A beautiful animation

CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I just love this animation and thought I would share it with you all. What amazes me is the creativity. There were the dancers who danced this story, that was choreographed by a choreographer. Then another group of people took that dance and turned it into what looks like a simple animation ... yet it is so beautiful. The dance tells a story... but the story is open to everyone's own interpretation. Ignore the comments below the video... and let us know what interpretation YOU see of the dance.

Dance Animation



  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Wow Cheryl,

    Cool...I wonder how they do it! It's amazing!!! Thank you for sharing with us! :)
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Beautiful piece. thanks for sharing. I read some of the interpretations under it and I didn't get any of those myself. I saw it more as a man thinking, wishing, grieving and dancing with a loved one he had lost. She even had angel wings at one point. And at the end he has to move forward with his life and leave behind what used to be. A very bittersweet interpetation. I guess we all see things differently.
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Lori-S said:

    Beautiful piece. thanks for sharing. I read some of the interpretations under it and I didn't get any of those myself. I saw it more as a man thinking, wishing, grieving and dancing with a loved one he had lost. She even had angel wings at one point. And at the end he has to move forward with his life and leave behind what used to be. A very bittersweet interpetation. I guess we all see things differently.

    Great interpretation, Lori!
    I love your interpretation, Lori... when seeing it through your eyes like that, I can so see where that interpretation came from! And you are right... she has the "wings" part way through the dance.

    My interpretation...

    A man who has been so preoccupied with his work, his life, his trying to make his mark on the world, that he has not had time for the woman who he claims to love. All along she has loved him but has never been able to be a true couple because he is so preoccupied with all that he wants to accomplish and his work. So he wakes up one morning to find her gone. She has finally made the step to move on with her life, as much as it saddens her because she truly does love him. He says he will try to spend more of his time with her... and you can see he is trying, but he's just not able to keep his promises. In the end she has to spread her wings and tell him it's not going to work and that he must leave. So as he walks away from her, she realizes this one great love of hers is now over and, at the same time, realizes he has taken a piece of her heart with him.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    I love it. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful animation.

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    I love it. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful animation.


    You are welcome :)
    You are welcome, Kathleen. I love creative stuff like this. I'm in awe of people who can create such magic :)

    How are you doing?? I have had so little time to actually spend socializing online, but I do miss my old cyber-buddies here on CSN :) I WILL try to be around more often, but I don't know how or why my life got so busy since I decided to stop the LTD insurance and go directly to official Retirement :) Yep... I took the Freedom at 55!! Hehehe.. I had one more year of service than I needed so there was no point sticking around to get more years in, especially when I was on LTD and not planning on returning to work. Interestingly enough, we also have a Federal LTD pension that I was also eligible for and I get to keep collecting that as well as my company pension, so I'm doing much better financially as a retiree than as being on LTD. Go figure? But I'm happy :)

    Anywho.. it's 8:30pm on a Sunday and I plan on going shopping for a few hours to beat those Christmas crowds :D

    Cya all soon!

  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member

    You are welcome :)
    You are welcome, Kathleen. I love creative stuff like this. I'm in awe of people who can create such magic :)

    How are you doing?? I have had so little time to actually spend socializing online, but I do miss my old cyber-buddies here on CSN :) I WILL try to be around more often, but I don't know how or why my life got so busy since I decided to stop the LTD insurance and go directly to official Retirement :) Yep... I took the Freedom at 55!! Hehehe.. I had one more year of service than I needed so there was no point sticking around to get more years in, especially when I was on LTD and not planning on returning to work. Interestingly enough, we also have a Federal LTD pension that I was also eligible for and I get to keep collecting that as well as my company pension, so I'm doing much better financially as a retiree than as being on LTD. Go figure? But I'm happy :)

    Anywho.. it's 8:30pm on a Sunday and I plan on going shopping for a few hours to beat those Christmas crowds :D

    Cya all soon!


    woah...good luck beating the
    woah...good luck beating the Christmas crowds...see, another reason I'm not going anywhere. :) In terms of the animation, to me it just seemed as an unreachable love, I didn't really associate with whether the man doesn't realizes the woman loving him, or whether the woman died as Lori said...to me, it just seemed that no matter how hard they try, it's not working, so in the end the man leaves...but it's a really cool animation though. Thanks for sharing with us! And come back and say "hi" so we know you survived the crowd in the store! :)
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    You are welcome :)
    You are welcome, Kathleen. I love creative stuff like this. I'm in awe of people who can create such magic :)

    How are you doing?? I have had so little time to actually spend socializing online, but I do miss my old cyber-buddies here on CSN :) I WILL try to be around more often, but I don't know how or why my life got so busy since I decided to stop the LTD insurance and go directly to official Retirement :) Yep... I took the Freedom at 55!! Hehehe.. I had one more year of service than I needed so there was no point sticking around to get more years in, especially when I was on LTD and not planning on returning to work. Interestingly enough, we also have a Federal LTD pension that I was also eligible for and I get to keep collecting that as well as my company pension, so I'm doing much better financially as a retiree than as being on LTD. Go figure? But I'm happy :)

    Anywho.. it's 8:30pm on a Sunday and I plan on going shopping for a few hours to beat those Christmas crowds :D

    Cya all soon!


    I love when I see you have posted. It will be two years in January that we entered this crazy world of cancer and you were one of the first to reach out and lend an ear, give encouragement and fill me in. I'll always hold you dear. I hope the shopping was successful! I am doing most of mine on line. Just finished about 20 minutes of shopping sitting here. :)

    I don't consider myself so good at interpretation but I guess it's a matter of going with your gut and heart. I thought that the woman had died as she was rather transparent. I thought he was holding on to memories and that her spirit was still circling around (kinda like the movie Ghost). Thanks again for sharing.

  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    That's what I found so magical about it, Kathy! It was real life imitating art, or art imitating real life. At the very end, when they show the credits, there were 4 dancers involved plus a choreographer. There was also a film animator and editor. So a Choreographer actually choreographed the dance and dancers danced it (probably two pairs)... so the animator would have had someone film it and then he/she would have taken all those movements and transfered them to animated drawings.

    I'm totally in awe that someone can come up with that kind of creativity and then follow through with it. So awesome! I think finds like this are real gems!

    Hugggggs Kathleen in HI... I so remember when you came on board and I knew you were one of the gang right from the start :) (not sure what one of "the gang" means but you know what I mean. :)

    Well, I am being a busy little domestic goddess (hahahahaha... now that's funny!). I've just finished making a batch of 7 small jars of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly and the lid are starting to pop, which tells me they are sealing (yayayaya). But I now have to run a load of laundry downstairs to the laundry room. I have about three loads of laundry to do, but I can only don 1 per day... 2 if I do another one tonight. But my feet and lower back can't take the going up and down two flights of stairs (3 times per load)... plus I'm cooking and baking today. Sheer torture :)

    So now, I have to decide if I'm going to make a second batch of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly or move on to the Cheese Cocktail Cookies... an annual favourite. I might do that since I think I'll need more jars if I make more jelly.

  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member

    That's what I found so magical about it, Kathy! It was real life imitating art, or art imitating real life. At the very end, when they show the credits, there were 4 dancers involved plus a choreographer. There was also a film animator and editor. So a Choreographer actually choreographed the dance and dancers danced it (probably two pairs)... so the animator would have had someone film it and then he/she would have taken all those movements and transfered them to animated drawings.

    I'm totally in awe that someone can come up with that kind of creativity and then follow through with it. So awesome! I think finds like this are real gems!

    Hugggggs Kathleen in HI... I so remember when you came on board and I knew you were one of the gang right from the start :) (not sure what one of "the gang" means but you know what I mean. :)

    Well, I am being a busy little domestic goddess (hahahahaha... now that's funny!). I've just finished making a batch of 7 small jars of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly and the lid are starting to pop, which tells me they are sealing (yayayaya). But I now have to run a load of laundry downstairs to the laundry room. I have about three loads of laundry to do, but I can only don 1 per day... 2 if I do another one tonight. But my feet and lower back can't take the going up and down two flights of stairs (3 times per load)... plus I'm cooking and baking today. Sheer torture :)

    So now, I have to decide if I'm going to make a second batch of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly or move on to the Cheese Cocktail Cookies... an annual favourite. I might do that since I think I'll need more jars if I make more jelly.


    Jalapeno Pepper Jelly?? What
    Jalapeno Pepper Jelly?? What is that? I've never heard of that! Well...there are lots of things I haven't heard of...LOL I guess because many things we don't have from where I came from...such as Jalapeno Pepper....but how can a hot pepper be a jelly? How would you eat it once you opened a jar of jalapeno pepper jelly? Would you spread it on bread and eat it as a spread? o.O How about the cheese cocktail cookies? You have cheese in, and cocktail? Hmmm...*scratches her head* O.O
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    This animation is beautiful. I think it is open to so many interpretations. I was trying to relate it to the music. I have been thinking about it a little while since I saw it. I think it is about love lost, + I choose to believe it was a breakup. He regrets the breakup + relives the time he spent with her, including that he left her. She is not as defined because she is a memory. He is thinking back to his time with her. He realizes she was an angel + he made a BIG mistake in leaving her. He knows he won't get her back; he hurt her so bad. I wish I knew what the writer was trying to portray. Thanks Cheryl.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member

    That's what I found so magical about it, Kathy! It was real life imitating art, or art imitating real life. At the very end, when they show the credits, there were 4 dancers involved plus a choreographer. There was also a film animator and editor. So a Choreographer actually choreographed the dance and dancers danced it (probably two pairs)... so the animator would have had someone film it and then he/she would have taken all those movements and transfered them to animated drawings.

    I'm totally in awe that someone can come up with that kind of creativity and then follow through with it. So awesome! I think finds like this are real gems!

    Hugggggs Kathleen in HI... I so remember when you came on board and I knew you were one of the gang right from the start :) (not sure what one of "the gang" means but you know what I mean. :)

    Well, I am being a busy little domestic goddess (hahahahaha... now that's funny!). I've just finished making a batch of 7 small jars of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly and the lid are starting to pop, which tells me they are sealing (yayayaya). But I now have to run a load of laundry downstairs to the laundry room. I have about three loads of laundry to do, but I can only don 1 per day... 2 if I do another one tonight. But my feet and lower back can't take the going up and down two flights of stairs (3 times per load)... plus I'm cooking and baking today. Sheer torture :)

    So now, I have to decide if I'm going to make a second batch of Jalapeno Pepper Jelly or move on to the Cheese Cocktail Cookies... an annual favourite. I might do that since I think I'll need more jars if I make more jelly.


    Are you willing
    to share the recipe for the cheese cocktail cookies?
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    AnneCan said:

    Are you willing
    to share the recipe for the cheese cocktail cookies?

    Yes, I'll be more than happy to share the recipes :)

    Sharpy... Jalapeno Pepper Jelly is totally addictive. It is sweet and hot at the same time. It is wonderful on a cracker with a little bit of cream cheese then the jelly on top (you won't be able to stop eating them). It's also wonderful with beef, pork, chicken or fish.

    As for the Cheese Cocktail Cookies. The look like a cookie, but they are savoury, not sweet at all. The key ingredient is a tub of Imperial cold pressed Cheddar Cheese spread. I know you can buy it in Canada, but I'm not sure if it is available in the US... and if not, then what a similar brand would be.

    But, it is late and I have a publicity meeting with a radio station tomorrow morning, so what I will do is post the recipes sometime tomorrow, when I get home :)
