CA15 results....

Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been hearing from alot of BC friends lately that they are getting great CA15 scores and I am really, really happy for them! But it has given me some concerns on my score and if mine couldn't be better. Not that it is bad, but my score was a 25 and it seems everyone else is getting 10 or 15.
My oncologist is happy with the results (anything under 31 is suppose to be good), but I am wondering if I should be doing more to lower it, it that is even possible.
Welcoming all thoughts on the topic....and any knowledge about the subject is welcome!! Hugs and smiles,


  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even
    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even know what CA15 was... I don't even think my onco does that test.. I had to use the forbidden google to find out what it was.... so, I can't give you any helpful info... but I sure hope yours is where it should be.. and stays there!!!

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    taleena said:

    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even
    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even know what CA15 was... I don't even think my onco does that test.. I had to use the forbidden google to find out what it was.... so, I can't give you any helpful info... but I sure hope yours is where it should be.. and stays there!!!


    Thanks T
    I'm so concerned I posted twice!!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Thanks T
    I'm so concerned I posted twice!!

    I dont know either, but do
    I dont know either, but do people without cancer have this in their blood to varying degrees and that is why there is a norm.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    taleena said:

    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even
    Gosh Pammy... I didn't even know what CA15 was... I don't even think my onco does that test.. I had to use the forbidden google to find out what it was.... so, I can't give you any helpful info... but I sure hope yours is where it should be.. and stays there!!!


    Thanks T
    It just seems that just about everyone I talk to has a score of 10-15 and mine was 25. I know below 31 is good, but I seem to be the only one I know that is running on the high end. Cancer cells will shed cells that mimic CA15-3 proteins. So the higher the number, the more chance you still have active cancer cells in your body. They use this test to monitor your treatment to see how affective it is. I am mainly curious (since I am not a cat, I am not concerned about curiosity killing me!) on what everyone else is averaging. You know we need to be our own advicates even though I feel I have the best team in the world.
    Hugs back....Pammy
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    carkris said:

    I dont know either, but do
    I dont know either, but do people without cancer have this in their blood to varying degrees and that is why there is a norm.

    they can
    There are other cancers and some other diseases that will show this protein as well. I could pretty much rule out 90% of other causes. Sometimes people that are fibrocystic can have higher than normal as well. I believe mine is directly related to my BC as I am healthy in all other areas. I do have a 'hot' cyst on my thyroid we are watching and I am due in a few weeks to repeat all test.
    Guess that adds to my concern :(
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    They don't do tumour marker
    They don't do tumour marker tests for breast cancer up here in Canada Pammy, apparently they aren't reliable. My husband has periodic CEA tests done for colorectal cancer and the numbers were never high even when he had it. But having said that I have asked for one and I've seen them be lifesavers for others. I can understand your anxiousness and all I can say is just try to stay clean. Things like smoking can raise them from what I understand anyway. Good luck to you and glad you're at least in lower numbers.
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188

    They don't do tumour marker
    They don't do tumour marker tests for breast cancer up here in Canada Pammy, apparently they aren't reliable. My husband has periodic CEA tests done for colorectal cancer and the numbers were never high even when he had it. But having said that I have asked for one and I've seen them be lifesavers for others. I can understand your anxiousness and all I can say is just try to stay clean. Things like smoking can raise them from what I understand anyway. Good luck to you and glad you're at least in lower numbers.

    Hi Jan!
    I have heard that some Oncs do them and some don't. Mine does because she said alone it would not be reliable, but added as a tool with MRI's, Mammos, etc. it is very usefull. If I hadn't quit smoking 1 1/2 years ago, I would have attributed that to the higher number.
    Would love to hear what others scored though. Good to hear from you!
    Hugs, Pammy
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    hi pammy!
    My last onc didn't use that test. If you are concerned call the doctor and talk to him. I don't know what makes it flex.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    hi pammy!
    My last onc didn't use that test. If you are concerned call the doctor and talk to him. I don't know what makes it flex.

    My oncologist does

    My oncologist does not do this test. I know many don't and the ones that do, like yours, use them along with other tests. I had several ladies on the uterine/endometrial cancer site I used to visit (not the one here) that had them done and many of them had scores in the 20s. I think that as long as it is under the 31 and your other tests are good that you have nothing to worry about. Now I am curious (not a cat either) if you just want the lowest score possible. Were you a cute, little ice cream eating over achiever? I can see you now tapping the girl next to you and saying, excuse me but did I hear you have a 20, well not to brag but I have a 10. Nah Nah Nah!! And then you run off to the cafeteria to get, yes, a big bowl of ice cream with sprinkles. Seriously, though, if you are really concerned asked your doctor if this number indicates a potential for problems. I am hoping that they say no problemo. Also, it is good to see you here. I have missed you very much.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    never heard of
    What exactly is it?
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    As Phoenix said, they are
    As Phoenix said, they are not used universally, as they are not always reliable, My oncologist does use them, for me they seem to be a pretty accurate touchstone. Mine were in the high teens and then 20's, and sometimes in the 30's. Once they were in the 40's and my oncologist was not particularly concerned. That having been said, he knew to "watch" me..and to see if they went back down. Which they did. The next month they were indeed back in my normal 20 something range.

    With the recurrance, one of the major red flags was that my markers had skyrocketed into the 50 somethings! Now, since being in treatment, they are back in the low 20's. My Dr also says anything in the low 30 range is acceptable.

    Again, Pammy, it isn't a be all and end all, but it does seem to show something about ME and my cancer diagnosis.

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    chenheart said:

    As Phoenix said, they are
    As Phoenix said, they are not used universally, as they are not always reliable, My oncologist does use them, for me they seem to be a pretty accurate touchstone. Mine were in the high teens and then 20's, and sometimes in the 30's. Once they were in the 40's and my oncologist was not particularly concerned. That having been said, he knew to "watch" me..and to see if they went back down. Which they did. The next month they were indeed back in my normal 20 something range.

    With the recurrance, one of the major red flags was that my markers had skyrocketed into the 50 somethings! Now, since being in treatment, they are back in the low 20's. My Dr also says anything in the low 30 range is acceptable.

    Again, Pammy, it isn't a be all and end all, but it does seem to show something about ME and my cancer diagnosis.


    Hi Everyone!
    Thank you all for your input! I wish I didn't have to work because then I would be on the boards chatting away with you all since I missed you so much.
    A special thanks to Claudia.....not that I am 'glad' that yours bounced around, but you did ease my mind alot. Just knowing someone else hung out around the 20's gives me some comfort. And I don't get it, why I am so concerned all the sudden. I trust my Oncologist COMPLETELY!!! She is not worried. She said 25 was good. But in the back of my mind, I can't help but feel that they are wired (or taught) to follow the statistics. I don't think any of us are a statistic, we just happen to be part of a population that make up one. To get to the 'average' you have to have a far left, far right and everything in between!'s just my anxiety creeping up because I am heading for more test around the corner and it just plain makes me anxious, period.
    But we are all warriors and will trudge forward!!
    Hugs, Pammy
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Hi Everyone!
    Thank you all for your input! I wish I didn't have to work because then I would be on the boards chatting away with you all since I missed you so much.
    A special thanks to Claudia.....not that I am 'glad' that yours bounced around, but you did ease my mind alot. Just knowing someone else hung out around the 20's gives me some comfort. And I don't get it, why I am so concerned all the sudden. I trust my Oncologist COMPLETELY!!! She is not worried. She said 25 was good. But in the back of my mind, I can't help but feel that they are wired (or taught) to follow the statistics. I don't think any of us are a statistic, we just happen to be part of a population that make up one. To get to the 'average' you have to have a far left, far right and everything in between!'s just my anxiety creeping up because I am heading for more test around the corner and it just plain makes me anxious, period.
    But we are all warriors and will trudge forward!!
    Hugs, Pammy

    It is hard not to dwell on
    It is hard not to dwell on the numbers. My CEA is still elevated and my oncologist is happy because my CA 27.29 is now normal. I guess the take home message is to be as healthy as we can and try and not live our lives worrying too much about the numbers. I am preaching to myself here as much as I am to you ;-)
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Pammy, my CA27-29, which is, I think the same type test, was 21. It says 38 or below is normal range.

    My Oncologist was ok with my level.

    I did, however, have one elevated liver enzyme, but it was the only thing in all of my labs that was elevated. So, not too worried by it.

    My onc sends me my test results as soon as he has them. He makes any notations on them and then emails them to me. When I saw the "these levels are pretty much ok, but we need to find out why this liver enzyme is elevated", I almost fainted.
    When I saw him shortly after that, I told him that if he is going to send results to me, he had better also put on there...CINDY, DON'T PANIC!

  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    CR1954 said:

    Pammy, my CA27-29, which is, I think the same type test, was 21. It says 38 or below is normal range.

    My Oncologist was ok with my level.

    I did, however, have one elevated liver enzyme, but it was the only thing in all of my labs that was elevated. So, not too worried by it.

    My onc sends me my test results as soon as he has them. He makes any notations on them and then emails them to me. When I saw the "these levels are pretty much ok, but we need to find out why this liver enzyme is elevated", I almost fainted.
    When I saw him shortly after that, I told him that if he is going to send results to me, he had better also put on there...CINDY, DON'T PANIC!


    Thanks girls!
    I know what you mean by 'don't panic'!! One of my Dr's actually stopped in work and was checking on me. When he left, everyone asked who he was. When I told them, they were shocked! I said, "yes, my Dr makes house calls & office calls as well". I love them totally and I am fortunate to have them all as my Dr's. They all know I get very anxious when I have test scheduled and they do all they can to ease my mind (as all of you do too!)
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Akiss4me said:

    Thanks girls!
    I know what you mean by 'don't panic'!! One of my Dr's actually stopped in work and was checking on me. When he left, everyone asked who he was. When I told them, they were shocked! I said, "yes, my Dr makes house calls & office calls as well". I love them totally and I am fortunate to have them all as my Dr's. They all know I get very anxious when I have test scheduled and they do all they can to ease my mind (as all of you do too!)

    I've never had that


    I've never had that test ... I've had the one for endometrial & ovarian cancer, I didn't know there was one for BC. So, obviously, I can't help you! :)

    But, Claudia had a great point ... we all have our own 'normal.' And maybe your normal is in the low 20's. With the CA125 they said that any inflammation in your body could make it go up ... not sure if it's the same for the BC ... I hear you about the annual scan anxiety ... we're always on high alert during that time. Praying for you, sister! :)

    Much love!