2nd chemo harder than the first

srwruns Member Posts: 343
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I tried to prepare myself that chemo effects are cumulative but my 2nd infusion has really taken the wind out of my sails. Nausea manageable but oh my the deep bone pain is gruesome. I had to take 1/2 percocet last night to get some sleep. And heavy duty meds like that really do a number on me. So I'm not sure if today I am dealing with percocet hangover or that nasty fatigue is setting in which I didn't experience at all the first cycle. Hangin in there...fightin' like a girl!


  • beth1465
    beth1465 Member Posts: 63 Member
    You'll be ok, just remember
    You'll be ok, just remember its killing your cancer! God will get you through!
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    The fatique with most chemos can be tiredness like you've never experienced. You have to give in and rest, rest, rest. Sometimes it takes all my strength to walk around the house. You can do this. For me the constipation is very tough to manage, especially if you're taking pain meds. Keep fighting girl!
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    You can do it!
    You can make it. I remember the pain would come in spurts for me. Just all of a sudden I would get a pain out of the blue. Wouldn't last too long. I was talking to my brother on the phone one day and he asked how I was doing. Just then I had pain that shot straight through my toenails. He asked me what was wrong and I told him. He laughed. Well it made me start laughing. Like who has pain shooting through their toenails. All of my treatments didn't bring on all the side effects each time. Just the fatigue (as Maria said) would get worse. I just couldn't hardly go. So you must rest, rest, rest. My daughter would wake me up to eat and she made me. That helped too. Keep on swinging. The Teal Team will win!

  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    You can do it
    Everyone is different but for me the second and third treatment was the worst. I just had my sixth one and it felt like I got chemo-lite untill yesterday when I just got extremely tired and my back hurts. But hopefully for you maybe this second treatment will be the worst and they get not so hard to tolerate. My second one was when the joint pain was the worst and it hasn't been as bad since. I think our bodies kind of get used to the chemo. Stay stong and rest when you need to.
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Thanks all. Things are
    Thanks all. Things are easing up. The bone pain more of "gotchas" right now than the long sustained pain that I describe as someone taking every long bone in your body and twisting it in a spiral fracture pattern. Oh preaching to the choir that back and pelvis stuff. Nasty. I've gotten the fatigue thing going. Wake up ready to take on the day then 15 minutes later stumble out of the shower. OK done for the morning. My afternoon event will be pushing back the recliner without help! Thank you guys so much! You have provided me with so much.
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    srwruns said:

    Thanks all. Things are
    Thanks all. Things are easing up. The bone pain more of "gotchas" right now than the long sustained pain that I describe as someone taking every long bone in your body and twisting it in a spiral fracture pattern. Oh preaching to the choir that back and pelvis stuff. Nasty. I've gotten the fatigue thing going. Wake up ready to take on the day then 15 minutes later stumble out of the shower. OK done for the morning. My afternoon event will be pushing back the recliner without help! Thank you guys so much! You have provided me with so much.

    It will be ok
    think we've all been there, and believe us it will be ok, you will get better, just takes some time
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    azgrandma said:

    It will be ok
    think we've all been there, and believe us it will be ok, you will get better, just takes some time

    make yourself a cozy nest
    Make yourself a cozy nest on the sofa, drink plenty of water and catch up on old movies. At first, I felt so guilty for not doing anything, then I realized that my body needed the time to rest. Having chemo once every three weeks wasn't so bad, since I had some time in between "naps" (that lasted a week or so) to actually feel almost normal. While I can't say that I enjoyed feeling so darn tired all the time, I did eventually give myself permission to go with the flo. Having netflix helped, since I found that I couldn't focus on reading a novel. I watched a lot of old movies and tv series on netflix through my blue-ray player, and cable on demand.

    I'm six months out from chemo, and the fatigue is better, but still present. My priorities have shifted and I know now that sometimes I have to put my needs first. Not a bad thing, all things considered!

