New here and Intro



  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I am so sorry you had to find this network of bc sisters but if you need advice, encouragement or just need to vent this is the place to come. Wonderful caring and supportive women will tell about their experiences and hopefully you will get some much needed info to help you in this journey. I'm glad you have an aunt who can help you through the process. You are the youngest person I have heard of with bc. I too am from a family of bc women (however, I'm 61) - my maternal grandmother died at age 62; my aunt had mastectomy at age 68 and is still alive at 90; I am the 3rd of 4 daughters with bc - one had DCIS 9 years ago with lumpectomy & rads and had recurrence 2 months ago in other breast; the other had lumpectomy, chemo & rads 8 years ago. I have 2 fraternal aunts who are bc survivors too. I've been having mammos since I was 35 and yet it was my gyn who found the mass (6.1 cm). Since none of us were young when dx my dr has said my daughter should start mammos at 35 (which is next year). I had the BRCA testing done and my results were negative but the findings said I may have a gene that hasn't been found yet. I have 4 granddgaughters and pray that a cure is found in the near future. For now, all the info can be overwhelming. Your son will not know that you've had to put some celebrations on hold as he is so young. Your husband will be there for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and know that we are all here to support you.
    {{hug}} Char
  • hope25
    hope25 Member Posts: 8
    wishing you the best

    I am sorry you are also going throught this too. I found out in Nov 2010 that I have DCIS in a couple of parts of my right breast. I just turned 40 in may some birthday present. I am scheduled for a mastactomy mid Jan 2011 and still processing everything myself. Please feel free to reach out with any questions I am still new to this myself. There is some great support on this site.

    Wish you luck and do your research!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Welcome V
    So sorry for your diagnosis. Your right you never think it will happen to you. I was dx in April 2009. I was scared, I also came to this site looking for help, peace of mind, information, anything I could get. I learned that first I need more information about what type of breast cancer I have, and oh my gosh there is so much you need to know. You should with the help of your aunt and husband make a list of all the questions you have for your doctors and maybe type it out, a copy for the doctor to read and a copy for you. This way when you have you appointment you can just hand him/her the questions. Also bring someone with you to the appointment if possible so they can take notes to the answers to the questions. You will not be able to remember. There will be soooooo much information. I know your scared and I know your feeling lost, but we are here for you and it sound like you have a good support system at home. Take it one minute at a time if you have to. Hugs
    Kathy ~

    Welcome V. I am very sorry
    Welcome V. I am very sorry that you are here. I wish no one was, but, until there is a cure, this site is so useful and so helpful.

    I hope that we can help you in some way and that you feel comforted and supported by us, your sisters.

    Hugs and prayers,

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    Hi V,
    I'm so sorry you have

    Hi V,
    I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I understand the difficulties that go along with going through breast cancer treatment while having young kids - i have 2 daughters, 9 yrs old and 2 yrs old. I was 34 at the time of my diagnosis. My mom was diagnosed with BC 2 months after I was -other than us 2, we have no other family history. I'm glad that you have your Aunt who has gone through it to support you. I also found my lump myself. I had stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma in my right breast. I had the sentinal node biopsy done at the time of my bilateral mastectomy. I decided to have both removed (with immediate reconstruction started, with tissue expanders placed) because my cancer was pretty aggressive & rapid growing, and to do whatever i could possibly do to help insure that I don't have to go through this again. I'd rather look back and think that I did 'too much' to fight this beast, than with regret and think that I didn't do enough.
    I would suggest to maybe have a consultation with a plastic surgeon before you decide on your surgery, if you're unsure. I did and am so glad. He told me what kind of plastic procedure I would have if I had a just a single mastectomy (i would have had to have a breast reduction and lift in my remaining breast), or double. I also met with my oncologist before making my surgical decision - he went over the different treatment plans that I would have whether I went with lumpectomy or mastectomy. Speaking with both doctors before hand really made it easier for me to make my decision -once i had all the options and treatment plans laid out in front of me.
    I had 6 chemo treatments over this summer/fall (i was diagnosed in June, mastectomy in July, started chemo in August) - every 2 weeks. Finished in October. I had my exchange surgery to replace my tissue expanders with my silicone implants in November. I'm getting my strength and energy back, feeling better every day, have a head full of soft fluffy hair (albeit very SHORT fluffy hair!), eyelashes and eyebrows back in & thicker than before, and my scars fade a little bit more each day. Everything happened SO fast from the day I was diagnosed, but I wanted to let you know that you can & will get through this, and we'll all be here for you to help you along the way. Please feel free to send me a private message if you'd like, I'd be happy to talk with you :) I'm also on facebook, if you are (it seems like EVERYbody is!) - my name is Heather Kaylor Grontkowski. Like I said, I know how hard it is going thru everything with young kids, and every little bit of support that you can get really helps. I'd also recommend the book "The Breast Cancer Husband" for your husband to read. We got a copy at the cancer center that I went to & my husband found alot of great information & piece of mind from reading it (and he never reads - ever!).
    Best of luck to you V!

    I don't think any of us ever
    I don't think any of us ever think it will happen to us, and then when it does, it is all so surreal. I am so sorry that you are here because you have bc, but, your sisters in pink here will surround you with love and support.

    Hugs, Debby
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    I Feel For You
    V, you are so very young and seem to have so much courage. That will hold you in good stead thru the days ahead. You are 5 years younger than my youngest daughter who just gave birth and I can't even imagine how awful I would feel if you were my daughter. I had a masectomy nearly 3 years ago with no reconstruction. If I had been your age however, I would definitely at least get a plastic surgeon consult. Your treatment options will come after your biopsy and consult with an ocno. If you are estrogen positive, I would reccommend you getting the OncoType dx test that will give you more info on your odds of recurrance. My prayers go out to you and your husband. This is a great place for info, support and venting.

    Hugs, Sally
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    Dear V - sorry you have to be here at this site, but glad to meet you. I have found this site my place of comfort and information. It is my life-line! I get more information from the sisters on this board that I do from my doctors. Any questions you have about anything, just ask, and you can be sure that some of the wonderful women (and men) will have something to say!