
coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
From today's NY Daily News:

"A jury ordered the billionaire prince of Brunei to fork over $21 million yesterday to the former financial advisers he accused of swindling him out of $7 milion".......blah,blah,blah

".......The goverment of the tiny oil-rich nation spent more than $100 million to cover the legal fees of both sides...." in this law suit.....

ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS for this............

What could the dedicated researchers, scientists,doctors,laboratories, hospitals, universities and cancer centers do with that money!!!!!!

Also, an employee at MSK pleaded not guilty to "stealing $1.5 million in printer toner cartridges from the famed cancer hospital and reselling them." Earned #37,800 a year yet he lived in a $2,250 a month apartment!!!!!!!

