PCa Diet recommendations and Happy New Year

bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Lots of good information out there one of my favorite places for updated information are the web sites for UCSF and Prostate Cancer Foundation (give often to these guys…they fund the cutting edge and have done more for PCa than any group) –

What I get out of all of this is that we should eat better quality food (less fat, less red meat, less salt, less sugar, less alcohol and more fruit, veggies, fish, nuts, whole grains, fiber and antioxidants) and exercise more for improved health, but there were still some interesting details.

Generally, a "healthy" diet is recommended for cancer patients in order to:

1) reduce the risk of chronic disease, 2) help to inhibit cancer growth, 3) enhance the immune system, 4) increase energy levels and 4) to facilitate recovery from cancer treatment.

The following were specifically recommended for a "Cancer Protective Diet" from UCSF:

1) 8-10 "colorful" fruit & veggie servings daily
2) 30-40 gms of fiber daily from beans/legumes & whole grains
3) Limit consumption of processed and refined foods (eg., white rice & bread)
4) Limit meat & daily products; avoid processed meats ( I eat wild cold water fish only)
5) Increase healthy fats (omega 3 fatty acids) from cold water fish, nuts, etc.)
6) Drink 1-4 cups of green tea daily
7) Avoid or limit alcohol consumption (I drink 2-3 glass of wine frequently per instructions from oncologist)
8) Get tested for Vitamin D and take supplement as needed (up to 1-2gm daily)
9) Increase daily intake of antioxidant rich foods, which include lycopene, selenium & Vitamin E.
10) And, lastly, exercise at least 30-60 mins daily to achieve an acceptable BMI. (I exercise 90-120 minutes a day 5x week+)

No real surprises here and no evidence that following these suggestions will "cure" or prevent reoccurrence of your cancer. However, it certainly can't hurt you and will definitely make you a healthier person.

So, there's no reason not to follow this diet, provided you can actually do all of the things suggested, which is really the question. Most people can't, even if they want to and I don't think I can either but I'll do what I can to eat as healthfully as I can and that's all any of us can expect to do, regardless of its effect on your cancer.

Best to all


  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    Great Post bdhilton
    You have summed it up very well. The hardest thing is to cook to these recommendations when your whole life, and all your recipes include a "not so good" diet. This has put a lot of strain and work on my wife who has been more than willing. Since September I started the no red meat, no dairy, and as little sugar as possible diet. I am adjusting quite well, and really don't miss the old ways. Have lost weight slowly. Do not necessarily feel much better, for I felt good before I started the dietary change. Have exercised for the last 35 religiously at least 5 times a week for 30-45 of heavy aerobic with lifting, and adding walking with my better half about 4 days a week. And yes, I am well aware of the benefits and limitations of such a diet.

    Add to your references "The Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life" by Dr. David "Eating for Better Health" by Professor Jane Plant CBE and Gill Tidey. Best of all in the New Year to all "discussioners".
  • SV
    SV Member Posts: 188 Member
    ob66 said:

    Great Post bdhilton
    You have summed it up very well. The hardest thing is to cook to these recommendations when your whole life, and all your recipes include a "not so good" diet. This has put a lot of strain and work on my wife who has been more than willing. Since September I started the no red meat, no dairy, and as little sugar as possible diet. I am adjusting quite well, and really don't miss the old ways. Have lost weight slowly. Do not necessarily feel much better, for I felt good before I started the dietary change. Have exercised for the last 35 religiously at least 5 times a week for 30-45 of heavy aerobic with lifting, and adding walking with my better half about 4 days a week. And yes, I am well aware of the benefits and limitations of such a diet.

    Add to your references "The Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life" by Dr. David "Eating for Better Health" by Professor Jane Plant CBE and Gill Tidey. Best of all in the New Year to all "discussioners".

    I agree with the above. My
    I agree with the above. My only surprise is that we don't see more written here about diet and nutrition. We have taken it a step further by going organic. True, it is more expensive but every week Costco seems to be adding one more organic product at very reasonable prices. It is my guess that in the US we will eventually see a two-tiered food supply--regular mass produced, chemically-enhanced fruits, vegetables and proteins versus slightly more expensive organics and proteins minus hormones, pesticides and poisonous fertilizers.

    Even more surprising though is how many bros here become upset when hearing about making dietary and lifestyle changes--like someone is trying to force unwelcome ideas. I only take the time to write this because I hope to share some valuable insight. Someday the term integrated medicine will be the accepted standard. Eat like your life depends on it...because it does. Keep the faith.
  • FreddyJoe
    FreddyJoe Member Posts: 45 Member
    SV said:

    I agree with the above. My
    I agree with the above. My only surprise is that we don't see more written here about diet and nutrition. We have taken it a step further by going organic. True, it is more expensive but every week Costco seems to be adding one more organic product at very reasonable prices. It is my guess that in the US we will eventually see a two-tiered food supply--regular mass produced, chemically-enhanced fruits, vegetables and proteins versus slightly more expensive organics and proteins minus hormones, pesticides and poisonous fertilizers.

    Even more surprising though is how many bros here become upset when hearing about making dietary and lifestyle changes--like someone is trying to force unwelcome ideas. I only take the time to write this because I hope to share some valuable insight. Someday the term integrated medicine will be the accepted standard. Eat like your life depends on it...because it does. Keep the faith.

    I agree, diet should be talked about more.
    I was told by my Dr several weeks ago that I had to get my cholesterol level down, and was given a similar diet. It worked quickly, in 6 weeks I had the level down 38 points and am now in normal range. I am convinced we eat a lot of the wrong food in this country, too much fast food, junk food. We have far too much obesity, diabeties, and heart problems, mostly a result of the food, it is also not helping our cancer.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    FreddyJoe said:

    I agree, diet should be talked about more.
    I was told by my Dr several weeks ago that I had to get my cholesterol level down, and was given a similar diet. It worked quickly, in 6 weeks I had the level down 38 points and am now in normal range. I am convinced we eat a lot of the wrong food in this country, too much fast food, junk food. We have far too much obesity, diabeties, and heart problems, mostly a result of the food, it is also not helping our cancer.

    Item (11) should be Added
    This is again another interesting post. Thanks. I completely agree with the item 10 and think that one more item (11) should be added to the list in consideration to the potential cancer-inhibiting quality of Polyphenol molecules in red wine. A bottle a day would not hurt.

    Have a good 2011
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Item (11) should be Added
    This is again another interesting post. Thanks. I completely agree with the item 10 and think that one more item (11) should be added to the list in consideration to the potential cancer-inhibiting quality of Polyphenol molecules in red wine. A bottle a day would not hurt.

    Have a good 2011

    Interestingly my urologist
    Interestingly my urologist tells me I have no limit on red wine (I sure there really is a limit) but I drink about ½ bottle of red wine a day (2 glasses in my house)…To your health
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    FreddyJoe said:

    I agree, diet should be talked about more.
    I was told by my Dr several weeks ago that I had to get my cholesterol level down, and was given a similar diet. It worked quickly, in 6 weeks I had the level down 38 points and am now in normal range. I am convinced we eat a lot of the wrong food in this country, too much fast food, junk food. We have far too much obesity, diabeties, and heart problems, mostly a result of the food, it is also not helping our cancer.

    Diet and PCa
    Diet should be talked about a lot. First off, even though I am on a no red meat, no dairy, and as little sugar as possible diet, I am really not unconventional in my beliefs. This is a subject that is sooooo difficult to discuss, and I really wish some very legitimate nutritionists would weigh in. #1, if one is wed to a certain diet there is usually a strong, non-scientific bias. #2, MDs really don't want to talk about diet that much because they really don't know that much about diet. Tis' a shame, but true. #3, when we entertain such conversations it is difficult to sift the wheat from the chaff.

    Aside from the above, I really think that more and more is being learned about diet and PCa, and it should be discussed on a regular basis for it is evolving. There seems to be a very slick slope between diet solving cancers problems versus diet being helpful in reducing many effects of cancer. We would all wish the former, but most accept the latter, but the way that research is evolving on this subject it is so important to keep the subject alive on a day to day basis. And from my experience, I really do not think you will get the latest information from your urologist, radiologist, or even oncologist about diet and PCa. So let us continue the discourse. And in the meantime, Happy New Year to all, and all wishes for a great 2011.
  • gkoper
    gkoper Member Posts: 173
    Excellent post bhilton--------I personally subscribe to 1/2 bottle of red a day as well----after 5 of course;-)