Good news I think

JMulkey Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Mom and I went to the oncologist today. Her tumor markers with chemo only are down to 102, she's had two chemo's. They started at 770. So we are hoping and praying that the chemo will get it in remission before she even has surgery. The onc said the gyn/onc was very hesitant to do surgery on her because it might be 'unsurmountable'. But hopefully if they can get it under control the gyn/onc will change his mind. The onc did say today that the cancer was in the omentum, he could feel some of the tumors there. The ascites is almost completely gone. I'm really pumped about this number 102. Is this something that I should be excited about or not?


  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    It sounds like a significant drop in her cancer marker numbers for two chemos.
    Sounds like the chemo is working and doing it's thing.

    Good luck and hugs!
  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Oh yes be hopeful
    when we first met with the surgeon, he said he would not do surgery on my mother either as it was too widespread...After 3 rounds of chemo, it had reduced enough that they could go in and do a de-bulking...They did remove her omentum, but that's a very common place for the disease to go...So yes, I think hopeful is a very good thing...I also believe that a de-bulking is necessary so I moght push it a little with your doc and find out why if the tumors are shrinking, he won't do surgery?
  • grammy to bella
    grammy to bella Member Posts: 16
    ca 125 numbers
    Your mother's numbers sound remarkable. I think you are headed toward a successful surgery. Good luck and prayers.
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    The chemo alone will almost
    The chemo alone will almost certainly not result in a remission, but it sounds like it is definitely doing her some good. That's a huge decrease in just two treatments. I would get a second opinion, if the surgeon will not consider going ahead with the de-bulking. They can remove the omentum. That's a very common thing with OC.

    Keep us posted. We will all be praying for your mom.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    nice drop
    It looks like she is responding nicely to the chemo, which is always something to celebrate.
    (((HUGS)))) Maria