One and a half weeks into Chemo and Radiation

tinab1127 Member Posts: 18
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Well they have started my brother on his chemo and radiation last week. He already has terrible mouth sores and is eating very little. He has tried two different kinds of food for his feeding tube and both are not agreeing with him. He also has gone back to the doctor for dehydration. I am so nervous as this is only a week and a half into treatment and he just seems so terribly down.

He decided to take the extra weeks of radiation (before he started this) as he just cried and cried stating there was no way he could go through the surgery. I hate this as I have seen so many of you post of how well you are doing after having the surgery.

But the doctor stated that as of now they are looking at the fact that a lot of the patients that had the chemo and radiation first and then surgery was already 100% cancer free when the surgeon got in there. This I do very much hope is true.

Right now I guess the main concern is to keep him eating what little he can and finding the right supplemental food for his feeding tube.

Thanks everyone so far for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.



  • cmn412
    cmn412 Member Posts: 69
    IN my prayers

    I will keep you and your brother in my prayers.

    As I said before, I know how he feels. Tell him don't think about it. Just pray for strength one day at a time. Sometimes the mountain is just to big to look at. Just look at gound before you and take one step at a time. Today is big enough.

    I know it is hard to "just don't think about it" but in truth, what good comes from upsetting yourself over and over, wait till you have to cross that bridge to think about it.

    By the way there didn't find any cancer left when they went in to do the surgery. I had chemo and rad. first.

    God bless
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Chemo and radiation can be rough but it will help
    My husband was hospitalized twice during his pre-op treatment. Had trouble with dehydration and mouth and throat soreness. Dehydration can pull a patient down, and it is good he is getting hydration. I am so sorry he is upset about going through surgery. If the doctor is recommending it, we will pray for him to get the strength to undergo the surgery. My husband's scan following chemo/rad showed no signs of cancer; however, when the esophagus was removed and tested, cancer cells were found underneath the scar tissue. Our oncologist flatly and emphatically said, "That's the reason we do the surgery!" I've heard of some on this board not having the recommended surgery following their chemo/radiation, and the cancer returned. I have no idea what circumstances are affecting your brother, but I do know a person is considered "Lucky" under these bad circumstances if their doctors recommend surgery. There are no guarantees as to surgery outcomes; however, as I understand, if cancer cells are still present after the chemo/rad, the outcome is without recourse and irreversible. Keep encouraging him, and we will pray for his comfort and that he will make the best decision for him.
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