New here...

effit Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, I'm Tawny. My mom got diagnosed with ovarian cancer on Nov 4th. She just turned 50 in April. As devastated as we all are, I'm planning on arming myself with the best info I can to help her through this.
She had a full hysterectomy on the 23rd of Nov with an appendectomy, removal of her omentum, and debulking. Got a porta-cath implanted, and is now home with a stage 3c diagnosis. She has her first "dose?" (not sure what term to use) this coming friday. She is going to be receiving carbo/taxol.
I've been reading through all these posts for a couple of weeks and must say, you ladies seem like a fabulous group of people. Thanks for all the knowledge, and support thus far.


  • Sorry you're here :(
    You have come to the right place, the ladies here rock! They are a fountain of knowledge and experience.
    My mum was diagnosed in May, she just had Her last chemo last Friday! Hooray. Mum has PPC (primary peritoneal cancer) we were told it was ovarian to start with until they did the surgery, it acts and is treated the same way.
    I am loving your attitude, what a great one to have, nice and positive , and wanting to know all you can to help your mum, good for you xxxxx
  • kellyh33
    kellyh33 Member Posts: 287
    Sorry you have to be here. It is a great source of information and support.
    My mom is having her 7th round of carbo/taxol today. I hope your mom does well on it. My Mom has except she has to make sure she stays on senokot so she doesn't get constipated. Please make sure your mom starts taking it a few days before her first chemo.
    My Mom is also 3C but the oncologist said all stages are treated the same so it doesn't really matter. Do you know what your Mom's CA 125 count was when she was diagnosed?
  • effit
    effit Member Posts: 12
    kellyh33 said:

    Sorry you have to be here. It is a great source of information and support.
    My mom is having her 7th round of carbo/taxol today. I hope your mom does well on it. My Mom has except she has to make sure she stays on senokot so she doesn't get constipated. Please make sure your mom starts taking it a few days before her first chemo.
    My Mom is also 3C but the oncologist said all stages are treated the same so it doesn't really matter. Do you know what your Mom's CA 125 count was when she was diagnosed?

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what her CA 125 was. I know they are doing another bit of blood work friday morning before chemo so we having a "jumping off point". I will find out then and let you know.
    Have any of you (daughters) done genetic testing? I'm getting mine done because my moms mom and dads mom both passed away from ovarian cancer, and my aunt had precancerous cells and got her ovaries removed. I'm 27, so I'd like to get it dealt with quickly. I heard here in Canada it takes a year to get results back.
  • effit said:

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what her CA 125 was. I know they are doing another bit of blood work friday morning before chemo so we having a "jumping off point". I will find out then and let you know.
    Have any of you (daughters) done genetic testing? I'm getting mine done because my moms mom and dads mom both passed away from ovarian cancer, and my aunt had precancerous cells and got her ovaries removed. I'm 27, so I'd like to get it dealt with quickly. I heard here in Canada it takes a year to get results back.

    Genetic testing.
    I am not sure what to do, it is the first case of ovarian /PPC cancer that anyone in our family has had, so it is not likely mum is brca positive, but that's not to say it is impossible. The NHS would not pay for us to have the test done as I only have one relative with this cancer, and it is very expensive otherwise.
    I also think it is not going to stop it if it is going to happen, I am really aware of the symptoms now.
    I Hope that they find a reliable test soon for women like us
    Be aware that even if you have your ovaries removed it could develop in to PPC. My mum had a hysterectomy years ago, they left her ovaries, it was our first question after diagnosis, if they had removed the ovaries would we be here now? The answer was yes as it develops into PPC, it turned out after surgery it was PPC anyway, so it really wouldn't have made any odds anyway.
    I am still unsure, sometimes I think pay for it, and other times I think what will be will be !!!!!!!!!!!
  • wendybill
    wendybill Member Posts: 84

    Genetic testing.
    I am not sure what to do, it is the first case of ovarian /PPC cancer that anyone in our family has had, so it is not likely mum is brca positive, but that's not to say it is impossible. The NHS would not pay for us to have the test done as I only have one relative with this cancer, and it is very expensive otherwise.
    I also think it is not going to stop it if it is going to happen, I am really aware of the symptoms now.
    I Hope that they find a reliable test soon for women like us
    Be aware that even if you have your ovaries removed it could develop in to PPC. My mum had a hysterectomy years ago, they left her ovaries, it was our first question after diagnosis, if they had removed the ovaries would we be here now? The answer was yes as it develops into PPC, it turned out after surgery it was PPC anyway, so it really wouldn't have made any odds anyway.
    I am still unsure, sometimes I think pay for it, and other times I think what will be will be !!!!!!!!!!!

    Genetic Testing
    I have had similar thoughts regarding the genetic testing. I have made a call to my GYN and have an appt in February to discuss it. My mom has had both breast CA and now OVCA. If I were to be positive, I would consider having my ovaries removed. Although PPC is a possibility regardless, my understanding is that it is rare. I'm probably not too far from menopause and if having the ovaries removed lessened the odds of getting this horrible disease, I would heavily consider it.

  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    effit said:

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what

    Thanks ladies.
    Not sure what her CA 125 was. I know they are doing another bit of blood work friday morning before chemo so we having a "jumping off point". I will find out then and let you know.
    Have any of you (daughters) done genetic testing? I'm getting mine done because my moms mom and dads mom both passed away from ovarian cancer, and my aunt had precancerous cells and got her ovaries removed. I'm 27, so I'd like to get it dealt with quickly. I heard here in Canada it takes a year to get results back.

    A sad welcome Effit. My
    A sad welcome Effit. My daughter is fifteen and when she gets older I will recommend that she get tested. That way she and her doctor can keep a close watch. My humble opinion is you should get tested....a positive result may make your doctor do scans or other proactive testing.
    It is good you are getting smart about OVCA....your Mom can rely on you for information. This board helped me a lot while I was in treatment. I got most remedies for side effects and questions to ask the doctor from all the ladies on this board. Ask any question...someone will have an answer!
    Prayers for you and your Mom,