Neuroblastoma and Fertility

Accalia Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Childhood Cancers #1
Hi. I'm Julie, neuroblastoma survivor. They found my tumor in 1976 when I was 6 months old and stopped moving my legs (I live with partial paralysis as a result of the cancer). I was on chemo/radiation for 2 years.

My husband and I are trying to have a child. When the natural way wasn't working, I had some tests done, and it happens that my AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) is low, which basically means I don't have a lot in ovarian reserves. Has any other neuroblastoma survivor experienced this? Any advice would be welcome.

Thank you!



  • BrianG
    BrianG Member Posts: 5
    I had a brain tummor removed at Childrens hospital of Philadelphia and they were not sure I could have a child but I did and he is turning 6 next mouth he does not live with me but I see him every other weekend. Looking for friends to talk to if your interested e mail me
  • Mel Mikulak
    Mel Mikulak Member Posts: 7
    Hi Julie,
    You should try

    Hi Julie,

    You should try posting your question to the N-Blast list on

    ACOR is the american cancer online resource and there will find 100s of parents of kids with NB + adults with NB or survivors who can answer your question.

    I wish you the best - and CONGRATs on being a survivor!! We know there's hope out there and you are the proof!

  • moonkai
    moonkai Member Posts: 4
    Hi Julie,
    I also had neuroblastoma. Mine was found at 6 weeks of age. Stage 4. I was told Id never have my own children. At 18 to my suprise ( HUGE one at that) I found out I was pregnant. He is now 10 and also has a 7 year old sister and a 20 month old brother :) Dont give up hope xox Miracles happen every day !Goodluck xo