understand that AI's are a miracle drug for those of us who are ER/PR positive. It's target therapy. Without this wonderful drug, I would be dead. I am grateful for aromatase inhibitor.


    No SE - yet
    I just started Arimidex 12 days ago. When I see my oncologist in February I will start on a bisophoshonate because I already have osteoporosis. She told me about the potential of joint pain and said glucosamine would help. Have you tried this?

  • jphilpo
    jphilpo Member Posts: 177
    I find it so interesting that most med onc's tell us that they don't think that femara, tamoxifen etc... have anything to do with the horrible pain that a lot of us experience . I had to get off of femara after 6 months. My dr. switched me to tamoxifen, but I am still hobbling in the morning and can't sleep at night due to pain in my legs and feet. What do I do??? Over the counter meds don't seem to work for me.

    My husband wants me to get off the pills, but I am afraid. I will talk to the onc next week. He's already said he wants me on tamoxifen, but I can't deal with the pain.

    Sorry to complain,

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    jphilpo said:

    I find it so interesting that most med onc's tell us that they don't think that femara, tamoxifen etc... have anything to do with the horrible pain that a lot of us experience . I had to get off of femara after 6 months. My dr. switched me to tamoxifen, but I am still hobbling in the morning and can't sleep at night due to pain in my legs and feet. What do I do??? Over the counter meds don't seem to work for me.

    My husband wants me to get off the pills, but I am afraid. I will talk to the onc next week. He's already said he wants me on tamoxifen, but I can't deal with the pain.

    Sorry to complain,


    I was on Tamoxifen for 18 months...then was post menopausal so onco switched me to Arimidex. Within 3 weeks, I had daily headaches, pain everywhere and just felt miserable. Went to the onco and he immediately switched me back to Tamoxifen which I tolerate pretty well.

    Before I even had a chance to tell my onco what my SE were on Arimidex, he named them off!! He is very aware that alot of women do not tolerate AI's and feels that quality of life in very important. I'm lucky I have an onco who "get's it!"
  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    lynn1950 said:

    I have been on Arimidex for a little over two years. My fingers are stiff and hurt to bend. My feet are also achy. It's not so bad that I would just quit taking it, but oh! it makes me feel so old...: { My oncologist suggested I try switching to Femara, but the cost is so much higher and the SEs sound about the same. (Arimidex is now generic.)

    I find that using my hands and feet seems to lessen the pain and stiffness. I take an NSAID when I need to. I've been hearing such good things about a regimen of low dose aspirin, I think I may try that after I talk to my oncologist. I am interested in everyone's experiences. xoxoxo Lynn

    pain in hands and most joints....
    Seeing onc. on Friday. She took me off the arimidex about 5=6 weeks ago because of all the side effects. Said they would go away but have not. Some days I can't get up from my chair without my husband holding both my hands and I pull myself up. That is from pain in my feet and shoulders. Don't know if she is going to put me on something but I don't want the cancer back. That is why I was taking the arimidex to lower my chances of the cancer returning. Or so that is why they said I would take the pill for 5 years.

    I am seeing a new onc. because the first one didn't tell me anything about anything. All she said is some of the ladies have hot or cold flashes and some bone pain. I have a list of questions.. What to eat, shaving, aspirin, when will the joint pain go away and many more. I have learned more on here about cancer than I did from the doctors. I am so discouraged.

    Had my last rads on Nov.8,2010. That was a nightmare in it self. Terrible burning, sick, fatigue and on top of all that got e-coli in the fold of my arm-breast area (where the burn was so bad). The lumpectomy was not bad and healed very well as for the rest of it....it sucks big time.

    Sorry I rambled on so but I am just so discouraged from being told it was a small cancer and they got it all to feeling crappy since the beginning of the rads up to now. I have had a couple of decent days but they are so few.

    Thank you for listening .. don't know why I dumped on you. Normally I was a happy person and I love to be there for any and all. I am a good listener but lately it has been hard.

    My prayers are with you and everyone fighting this devil. Diana