Should know this......blamimg chemo brain!

Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am pretty sure I should know this but cannot remember. I have a very dear friend who was diagnosed with BC yesterday. I do not have a lot of info yet, she is in the I don't want to talk about this right now stage. She had a biopsy and they told her it was very small and no lymph nodes were involved, can they tell this just from the biop. of the breast? Maybe it depends on the type of biop. I just did not know that till after surgery. Thanks for any info. God Bless
(((Hugs))) Janice


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Im sorry Janice
    I to have a friend whos been diagnosised this week. Hers were in the microcalcifications. She said they were not in the lymph nodes, buts she didnt have them bx. So how DO they(path) know? Hers is in situ, not even stagings all positive,er,pr her2. She buried her mother last month from bone mets after 28 yrs clear.
    Cancer sooo sucks. Will be watching ur posts to here an answer.
    Very sorry for your friend. Guess all we can do is be available if needed. Sister support. Katz
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Katz77 said:

    Im sorry Janice
    I to have a friend whos been diagnosised this week. Hers were in the microcalcifications. She said they were not in the lymph nodes, buts she didnt have them bx. So how DO they(path) know? Hers is in situ, not even stagings all positive,er,pr her2. She buried her mother last month from bone mets after 28 yrs clear.
    Cancer sooo sucks. Will be watching ur posts to here an answer.
    Very sorry for your friend. Guess all we can do is be available if needed. Sister support. Katz

    I am sorry for your friend
    I am sorry for your friend too. It sounds like she has had a really rough time. I was just wondering how they could know it is not in the nodes if they did not biopsy them. I will post more when I know more. I have told her I am here just to call when she is ready. God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Hi Janice,
    I don't know how

    Hi Janice,
    I don't know how they can be sure it's not in the nodes unless they biopsy them. When my mom was diagnosed, they told her they were confident it would not be in any nodes, because it was found at her annual mammogram, was so tiny that while they found the area on mammo, they could not locate it on ultrasound. Said it seemed to me Stage 1 IDC, less than 1/2 of a cm in size. Well, everyone was shocked, doctors especially, when at her lumpectomy one of her nodes tested positive for cancer during the sentinal node biopsy. They removed 12, I believe, and just the 1 was involved.
    I'm sorry your friend was diagnosed with this beast, and I pray that she will do well through her treatment.
  • KathyLQ
    KathyLQ Member Posts: 100
    It's still new to her, she may not understand what's next
    It’s possible your friend hasn’t explain her whole procedure to you… as to whether she had just a breast biopsy, or a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy at this point.

    Maybe your friend just meant all she had removed was the small tumor... which would have been sent to pathology, and so she knows she has BC... maybe she doesn't realize she'll be getting a lumpectomy and the sentinel node biopsy next.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    It's also possible that they
    It's also possible that they did not see nodes involved on the mammo, or ultrasound if an ultrasound was done. I have nodes involved, no surgery yet, but we know because they appeared on the mammo and ultrasound.

    Hope this helps,

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Hi Janice,
    I don't know how

    Hi Janice,
    I don't know how they can be sure it's not in the nodes unless they biopsy them. When my mom was diagnosed, they told her they were confident it would not be in any nodes, because it was found at her annual mammogram, was so tiny that while they found the area on mammo, they could not locate it on ultrasound. Said it seemed to me Stage 1 IDC, less than 1/2 of a cm in size. Well, everyone was shocked, doctors especially, when at her lumpectomy one of her nodes tested positive for cancer during the sentinal node biopsy. They removed 12, I believe, and just the 1 was involved.
    I'm sorry your friend was diagnosed with this beast, and I pray that she will do well through her treatment.

    I don't know that they can
    I don't know that they can know about her nodes unless they biopsy them too, like Heather said. Sending prayers for your friend.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    KathyLQ said:

    It's still new to her, she may not understand what's next
    It’s possible your friend hasn’t explain her whole procedure to you… as to whether she had just a breast biopsy, or a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy at this point.

    Maybe your friend just meant all she had removed was the small tumor... which would have been sent to pathology, and so she knows she has BC... maybe she doesn't realize she'll be getting a lumpectomy and the sentinel node biopsy next.

    I don't understand either
    I don't understand either how they could know if it is in her nodes or not without taking at least one. Are you sure she didn't have a lumpectomy already and has the path report?

    Or, maybe she is confused?

    Wishing her good luck,
