Is this normal behavior?

srwruns Member Posts: 343
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Right on schedule my hair has started to fall out 2 weeks post first chemo. I went and paid $60 for a darling pixie hair cut that will last what? 2 days, 3 days? Geez, I should have used it toward a wig, some scarves, hat...but but....Oh well, I did ask her if I would have to pay for the hair cut if when she went to blow dry it the hair all blew off. She said no, she wouldn't charge me if it blew off. It didn't, I paid....but she is the sweetest young woman and I hate that I won't see her for quite awhile. Oh well, marching on...


  • beth1465
    beth1465 Member Posts: 63 Member
    Get ready to just shave it

    Get ready to just shave it off. Believe me, you'll be ready. The hair falling out becomes such a mess you just want it gone. Being bald is not bad at all. So easy! I got tons of compliments on my scarves. I have a wig but I thought it was hot and itchy (my insurance paid for it, btw). I mean, I am glad my hair is growing back, but being bald was one of the very least of my concerns.

  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Hair vs. Wig
    My started falling out right on schedule too. I have two grandchildren that live with me that were 6 and 4 at the time. I decided to have my daughter to shave my head and we let the kids take part. They thought that was pretty funny. Losing the hair didn't bother me like it does some. I really like being able to grab the wig and just go. It sure doesn't take long to get ready.

    I hated losing my eyelashes the worst. They take so long to grow back. And it makes me look sick without mascara. I never did try the false eyelashes but if I lose them again.... I think I might try that.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    Pixie girl
    I'll bet it looks adorable and you deserve the cut. My scalp tingled and kinda inched while my hair was falling out and I used Scalpicin (sp?) and it helped me. I also found some brow makeup that made me feel better.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    Mwee said:

    Pixie girl
    I'll bet it looks adorable and you deserve the cut. My scalp tingled and kinda inched while my hair was falling out and I used Scalpicin (sp?) and it helped me. I also found some brow makeup that made me feel better.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    My hair also started coming out big time, like clockwork at 2 weeks after my first chemo of taxol/carbo. It started coming out in clumps. I waited alitle while and then had it shaved.

    I got a wig, and wear scarves at home as my scalp gets irritated a lot. It is still irritated even tho' my last chemo was 4-1/2 weeks ago. My scalp gets irritated both when hair comes out and tries to grow back.

    I stopped wearing mascara, so as to try to salvage what eyelashes I could and just wore eyeshadow.

    I figure I will be wearing wigs for a very long time! :)
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Mwee said:

    Pixie girl
    I'll bet it looks adorable and you deserve the cut. My scalp tingled and kinda inched while my hair was falling out and I used Scalpicin (sp?) and it helped me. I also found some brow makeup that made me feel better.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Good info, my scalp has been
    Good info, my scalp has been bothering me too, figured it was the whole hair loss process. Mine tingles some but feels mainly "tight". Yeah the whole eyebrow, eyelash thing squicks me out more than the hair. Until I started this whole thing I didn't know about the eyebrow/lashes...I figured it out when I was looking at a web site selling wigs and hats and saw a whole tab on paste on eyebrows...then it all clicked...the fun never ends!
  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    hair loss
    My husband just shaved my head yesterday. the night before i could't sleep and found a lot of hair on my pillow, my head hurt also. It was time. I did cry for awhile, as my hair was just starting to grow back. I have wigs and several hats and scarves so i dug them out. Also my dr office has chemo caps made by a lovely lady. If i get cold at night i put on my cap
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    srwruns said:

    Good info, my scalp has been
    Good info, my scalp has been bothering me too, figured it was the whole hair loss process. Mine tingles some but feels mainly "tight". Yeah the whole eyebrow, eyelash thing squicks me out more than the hair. Until I started this whole thing I didn't know about the eyebrow/lashes...I figured it out when I was looking at a web site selling wigs and hats and saw a whole tab on paste on eyebrows...then it all clicked...the fun never ends!

    I lost every single hair on
    I lost every single hair on my body. The upside is that you don't have to shave for a long time.
  • Sandy10
    Sandy10 Member Posts: 80
    My hair also fell out right on que. All of my hair fell out. I didn't have to shave ANYWHERE while I was on chemo.eye lashes and brows included. I had very thick long hair. It went down to just above my butt. Before it started to fall out, I went to a salon that worked with lock of love and had them cut it very short.I then donated it to the locks of love. I did cry for just a few minutes after it was done. It made me feel better to know that some good came of it. Somewhere out there someone is wearing my hair. :) I didn't wear wigs or hats because my scalp was so sensitive. I just rocked the baldness!!! I even bought a t shirt that said "bald is the new sexy." Since chemo took so much out of me ( I had IP chemo and IV chemo) I was glad that I didn't have to spend what little energy I did have on taking care of my hair. My last chemo was 5 months ago and my hair is growing back!! I DID miss it soo much!! I swore I would NEVER say "I hate my hair" EVER AGAIN!! there will be no such thing as a bad hair day for me ever agian either. LOL :)A lot of people have said that they think my hair looks great short but I plan on growing it long again as long as i stay with NED. Keep smiling!!! I just kept saying to myself "it's just hair, it will grow back." I also thought i would GLADLY stay bald forever if it ment that the cancer would never come back. :)OH, if it were only that easy huh? :)

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    I have just had my hair cut really short in preparation for it all falling out. This will be the second time. Last time my husband shaved it and my scalp was sore and tender and I didn't like the stubble. So this time I have opted to have it cut really short and as it comes out it will just thin and not look too bad.

    Tina x