question after mastectomy

Bedee Member Posts: 24
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

In July 2009 I had a skin-saving mastectomy on the left side. Long history of another primary cancer followed, and I haven't had any reconstructive surgery yet. Lately I've been feeling a kind of clenching at the mastectomy site. Its not painful, just odd. Also, I'm kind of concerned if this may affect the reconstruction.

Has anyone else waited over a year to begin reconstruction? Were there problems with such a long delay? And has anyone experienced this clenching sensation at the site?

thank you so much
God Bless you all


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    My Dr told me if I wanted
    My Dr told me if I wanted reconstruction it would be done in a year. I have read of other on here that had it done later. the clenching feeling I cant comment on except to say call your Dr. Was the other primary at the same site or some place Else?
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had bilateral mastectomy in June with no reconstruction. I did however meet with plastic surgeon to go over my options. He told me that reconstruction can be done years later. He had just done a woman who had waited 15 years! As for the tugging feeling - my surgeon told me that phantom pain or tugging sensations can last more than a year. It's been 6 months for me and occasionally I feel twinges or pulling sensations. He told me it's all normal. I wish you well in your bc journey.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I haven't had reconstruction
    I haven't had reconstruction yet - Surgery (single mod. rad. mast.) was Oct. 21, 09. All of my Drs said had to wait a year after surgery to talk/think about rather I want recon or not. Being IBC they all said that we needed to wait a year. Rads Dr went so far as to say that he would not treat me if I insisted on recon first. I am really glad that I listened to them all as I had (and still have) a large seroma, lymphedema (hand, arm, body and chest) is still an issue that we're working on and I burned BAD after rads - definately would not want to have had to deal with these at the same time of dealing with recon (especially the burns). So my PA is putting in for me to see the Plastic Surgeon after I see the surgeon at 18 mths post surgery and I'll find out whatever I find out and make my decision then IF it's even an option.

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    I had a mastectomy in 06 and
    I had a mastectomy in 06 and nothing was spared, they even scrapped the chest wall to get a 1mm margin. I still have pain and numbness at the site but I wouldn't call it clenching. But I have heard of women having reconstruction years and years later. Perhaps let your surgeon know of the type of pain you're having and maybe they can shed some light on it for you.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    My Dr told me if I wanted
    My Dr told me if I wanted reconstruction it would be done in a year. I have read of other on here that had it done later. the clenching feeling I cant comment on except to say call your Dr. Was the other primary at the same site or some place Else?

    I don't know what the
    I don't know what the clenching feeling would be. I had a lumpectomy. Have you called your plastic surgeon and asked him?

    Good luck to you,

  • MammaB
    MammaB Member Posts: 3
    I had bilateral in May 2010. I do have a clenching feeling. I was told it is where they pulled all the skin during surgery and it would go away in a year or 2. It is better after 6 months than it was in the beginning. Best of luck to you. I was told I could reconstruct years from now if I choose to. Not interested but know the option is is open!
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    MammaB said:

    I had bilateral in May 2010. I do have a clenching feeling. I was told it is where they pulled all the skin during surgery and it would go away in a year or 2. It is better after 6 months than it was in the beginning. Best of luck to you. I was told I could reconstruct years from now if I choose to. Not interested but know the option is is open!

    I don't call it clinching
    I don't call it clinching because it feels more like the muscle is constricting. Doc said that was normal. Wierd sensation to say the least. After 6 months I still have the sensation that my nipple itches! That drives me nuts since I dodn't have a nipple to scratch! Finally figured out for an imaginary itch you do an imaginary scratch.
  • betsymorgan
    betsymorgan Member Posts: 25
    Hi, Bedee.

    I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (after dcis and idc stage 1) in late August. I have a pulling sensation where, my plastic surgeon says, my lumpectomy for my idc was. (I had a third area of concern, and that's when my MDs said "OK we're done, right?"). It seems to me, my oncologist, and my plastic surgeon that it's scar tissue. Pulling isn't unusual, and in fact there are exercises for post-mastectomy patients that stretch the chest and shoulder. One of them is pretty easy: lie on your back with your hands behind your head, elbows up and arms along the sides of your head. Slowly bring your elbows down to the ground. If you can't, do what you can. It shouldn't hurt--it should just stretch.

    You can also ask your MD to refer you for physical therapy or massage. My oncologist suggested those as well.

    I love the imaginary nipple itch! Mine too! What is UP with that?
  • KathyLQ
    KathyLQ Member Posts: 100
    Clenching is probably muscle spasms or cramps
    I've had a mastectomy and now have an expander. It didn't start at first, but I've discovered the muscle (the expander is beneath/between the muscle) objects at times and goes into a cramp. Just two days ago I had 60ccs added, and I'm over half way in terms of an increase, and I think the muscle is very unhappy. I've had 3 days of cramping. My doc says it's just spasms. Ha. No, it truly is a cramp.

    So I wouldn't be surprised if what you're having, even without an expander, is the muscles doing different things.