CT/PET results today: mets to the liver. 4 little spots. :(

lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Anyone have any encouraging words for me on a dark day? Please someone post and tell me you have liver mets that shrunk away with chemo or that linger without causing trouble!

They're small (only one slightly larger than a cm & 3 other tiny ones noted on the report that my gyne-onc couldn't even FIND on my scan images) but apparently my uterine cancer has now metasticized to my liver. That can't be good.

The CA125 I had last Monday just prior to my CT/PET was 290, significantly up from the 181 it was 2 weeks before. The scan showed that the Doxil DID work on the enlarged malignant lymph node under my arm which was much smaller and with much less SUV uptake. But the paraortic lymph node that keeps lighting up and then going away, was lit up again and a little bigger. Of course, it's the new liver mets that are the concern. This is the 1st time I've had a metastasis in a vital organ. My whole family is freaked out. ARGH! I knew this would cast a pall over Christmas. :(

My GYNE-onc is recommending I start carboplatin. I see my CHEMO-onc tomorrow afternoon for his recommendation and a treatment plan. I'm a little shell-shocked right now. THE GOOD NEWS I AM TRYING TO STAY FOCUSED ON is that I'm still symptom-free and if I hadn't had the CT/PET I would never even suspect that I had cancer, let alone liver mets. So if I still FEEL healthy, how much real trouble can I be in? RIGHT?? RIGHT??


  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    RIGHT! The carboplatin will
    RIGHT! The carboplatin will knock it right back down. The scans caught it early so you can fight.
    Never give up.
    Hugs, lots of encouragement and prayers for you!
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    In my liver too.
    Linda, I am right there with you. It is in my liver too. 1cm. I had about 4 spots in the abdomen area and 1 in my liver and the Doxil got the other spots but the one in the liver did not go away. It shrunk... but not very much. That is why my doctor wanted me to do 2 more infusions of the doxil in hoping it would shrink or kill it. I had 8 in total. But it stayed the same. At least it didn't grow. He put me on that Metformin pill and I have been taking it and actually I feel great. I don't know what or if it has helped. I am like you. I wouldn't even know I had cancer because I am sympton free too. I will get my PET/CT Scan on Dec 13 and on Dec 15 I will go to the doctor to get the results. I will keep you posted as to what happens. I almost wished that I didn't have to take the PET/Scan until after the holidays but due to the insurance... I don't want to do it in January.
    So... we both feel healthy.... WE ARE HEALTHY.... RIGHT!

    Hugs, Linda
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Oh Linda,
    this was not on your Chirtmas list, I'm sure!!! No words of wisdom, just prayers for peace in the midst of this storm, and strength to fight on when the storm has past. You are an amazing woman.
    Love you,
  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    BAH HUMBUG!!!!!
    Feeling well is HUGE! I truly believe that. There is so little that is in our control with this disease. If determination is all it took...well... we'd be better. How much carbo have you had and when did you last have Carbo?

    My CT is scheduled for next Friday. Not a PET/CT but a regular CT. A CT is the test required for my current clinical trial. I don't mind not having a PET scan. Sometimes it is nice to be in the dark!!

    You are right about keeping focused! What choice do we have?? I'm with you in spirit.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    feeling well
    I agree feeling well is huge!! I have metastasis in a vital organ that showed up Oct 09. Chemo has been able to keep my disease process stable and I feel very well also. My ONC says that symptom free is everything and I'm going with that! I'll be waiting to hear about your recommendation and treatment plan....... (((HUGS))) Maria
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Mwee said:

    feeling well
    I agree feeling well is huge!! I have metastasis in a vital organ that showed up Oct 09. Chemo has been able to keep my disease process stable and I feel very well also. My ONC says that symptom free is everything and I'm going with that! I'll be waiting to hear about your recommendation and treatment plan....... (((HUGS))) Maria

    I last had carbo March 2009, as a part of my carbo/taxol rounds.
    I am hoping I won't be platin resistant as I last had carboplatin on March 26, 2009, that last round of my initial carbo/taxol protocol. I'm curious to see if they want to fractionate the carboplatin into weekly infusions to help protect my bone marrow. (I had to have 3 blood transfusions and have a week's delay for each of the last 3 of my carbo/taxols back in late 2008/early 2009, with low RBC and low platelets).

    I see my chemo-oncologist this afternoon and should come home with a treatment plan. Guess who helped me come up with an alternate suggestion to make today? Our dear Saundra. I did a SEARCH on liver mets and Saundra's post about radio frequency ablation came up. (Saundra had radio frequency ablation when she had liver mets and they did not recur there for 2 years.) I Googled it and it looks VERY promising for liver mets. Check this out: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=rfa
    The article says it’s effective 85% of the time with small liver tumors like mine. The surgeon that did my port is the one who does this, and I will contact him directly if my chemo-onc poo-poos this idea. I'd like to do the ablation AND the carboplatin. I'll let you know if I still feel that way after my doctor visit. ("THANK YOU, SAUNDRA, MY TEAL-WINGED ANGEL!")

    I have my game face on today and am preparing for battle. Thanks, everyone!
  • upsofloating
    upsofloating Member Posts: 466 Member

    I last had carbo March 2009, as a part of my carbo/taxol rounds.
    I am hoping I won't be platin resistant as I last had carboplatin on March 26, 2009, that last round of my initial carbo/taxol protocol. I'm curious to see if they want to fractionate the carboplatin into weekly infusions to help protect my bone marrow. (I had to have 3 blood transfusions and have a week's delay for each of the last 3 of my carbo/taxols back in late 2008/early 2009, with low RBC and low platelets).

    I see my chemo-oncologist this afternoon and should come home with a treatment plan. Guess who helped me come up with an alternate suggestion to make today? Our dear Saundra. I did a SEARCH on liver mets and Saundra's post about radio frequency ablation came up. (Saundra had radio frequency ablation when she had liver mets and they did not recur there for 2 years.) I Googled it and it looks VERY promising for liver mets. Check this out: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=rfa
    The article says it’s effective 85% of the time with small liver tumors like mine. The surgeon that did my port is the one who does this, and I will contact him directly if my chemo-onc poo-poos this idea. I'd like to do the ablation AND the carboplatin. I'll let you know if I still feel that way after my doctor visit. ("THANK YOU, SAUNDRA, MY TEAL-WINGED ANGEL!")

    I have my game face on today and am preparing for battle. Thanks, everyone!

    Game on, Linda! 'Just
    Game on, Linda! 'Just another tricky day for you' as the song goes. Your current good health is a strong weapon for this new battle. I am so sorry you must deal with it during this festive season, but so good to have your family around as a strong support system. In additionyou have our collective positive thoughts going out to you. With so many of the newer targeted treatments available you have options. And being symptom-free is the best starting point.
    Hugs, Annie
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150

    Game on, Linda! 'Just
    Game on, Linda! 'Just another tricky day for you' as the song goes. Your current good health is a strong weapon for this new battle. I am so sorry you must deal with it during this festive season, but so good to have your family around as a strong support system. In additionyou have our collective positive thoughts going out to you. With so many of the newer targeted treatments available you have options. And being symptom-free is the best starting point.
    Hugs, Annie

    Go for it Linda!
    Follow your instincts! Drs know a lot, but we know our bodies, right? Here's praying for good news for you not only for Christmas but well afterwards. Regardless your love prevails and that's what makes every day a gift.

  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508

    I last had carbo March 2009, as a part of my carbo/taxol rounds.
    I am hoping I won't be platin resistant as I last had carboplatin on March 26, 2009, that last round of my initial carbo/taxol protocol. I'm curious to see if they want to fractionate the carboplatin into weekly infusions to help protect my bone marrow. (I had to have 3 blood transfusions and have a week's delay for each of the last 3 of my carbo/taxols back in late 2008/early 2009, with low RBC and low platelets).

    I see my chemo-oncologist this afternoon and should come home with a treatment plan. Guess who helped me come up with an alternate suggestion to make today? Our dear Saundra. I did a SEARCH on liver mets and Saundra's post about radio frequency ablation came up. (Saundra had radio frequency ablation when she had liver mets and they did not recur there for 2 years.) I Googled it and it looks VERY promising for liver mets. Check this out: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=rfa
    The article says it’s effective 85% of the time with small liver tumors like mine. The surgeon that did my port is the one who does this, and I will contact him directly if my chemo-onc poo-poos this idea. I'd like to do the ablation AND the carboplatin. I'll let you know if I still feel that way after my doctor visit. ("THANK YOU, SAUNDRA, MY TEAL-WINGED ANGEL!")

    I have my game face on today and am preparing for battle. Thanks, everyone!

    Boxing Gloves
    You go Linda. Put those boxing gloves on and fight like hell. I want to thank you for the info too. I am going to ask my doctor about the radio frequency abalation and see if I could try it too.

    Good Luck.... always praying.

  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Sorry you have to deal with this over the holidays.I just finished my sixth round of carbo/taxol and have not yet had a follow up ct/pet scan so I don't have advice for you but wanted to say you can deal with this and the fact that the scan found them while they are small is got to be good news .

    Good Luck
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Arrghhhh I am so sorry about
    Arrghhhh I am so sorry about this new information. I have no words of wisdom considering I'm just coming up on my 2nd chemo...so be a fighter and keep feeling good. Strength in that fact! Susan
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    you are courage
    In the time I've known you on these boards, you have redefined the meaning of courage. Your sensitivity and intelligence glow through each of your posts, whether you're feeling inspired or exasperated or giving out some of the sweetest cyberhugs ever. Can a stupid disease take such a buoyant spirit down? ((Linda)), I just don't think that's possible.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    Keep up your beautiful, positive attitude! And feeling healthy YES! that is great! I do too and make the most if it!!

    I will keep you in my prayers.

    Love you,
    Libby ☺
  • wendybill
    wendybill Member Posts: 84
    LPack said:


    Keep up your beautiful, positive attitude! And feeling healthy YES! that is great! I do too and make the most if it!!

    I will keep you in my prayers.

    Love you,
    Libby ☺

    Thinking of you...
    I am hoping for the best. I am thrilled that you continue to feel well. I hope this holiday you will be at peace and do all the things you enjoy while you gather information on what happens next. Hopefully this will be just another bump to deal with.

  • wendybill said:

    Thinking of you...
    I am hoping for the best. I am thrilled that you continue to feel well. I hope this holiday you will be at peace and do all the things you enjoy while you gather information on what happens next. Hopefully this will be just another bump to deal with.


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  • confuzzled
    confuzzled Member Posts: 21
    Good Thoughts
    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Liver Mets
    Dear Linda,

    My mom has 2 mets to the liver. I have a friend who's father has lived with HUGE tumors in his liver for over 18 months...The liver is a remarkable organ. Sometimes, I do think knowing more is a detriment. QOL, QOL....Since you have gone over a year without recurrance, that makes you not platinum receptive (yeah) therefore the carboplatin should knock the hell out of them. Since I have been on the boards, I have notice you have a remarkable spirit and keen intelligence. You can handle this. I am just sorry you have to. My mother told me that it's all an inside job, and to keep that strength.....Finally, do NOT let this CT/PET ruin your holidays, we've all been living with cancer for awhile now, if there is anything I have learned it is that it can't take fun and happiness away!! Much Love, Lisa
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Lisa13Q said:

    Liver Mets
    Dear Linda,

    My mom has 2 mets to the liver. I have a friend who's father has lived with HUGE tumors in his liver for over 18 months...The liver is a remarkable organ. Sometimes, I do think knowing more is a detriment. QOL, QOL....Since you have gone over a year without recurrance, that makes you not platinum receptive (yeah) therefore the carboplatin should knock the hell out of them. Since I have been on the boards, I have notice you have a remarkable spirit and keen intelligence. You can handle this. I am just sorry you have to. My mother told me that it's all an inside job, and to keep that strength.....Finally, do NOT let this CT/PET ruin your holidays, we've all been living with cancer for awhile now, if there is anything I have learned it is that it can't take fun and happiness away!! Much Love, Lisa

    As long as you feel good,
    As long as you feel good, you are good. Really, what else matters? On my best days, I often wonder if the whole cancer thing is a misdiagnosis......or a bad dream. I think what I resent the most is the way it has taken over every single aspect of my life. If I can say I feel great today, then that's a victory over cancer, in and of itself.

  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    you go girl
    From what i understand it is quite commen to met to the liver. My pet/ct scan showed 2 areas also very small to my abdominal lympe node and one on my abdominal aerota... so now i am starting over again with another 6 mo. of chemo. my second one this thursday. you keep the positive attitude and as you say,,,stay focused and stay strong,,,,,,,Val
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi Linda
    Being symptom free is a massive key to this disease. That is what I hear my oncologist and nurses talk about. If you feel well there can't be much untoward going on. The liver is an amazing thing as it can re-generate and I have heard of people having small spots on the liver that never grow any bigger.

    Csncer is such a bas****d because it takes all of our thoughts and feelings and makes us think that everything that happens to us is cancer. If you are feeling well then please try to enjoy it. Wait until you know something for sure and then you can realistically deal with it. CA125 of 290 is still not high.............(mine is 1028 I have mets in the lining of my lungs) so this is quite a good sign for you.

    Hope things go well for you, love Tina xx