Do You Have A Favorite Memory Or Something Special About Christmas As A Child, That You Would Like T



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    susie09 said:

    I bet we all left cookies
    I bet we all left cookies for santa disneyfan. I had forgotten that. And, I forgot to add that I think I was kind of old before I realized that Santa Claus was really my parents. I just didn't want to believe he wasn't real. :( lol

    I remember how mom and dad
    I remember how mom and dad would take us to visit Santa Claus. I was always scared to death of him and bawled my eyes out. LOL

    Christmas Day my grandparents would come to our house and they would always bring a car full of presents. It was always so exciting and so much fun to open all of our gifts up and to spend the whole day playing with our new toys or dolls.

    I love Christmas!!!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I have 4 favorites
    I have 4 favorite Christmas memories (well other than every year when the boys and G-daughter were little) - 3 of them were when I was a child in France - 2 involve christmas trees .

    We live in a villa that was on the promanade along the Allier. We had huge tree that was in front of the window and being the spoiled little brat I was it was kept lit most of the time. (This was in 1953 - electically trees were unique there then) One day shortly before Christmas some Nuns from the orphanage saw the tree and knocked. Our maid answered and she was asked IF it would be possible for us to keep the tree lit long enough for them to go back to the orphanage and get the kids to come or iF we needed to turn it off could it be turned back on long enough for the children to see it. Madame (maid) said yes and came in to tell Mom. Mom told her to get busy getting hot cocoa and cider and 'goodies' ready for the kids. Madame said that there was no reason to as the Nuns would never allow the children to take away our 'food'. Well- she was right to a degree - Mom insisted that there be stuff ready and when the Nuns came back with the children they did refuse to take our food until Mom had Madame convince them that there was no way that we could drink and eat everything that was prepared and it would be wasted if the children didn't have it.

    The most beautiful tree, in my opinion, I've ever seen was also there. There was a small apt. above the villa that in past times had been the 'servants quarters' but was rented out to a young couple. They had us up to a fantastic dinner and then lit their Christmas tree. It's was so small compared to my tree, size wise, but it was the most beautiful tree, to me, that I have ever seen - it was lit with candles. I have tree candle holders and ever year I do have a small tree (much small than that spctacular tree) and light it with candles every year - but mine have never been close to as spectacular as that tree was.

    The third also involved Madame but this time she started taking food and clothes out of the house. We had moved to a different town and the place we had had small 'houses' (really hovels) around it. She had found out that one of the families there were barely staying alive and that the deceased husband had been in the 'Underground' (as her Husband had been) during German Occupation and decided that she would help them anyway she could - should have told Mom to start with and she wouldn't have had to sneak the food and clothes out - they'd have been sent. Christmas Eve a hand carved Nativity set was at our door step - it was 'primative' (for lack of a better term) but exquisite.

    The fourth was totally different. The boys were 1 and 2 and we were home for Christmas. I had a snowman that was about 24" that sat in the front window. We lived in the 'boonies' so it was a surprise when I looked up and saw a man in front of the window staring at 'Snow'. Called Daddy and he went out to talk to see why the guy was there. Long story short - the guy had some medical issues and had been abducted/car jacked by some guys the day before on his way farther south. They had 'rolled' him for what he had and thrown him out along with his stuff a few miles further in the boonies. When he didn't show up his family had contacted law officials and there was a search for him. The Good Lord works in mysterious ways that he did find our house instead of going deeper into the swamps.

    At least those are my most memoriable Christmases with special reasons.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Rague said:

    I have 4 favorites
    I have 4 favorite Christmas memories (well other than every year when the boys and G-daughter were little) - 3 of them were when I was a child in France - 2 involve christmas trees .

    We live in a villa that was on the promanade along the Allier. We had huge tree that was in front of the window and being the spoiled little brat I was it was kept lit most of the time. (This was in 1953 - electically trees were unique there then) One day shortly before Christmas some Nuns from the orphanage saw the tree and knocked. Our maid answered and she was asked IF it would be possible for us to keep the tree lit long enough for them to go back to the orphanage and get the kids to come or iF we needed to turn it off could it be turned back on long enough for the children to see it. Madame (maid) said yes and came in to tell Mom. Mom told her to get busy getting hot cocoa and cider and 'goodies' ready for the kids. Madame said that there was no reason to as the Nuns would never allow the children to take away our 'food'. Well- she was right to a degree - Mom insisted that there be stuff ready and when the Nuns came back with the children they did refuse to take our food until Mom had Madame convince them that there was no way that we could drink and eat everything that was prepared and it would be wasted if the children didn't have it.

    The most beautiful tree, in my opinion, I've ever seen was also there. There was a small apt. above the villa that in past times had been the 'servants quarters' but was rented out to a young couple. They had us up to a fantastic dinner and then lit their Christmas tree. It's was so small compared to my tree, size wise, but it was the most beautiful tree, to me, that I have ever seen - it was lit with candles. I have tree candle holders and ever year I do have a small tree (much small than that spctacular tree) and light it with candles every year - but mine have never been close to as spectacular as that tree was.

    The third also involved Madame but this time she started taking food and clothes out of the house. We had moved to a different town and the place we had had small 'houses' (really hovels) around it. She had found out that one of the families there were barely staying alive and that the deceased husband had been in the 'Underground' (as her Husband had been) during German Occupation and decided that she would help them anyway she could - should have told Mom to start with and she wouldn't have had to sneak the food and clothes out - they'd have been sent. Christmas Eve a hand carved Nativity set was at our door step - it was 'primative' (for lack of a better term) but exquisite.

    The fourth was totally different. The boys were 1 and 2 and we were home for Christmas. I had a snowman that was about 24" that sat in the front window. We lived in the 'boonies' so it was a surprise when I looked up and saw a man in front of the window staring at 'Snow'. Called Daddy and he went out to talk to see why the guy was there. Long story short - the guy had some medical issues and had been abducted/car jacked by some guys the day before on his way farther south. They had 'rolled' him for what he had and thrown him out along with his stuff a few miles further in the boonies. When he didn't show up his family had contacted law officials and there was a search for him. The Good Lord works in mysterious ways that he did find our house instead of going deeper into the swamps.

    At least those are my most memoriable Christmases with special reasons.


    I really enjoyed reading
    I really enjoyed reading about your 4 favorites Susan! Thank you for sharing these!

    Hugs, Megan
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Megan M said:

    I really enjoyed reading
    I really enjoyed reading about your 4 favorites Susan! Thank you for sharing these!

    Hugs, Megan

    I really enjoyed your
    I really enjoyed your stories. You have a great way of telling them and I could picture them in my mind. Thank you for sharing.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I have 3 distinct
    I have 3 distinct memories...when I was 4 years old, my dad, who was a journalist, took a job at a newspaper in Germany. He left NY in September( and my mom and 4 kids!) didn't get to reunite with him until December. I can only now try and imagine what my mom was going through...this was 1954! No cell phones, no computer, actually no Landlines~come to think of it. My mom was 32 years old with 2 stepchildren, my brother and me. And this was also before jet planes...for the uninitiated, don't even ask how long a propeller plane took from NY to Germany!!!!! LOL Oh yeah, the Christmas memory! When we arrived in Germany, we went to the little house my dad had rented for us...we arrived on Christmas Eve! The next day, the house was still un decorated and we didn't have many presents under the tree~ (did we even have a tree? I don't remember!!) I asked my Dad how come I didn't get anything..... was I bad???? To this day I remember him saying that we moved from NY soooooo fast that Santa couldn't find us!!!! And I believed him! LOL

    Memory #2! In Germany, St Nicholas, and his "sidekick" Ruprecht, visit the homes the night of Dec 5th...children set their shoes outside their doors and if they were good, their shoes are filled with candy and on December 6th..if they were bad, switches (OMG...for the parents to beat them with!!) and lumps of coal. I remember in elementary school, St Nicholas and Ruprecht came to our classroom and actually CARRIED one of the "bad" boys right out of the room!!!! In this litigous society, I think the ACLU would step in!!!

    Memory #3....We had milk and butter delivered to our doors in wooden crates. I was a Girl Scout and our Troop made (and delivered) doll-houses we made from those wooden crates to a local Orphanage.

    Is it wrong for me to say I miss the "good old days?" Well, I do!!!!
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Son just reminded me of when Santa had to come back later!
    Was talking with Son and he reminded me about the time that Santa left a note on the tree and nothing else.

    Boys were 5 and 6 and they had been sent to bed on Christmas Eve. Well they woke up about 1 am and came wandering out and saw 'Santa' in the den. I was in the livingroom wrapping and Daddy and Hubby were in the den putting bicycles and stuff together. I got them back to bed but in the morniing there were no presents under the tree. When they got up about 6 there was a note from Santa on the tree telling them that he knew they had been up instead of being in bed and he might be able to make it back later. So back to bed they went and amazingly when I went in their room much later to get them, Santa had stopped back amd left a lot of stuff for them.

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    fauxma said:

    When our daughter was about
    When our daughter was about 4 years old I sent her and her daddy out to pick the tree. They came back with the most Charlie Brown tree you have ever seen. I am talking spindles, dropping needles, sparse and with bare spots. I looked at Den and started to get upset because I thought he just didn't want to bother and had grabbed the first tree he saw. He put his fingers up to his lips to shush me so I held my tongue, barely. After Denise had gone to bed he told me that she walked up to this sad little tree and said that was the one she wanted, that it was the prettiest, nicest tree she had ever seen. He just couldn't tell her no. So the next day we decorated it and I don't know how it transformed that night but it was the most beautiful tree I ever saw because now I was seeing it through the eyes of my baby girl. We have had many trees, all wonderful but no tree will ever live in my heart as that Charlie Brown tree that my daughter loved so much. I still get teary eyed remembering. Oh, the sweet innocence of childhood. Thank you for letting me share this memory. It is one of my most dear.

    What a sweet story Stef.
    What a sweet story Stef. And, a wonderful memory to cherish always.

    Thanks, Megan