large intestenal obstruction from adhesions

zula zuon
zula zuon Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
have a large bowel obstruction from a colorectal cancer surgery 9 years ago.i have been telling the dr,s over the years that the pain that that ihave for the last 9 years,6 weeks after my surgery that i felt that it was because adhesions growing.and that is why around this time i had and have been taking laxatives.the dr,s didn,t want to talk about adhesions and told me that it was normal pain and feelings of having to have a bowel movement after having rectom and anus removed/stoma.between lots of going to dr,s er,drugs that the dr,s ordered for me, the pain was getting is now 9 years and 7 months that i have been living with this pain.i was told a few weeks ago after some test that i have a bowel obstuction on the outside of the large intestent that is blocking my bowel from passing though. i am at the point now that i can only have lig diet, no fiber,no pulp.nothing that will form bowel i will have a colostomy in a few weeks to make sure there is no blockage on the insideof the large intestents.from all test the small intestents are ok,what is left of them after colorectal surgery.two dr,s told me over the last few years that adhesions don,t show up on exrays and that i would have to have surgery to see if the pain was from adhesions.2 plus the last dr said that a surgery would be to dangerous and that 70% I may not make it.on the other end everytime i do the liq diet i lose a pound moreor less a day. was 135 pounds now i am 120 pounds thats 15 pounds lost in about 12 to 15 days.some times i feel so weak.i take liq vit,s water,clear fruit juice and clear veg broth,also pediatric,electrolytes.i don,t know what way to go.if i have a surgery its dangerous.if i don,t have a surgery its dangerous loseing a pound a day.i anyone have any information that might be of help please let me know.thanks with prayer and working together we will all be just peayers are with all of you.from zula zuon


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    First of all, welcome to this forum. Secondly, I am sorry for the pain + discomfort you are enduring. I haven't experienced what you are talking about, but I hope someone else here can help you.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    zula -
    Obstructions from adhesions usually occur in the Small Intestine,
    the intestine that is connected to the stomach, and carries the waste
    to the colon, or Large Intestine.

    You mentioned that you have had surgery to remove the rectum
    and anus, and that you have a stoma. And you are now, years after
    that surgery, about to get a colostomy? What have you had since
    the surgery? How were you dispensing waste?

    You also mention not having all your small intestine? Why did they
    remove any of the small intestine?

    Any obstruction to the large intestine usually isn't from adhesions
    (although it's always a possibility). A CT scan doesn't always
    identify what the surgeons like to see, and an X-Ray may be
    a better choice to identify the reason for a blockage.

    I have no idea what country you're in, but if you are able to pick
    another colorectal surgeon that is not part of the present team,
    it would be good to get another opinion.

    If not, then please try to have someone sit down with you, and
    explain in great detail what you have, and why. A book of
    anatomy (pictures of the insides of the body), is handy to have,
    along with someone doing the explaining.

    Any surgery is dangerous for anyone. I would still prefer surgery
    over chemo, radiation, or any other toxic remedy. But your surgeons
    may be doing you a big favor, in doing and saying what they have to,
    to get you to wait until they know what they're looking for, instead
    of opening you up to "look around". I wouldn't want to pay for a mechanic
    to take apart my engine to "look around", just because my dash light is on.
    My body is a tad bit more important.....

    I don't see any reason to drink "clear liquids" to relieve an obstruction.
    You should be able to eat anything that dissolves easily, like meat,
    eggs, etc. Fiber is not a good thing for anyone with digestive troubles,
    but you can drink the filtered juice of those fibrous veggies and fruits.

    You will lose weight when you eat a diet without carbohydrates.
    You can make up for those lost carbs by eating high calorie junk food,
    if you really want to gain weight, but you still need nourishment; The
    meats and filtered juice will give you that.

    To relieve gas, etc, try laying on your left side. That position seems to
    work for every human being, to help the digestive flow.

    But Zula, without knowing if you have a colostomy, J-Pouch, or
    whatever.... it's really difficult to be able to offer any suggestion
    that will make sense.

    Let us know...

    Be well!!

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    John23 said:

    zula -
    Obstructions from adhesions usually occur in the Small Intestine,
    the intestine that is connected to the stomach, and carries the waste
    to the colon, or Large Intestine.

    You mentioned that you have had surgery to remove the rectum
    and anus, and that you have a stoma. And you are now, years after
    that surgery, about to get a colostomy? What have you had since
    the surgery? How were you dispensing waste?

    You also mention not having all your small intestine? Why did they
    remove any of the small intestine?

    Any obstruction to the large intestine usually isn't from adhesions
    (although it's always a possibility). A CT scan doesn't always
    identify what the surgeons like to see, and an X-Ray may be
    a better choice to identify the reason for a blockage.

    I have no idea what country you're in, but if you are able to pick
    another colorectal surgeon that is not part of the present team,
    it would be good to get another opinion.

    If not, then please try to have someone sit down with you, and
    explain in great detail what you have, and why. A book of
    anatomy (pictures of the insides of the body), is handy to have,
    along with someone doing the explaining.

    Any surgery is dangerous for anyone. I would still prefer surgery
    over chemo, radiation, or any other toxic remedy. But your surgeons
    may be doing you a big favor, in doing and saying what they have to,
    to get you to wait until they know what they're looking for, instead
    of opening you up to "look around". I wouldn't want to pay for a mechanic
    to take apart my engine to "look around", just because my dash light is on.
    My body is a tad bit more important.....

    I don't see any reason to drink "clear liquids" to relieve an obstruction.
    You should be able to eat anything that dissolves easily, like meat,
    eggs, etc. Fiber is not a good thing for anyone with digestive troubles,
    but you can drink the filtered juice of those fibrous veggies and fruits.

    You will lose weight when you eat a diet without carbohydrates.
    You can make up for those lost carbs by eating high calorie junk food,
    if you really want to gain weight, but you still need nourishment; The
    meats and filtered juice will give you that.

    To relieve gas, etc, try laying on your left side. That position seems to
    work for every human being, to help the digestive flow.

    But Zula, without knowing if you have a colostomy, J-Pouch, or
    whatever.... it's really difficult to be able to offer any suggestion
    that will make sense.

    Let us know...

    Be well!!


    Have you tried Ensure as a
    Have you tried Ensure as a meal?
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    So sorry
    Miralax helps me go to the bathroom. Might be helpful for you.

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Go see a different surgeon
    Go see a different surgeon right away! You may have a blockage at the anastomosis. (The joining of organs.) This is not uncommon. I have had this problem myself.

    A blockage is extremely dangerous. Have you had an enema to possibly clear the colon?

    Seriously see a second Surgeon and get a second opinion.

    Best Always, mike