Drama in the chemo room

Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
After battling the snow (we've have OVER 3 FEET in past 3 days!), I made it to my chemo session. Halfway through mt carbo portion of my chemo, my palms starting really itching and then turned hot and the color of raspberries. Then the extreme itching started in my ears and then my feet and groin! They stopped the carbo drip and rushed and gave me additional steroids and benadryl into my central ine. It took probably 45 minutes to subside and of course they shut down the second half of my carbo drip and sent me home early. I'm hoping this won't mean that I can no longer use carboplatin. Has anyone else experienced this kind of allergic reaction? Oh, feeling no adverse effects today, just the regular chemo-like symptoms.
STILL snowing here........ Maria


  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    I'm wondering how many doses of carbo have you had to date and were you on a desensitized rate of infusion?

    I restarted Carbo in the spring of this year about one year after completing my inital 8 infusions of carbo. At the end of my 2nd infusion, which would have been my 10th Carbo infusion, I developed an allergic reaction. I started feeling very hot and my back was itchy. I went to the ladies room and saw my whole trunk area was bright red and traveling up my neck. The infusion was stopped but I had received most of it. It was decided I would not get anymore Carbo and would continue with Gemzar alone. I was already on a desensitized rate of infusion. I did read on here that some women were able to continue on Carbo after an alleric reaction.

    I still want to talk to my GYN oncologist about the prospect of using Carbo again. I'd even be willing to be admitted to the hospital for the infusion. Those two doses of Carbo gave me my biggest drop since my recurrence.

  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    My 13th infusion of cisplatin in February I had palms itching, face turning red, nausea and chest pains. I had already had the gemzar first with no reaction. Needless to say, quickly the EKG was brought in, chemo stopped, etc, etc. And to top it off it was on my 54th birthday and my sister had gone with me for the first time!

    I was taken off cisplatin and had to wear a bracelet with ALLERGIC on band everytime I went in to West Penn for treatments. I was kept on the gemzar and put on carbo.

    Was somewhat dramatic!

  • confuzzled
    confuzzled Member Posts: 21
    Oh dear
    I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better now.

    I too had an allergic reaction to the carbo portion of my treatment, only mine caused shortness of breath and my blood pressure shot up through the roof. They quit telling me what it was after it reach 154/120. I was almost done with the carbo drip and all of the sudden I just couldn't breathe. They hurried up and started me on steroids and benedryl, but I was still having trouble breathing so they put me in a wheelchair and rolled me over to the emergency room :( I go for my next gemzar/carbo treatment next week and I must admit that I am a tad bit nervous, even though they say they have a procedure to help with the reactions.